School of Interactive Arts + Technology
Graduate Student Association

General Meeting Agenda -- Surrey Room3700 (SIAT Social Space)–Jan 25, 2017, 2:30 – 4:00p.m.

Meeting Minutes (Draft)


Aynur Kadir, Natalie Funk, Jeremy Turner, Mayra Barrera, Alex Kitson, Michael Nixon, Elgin McLaren, Katerina Stepanova, Frederico Machuca, Ozge Nilay Yalgin, Ann Chou, Jo Shin, Reese Muntean, Junwei Sun, Yuyao Wu, Abhishek Patra

  1. Call to Order
  2. The meeting was called to order at 2:40pm in rm 3700 (SIAT social space).
  3. Appointment of Chair
  4. Alex Kitson acting as chair
  5. Appointment of Secretary
  6. Michael Nixon acting as secretary
  7. Approval of Agenda
  8. BIRT that agenda is approved.
  9. Motion passes unanimously.
  10. Approval of Minutes
  11. BIRT that Nov GM minutes are approved.
  12. Motion passes unanimously
  13. New Business
  14. Reports
  15. President
  16. Vice-President
  17. Treasurer’s Report
  18. Moved to award Aynur Kadir the Fall 2016 Travel Award
  19. Motional passes as per XI.a with Aynur abstaining
  20. Reimburse Michael Nixon for tea/coffee from Blendz for today’s meeting ($82.53)
  21. Motion passes as per XI.b, with Michael abstaining.
  22. Secretary
  23. Discusses Chantal’s writing workshop (7 attended), future classroom management skills workshop
  24. Students request public speaking workshop – discussion of APEX offerings, potential of hosting one at Surrey campus, project management workshop, dealing with different personalities (Business has this)
  25. Communications Officer
  26. In absence of Jill, Michael discusses the development of new website (blog format probably)
  27. GPC Representatives
  28. White board/calendar/corkboard in SIAT Social Space
  29. Work with Chris and Steve t o determine what might be the most useful workshops
  30. Fund programming support (like TA position)
  31. When do they need to be held?
  32. What is the content?
  33. Language specific
  34. It’s not computational thinking
  35. What is the best way to arrange the logistics?
  36. SIAT research wiki in past
  37. Slack channel to get one­on­one help or generate interest in a workshop
  38. Elgin setup during meeting!
  39. Alex will circulate to students
  40. Potential models & resources:
  41. Digital humanities summer institute in Victoria (May and June)
  42. CDM has bootcamps in summer
  43. Send input to Steve on supervisor/student guidelines
  44. IP issues, paper authorship, funding expectations
  45. Discussed Travel & Research minor awards application process
  46. You can only apply once a term (Oct 15 & Feb 15)
  47. GPC protest to Dean of Grad Studies the current model of applying for travel awards is unfair to grad students
  48. GSS Councillors
  49. Sexual Violence and Misconduct Prevention, Education and Support ­ Draft Policy Provide input by Jan 31 @
  50. TSSU Stewards
  51. All other business
  52. Elect Social Organizer
  53. Motion to approve Frederico Machuca as acclaimed Social Organizer for 1 year.
  54. Motion passess unanimously
  55. Party Planning
  56. Nilay and Aynur are planning to host a party Feb 3.
  57. Michael moves to allocate up to $200 to this event
  58. Alex seconds
  59. Motion passes unanimously
  60. Discussion of possible “Robots & Wine” event w/ Mechatronics
  61. Elgin will reach out
  62. Discussion of possible CDM hackathon / jam
  63. Mixer in the Hanger?
  64. Picha-kucha introduction?
  65. Elect Alternate GSS Councillor
  66. Motion to approve Ozge Nilay Yalcin as acclaimed Alternate GSS Councillor for 1 year.
  67. Motion passess unanimously
  68. Announcements
  69. Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm
  70. Financial Motions Summary
  71. Motion to grant Aynur Kadir $200 from Core Caucus Funds.
  72. Mayra moved it
  73. Reese seconded it
  74. Motion passes with Aynur abstaining
  75. Motion to grant Michael Nixon $82.53 from Core Caucus Funds.
  76. Mayra moved it
  77. Alex seconded it
  78. Motion passes with Michael abstaining