11/6/18Los Angeles Unified School District:SouthEastHigh School
School SLC Impact Report
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Small Learning Communities
School SLC Impact Report
submitted to
Los Angeles Unified School District
11/6/18Los Angeles Unified School District:SouthEastHigh School
School SLC Impact Report
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Small Learning Communities
School SLC Impact Report
submitted to
Los Angeles Unified School District
II. Cover Sheet
Name of School:SouthEastHigh School
Location Code:8881
School SLC Contact
Name:Latasha Buck
Title:Literacy Coach
Mailing Address:2720 Tweedy Boulevard, South Gate, CA 90280
11/6/18Los Angeles Unified School District:SouthEastHigh School
School SLC Impact Report
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Small Learning Communities
School SLC Impact Report
- School SLC Impact Report Routing Sheet...... 1
- Cover Sheet...... 2
- Table of Contents...... 3
- Areas of School Impact...... 4
- School-wide Summary of SLC Design Proposals...... 4
- Planning and Organization...... 9
- Space...... 14
- Time...... 19
- Staffing...... 24
- School-wide Programs and Activities...... 25
- Student Choice...... 32
- Community Resources/Partnerships...... 33
- Alterations to Facilities Proposed...... 37
- School Technical Assistance Checklist...... 38
- Acknowledgements ...... 39
11/6/18Los Angeles Unified School District:SouthEastHigh School
School SLC Impact Report
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Small Learning Communities
School SLC Impact Report
IV. AREAS of School Impact
- School-wide Summary of SLC Design Proposals
The following chart summarizes all small learning communities as described in each SLC Design Proposal for the school. Complete the chart below providing description of the SLCs and respective maximum student enrollments. Outline the proposed strategies and plan of action that have been described in greater detail within each SLC Design Proposal. Include a brief justification for the proposed strategies/plan of action. Expand the list of SLCs as appropriate.
Summary of Small Learning CommunitiesNo. / SLC Name / Description / Maximum Student Enrollment
1 / Architecture & EngineeringUniversityAcademy (AEUA) / The Architecture and EngineeringAcademy will provide a rigorous education that prepares students for successful leadership roles. Students in this academy will take classes that will prepare them for higher education and future careers in architecture and engineering. The courses in this academy will develop problem-solving skills, and special emphasis will be placed on the roles of science and mathematics as underpinnings of the fields of architecture and engineering through technology. / 500
2 / Business and FinanceUniversityAcademy (BFUA) / The Business and FinanceUniversityAcademy is an SLC that offers a rigorous, standards-based and goal-oriented curriculum to students with an interest in careers in the business and finance sector. This small learning community, in cooperation with parents, and community partners, prepares students for post-secondary work as well as a foundation for their life interests. The academy offers students an on-going, sequential standard-based curriculum that fulfills the A-G requirements of the universities. / 350
3 / CaliforniaUniversityAcademy (CUA) / In the CaliforniaUniversityAcademy, students will learn to become leaders in the field of public policy, focusing on environmental issues, public health concerns, and our multicultural society. / 300
4 / Justice and Law
UniversityAcademy (JLUA) / Teachers of Justice and LawUniversityAcademy have designed a small learning community dedicated to exposing students to careers in the legal, law enforcement, public services and the safety professions. Our priorities for this academy is to graduate students who are prepared for college and career opportunities by helping them envision the future and acquire high academic and career skills. The program will also emphasize community involvement, instilling the values of integrity, leadership, service and commitment. / 550
5 / Technology & MediaUniversityAcademy (TMUA) / This academy will serve ninth through twelfth grade students interested in career fields of technology or media. The Technology and Media University Academy (TMUA) will follow a thematic approach, where all subjects are taught with the integration of technology and media to give real world experiences to make instruction relevant and tangible to students. The focus is to prepare students for college and careers through a rigorous academic standard-based program. The use of technology and media in design, production, and projects are emphasized. / 600
6 / Visual and Performing ArtsUniversityAcademy (VAPA) / Throughout history, societies and cultures have been defined through the arts. It is therefore the mission of the South East High School Visual and Performing Arts University Academy to identify and nurture the artistic instincts within every one of our academy members. Our aim is to provide a holistic education by combining a rigorous academic curriculum with a variety of artistic disciplines. / 550
SLC #1: Architecture and EngineeringUniversityAcademy
- Underlying Strategies and Plan of Action:
Teachers in the Architecture and EngineeringAcademy will collaborate to construct a rigorous and enriching academic program that will foster a sense of community and prepare students for success in college and the workforce. The academy will strive to incorporate architecture and engineering concepts into a comprehensive curriculum that builds new knowledge and skills and is relevant to the world in which students live.
- Justification for These Strategies and Actions:
In order to succeed in the 21st century workplace, it is essential for students to be equipped with critical thinking and problem-solving skills and to be familiar with up-to-date technology. While this expertise will provide a critical foundation for success in the fields of architecture and engineering, the knowledge and skills acquired in the Architecture and EngineeringAcademy will provide students with a foundation for success in many different fields and for productive and rewarding lives as educated citizens. Building an awareness of the world they live in will empower students to become active contributors to their own communities.
- Date Approved by the School SLC Team: April 2005
SLC #2: Business and FinanceUniversityAcademy
- Underlying Strategies and Plan of Action:
Teachers in the Business and FinanceUniversityAcademy collaborate in the effort to construct a rigorous and enriching academic program that will foster a sense of community and will prepare students for college. The BFUA will strive to incorporate a curriculum that builds new knowledge and skills upon prior knowledge and helps students find relevancy to their world. Business and finance skills are essential to all people who wish to be successful in the 21st Century.
- Justification for These Strategies and Actions:
Knowledge of business and finance skills will build self-confidence and strong capabilities which will assure our students success in their careers and personal lives. Our students can be best prepared for post-secondary education and careers through a well-designed academy curriculum. This curriculum will prepare our students for many different professions and to achieve productive and rewarding lives as educated citizens.
- Date Approved by the School SLC Team: April 2005
- SLC #3: CaliforniaUniversityAcademy
- Underlying Strategies and Plan of Action:
Teachers in the CaliforniaUniversityAcademy will collaborate in an effort to construct an enriching environment that promotes the academic, social, ethical and leadership development of students through a rigorous educational program in order to build new knowledge and skills that help students practice responsible and effective citizenship in the state in which they live. The Academy’s focus on Public Policy in the areas of health, the environment and multiculturalism is in response to student passion and interest. It is the faculty’s hope that by pursuing these interests we will ignite motivation and relevance in learning.
- Justification for These Strategies and Actions:
The CaliforniaUniversityAcademy’s courses will allow students to become familiarized with their contemporary world through historical analysis of both the individuals and societies that have shaped our state. The Academy’s emphasis on public policy will allow students to attain an ever important foundation in various professions from which students can achieve rewarding lives and responsibly participate in our multicultural and political society.
- Date Approved by the School SLC Team: June 2007
SLC #4: Justice and LawUniversityAcademy
- Underlying Strategies and Plan of Action:
The Justice and LawUniversityAcademy will create a rigorous academic environment that encourages its students to view social, economic and political realities in ways that empower each of them to achieve their highest potential.
Through our interdisciplinary projects in core subjects as well as emphasis on community service, The Justice and LawUniversityAcademy helps students build strong literacy and critical and analytical thinking skills.In the Justice and LawUniversityAcademy, social justice themes are woven throughout the college preparatory curriculum. The SouthEastHigh School schedule allows for longer blocks of time for students to work on projects and to participate in activities both in and out of school.
- Justification for These Strategies and Actions:
Throughout our lives, questions about identity and concerns over fairness and equity affect each of us. For young people, these issues take center stage in their cognitive, moral and emotional development. This academy will allow students to continuously explore academic and social issues. It will also develop individuals who will be productive and lead rewarding lives as educated citizens.
- Date Approved by the School SLC Team: April 2005
SLC #5: Technology and MediaUniversityAcademy
- Underlying Strategies and Plan of Action:
The Technology and MediaUniversityAcademy will work with all stakeholders to achieve student success. We plan to create a family atmosphere between academy parents, students, teachers, and administration. The academy will provide opportunities for academy students to meet the Expected Schoolwide Learning Results by maintaining a rigorous curriculum that supports technology industry-standard specifications, California Career-Technical Education Standards, and the California State Content Standards. We will establish a curriculum in articulation with local colleges and expose students to the various technological or media-related collegiate majors and careers. Through partnerships, the academy will open doors of opportunity in technological and media-related fields.
- Justification for These Strategies and Actions:
Every opportunity should be given to students to achieve academic and social success. Student knowledge and effort should be rewarded with not only high school credits, but college credits and the opportunity for gainful employment.
- Date Approved by the School SLC Team: April 2005
SLC #6: Visual and Performing UniversityAcademy
- Underlying Strategies and Plan of Action:
The heart of the program is a combination of arts and academic work that we call "Education Through the Arts" which is evident through our elective courses as well as our core. We believe that in the process of becoming an artist every aspect of a young person is engaged, and that the habits of mind and heart that are developed in that process will serve them well all their lives, no matter what their ultimate career.
- Justification for These Strategies and Actions:
Focus on the arts helps students not only develop their self, but also allows them to become aware of other cultures through art. In the course of their artistic training at SouthEastHigh School a young artist has to understand the history and tradition of his discipline, seeing himself as one in a long line of artists. They have to master the skills required to reach a high technical standard. They must take responsibility for their work and commit themselves to an ongoing, indeed, life-long, process of learning. They must find a way to communicate and work well with others - their teachers, peers, and the public - as well as being able to work alone. They need to be imaginative and open to new ideas and circumstances. They must be willing to act on what they know, turning their knowledge into work in the world that they are willing to have judged. They must be comfortable with the risks and failures that are necessary for high achievement. Finally, students must have the gift of desire, of wanting something so much that they are willing to work long and hard to achieve their goals, supported by the courage of their own convictions.
- Date Approved by the School SLC Team:April 2005
11/6/18Los Angeles Unified School District:SouthEastHigh School
School SLC Impact Report
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Small Learning Communities
School SLC Impact Report
IV. AREAS of School Impact
2. Planning and Organization
A.Timeline for rollout of SLCs. The following chart summarizes the expected rollout of all SLCs at the school by track. Some SLCs on campus are already in place and therefore will not have an expected date of initiation. The school will also document the expected date by which each SLC will be in full operation with all structures, strategies and resources in place.
Small LearningCommunity Name / Traditional or
Track(s) Served
(A, B, and/or C) / Timeline
Already Initiated
(Yes/No) / Expected Date of SLC Initiation
(month/year) / Expected Date for a Fully Developed SLC
Architecture & EngineeringUniversityAcademy / Traditional / Yes / September 2005 / September 2008
Business & FinanceUniversityAcademy / Traditional / Yes / September 2005 / September 2008
CaliforniaUniversityAcademy / Traditional / Yes / September 2005 / September 2008
Justice & LawUniversityAcademy / Traditional / Yes / September 2005 / September 2008
Technology & MediaUniversityAcademy / Traditional / Yes / September 2005 / September 2008
Visual & Performing ArtsUniversityAcademy / Traditional / Yes / September 2005 / September 2008
Small Learning Communities
School SLC Impact Report
IV. AREAS of School Impact
2. Planning and Organization
B.Number of SLCs per Track. For year-round schools, the chart below summarizes the total number of SLCs offered at the school by the calendar schedule.
Number of SLCs / Total Number of SLCsTrack A / N/A
Track B / N/A
Track C / N/A
Small Learning Communities
School SLC Impact Report
IV. AREAS of School Impact
2. Planning and Organization
C.Configuration of Design Teams. Identify design teams for the various SLCs on campus in the chart below. For year-round schools, the school will separate teams for the various tracks, such that if a SLC theme is on multiple tracks, the team for each track will be documented separately.
Small LearningCommunity Name / Design Team Members
Name / Title/Position
Architecture & EngineeringUniversityAcademy / Rudy Castro / Lead Teacher
Miguel Saenz / Assistant Principal
Jesse Bustamante / Teacher
Sue Andres / Teacher
Linda de Leon / Counselor
Business & FinanceUniversityAcademy / Mike Levin / Lead Teacher
Maria Sotomayor / Assistant Principal
Martha Velasco / Counselor
Rhian Donadelle / Teacher
Torray Johnson / Teacher
James Reno / Teacher
CaliforniaUniversityAcademy / Terrance Vorwald / Lead Teacher, CUA SLC
Julia Chung / Assistant Principal
Roger Wolfe / Teacher
Carlos Ramirez / Teacher
Martha Velasco / Counselor
Oscar Banda Galindo / Student
Justice & LawUniversityAcademy / Janie Long / Lead Teacher
Yvette Serrano / Teacher
Glenda Watanabe / Teacher
Maria Sotomayor / Assistant Principal
Ralph Esparza / Counselor
Technology & MediaUniversityAcademy / Devery Rodgers / Lead Teacher
John Landa / Teacher
David Eng / Teacher
Judith Gutierrez / Counselor
Miguel Saenz / Assistant Administrator
Visual & Performing ArtsUniversityAcademy / Patricia Emmett-Chavez / Lead Teacher
Jenise Gragera / Teacher
Maria Che / Teacher
Anthony Islas / Teacher
Maria Rivera-Contreras / Counselor
Julia Chung / Assistant Administrator
11/6/18Los Angeles Unified School District:SouthEastHigh School
School SLC Impact Report
Page 1 of 40
Small Learning Communities
School SLC Impact Report
IV. AREAS of School Impact
Planning and Organization
D.Dispute/Conflict Resolution Plan. Explain in the space below how your team will resolve decision disputes and negotiate conflicting resource needs.
The UTLA Contract will guide SouthEastHigh School’s actions for dispute and conflict resolution; however, the following protocol will be used to address those areas of resolution not covered in the UTLA Contract:
Facilities and Resources for each SLC:
Facilities and resources will be distributed equally and reasonably amongst all SLCs while taking into consideration any educational program needs. The principal will finalize this planning after consulting with the SLC lead teachers, the UTLA Chapter Chair, and the SLC administrators.
Complaint Procedure for each SLC:
1. If a faculty member claims that SouthEastHigh School is not complying with the SLC plan with regard to facility use or resources, that person must request an informal meeting with the SLC Complaint Panel within five days. The SLC Complaint Panel will consist of each of the SLC lead teachers, the UTLA chapter chair, a School Site Council parent representative, and the principal. In situations pertaining to student matters, the student body president or a student designee may be asked to join the SLC Complaint Panel. All efforts will be made to swiftly resolve the matter.
2. If the concern is not resolved at the informal stage, the complainant must file a written letter of complaint within three days to the principal and the UTLA chapter chair. These parties will have the authority to examine relevant documents, to investigate further, and to decide the claim, which will be final and binding. The principal and the UTLA chapter chair will also determine when the outcome of the decision will take effect.
11/6/18Los Angeles Unified School District:SouthEastHigh School
School SLC Impact Report
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