Name:Mr. Billante


Period: 7Room 224

Research Assignment


  1. The student will select a topic from the “Research Topic List” on which to complete an Outline.
  2. The student will write down the topic on the “Research Assignment Worksheet” and give it to the teacher. The student should include their top three choices. This is to ensure only one person chooses a particular topic.
  3. The student will complete a research paper describing their topic.

a)It must be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins.

b)It must be at least four pages but no longer than six pages.

c)It must have a reference list, documenting the sources.

d)Include a section discussing what you think or what you learned about your topic.

  1. The student will complete anOutline describing the life/history and significant contributions of your topic. Your Outline should meet the following requirements.

e)It must be typedwith one-inch margins.

f)It must be one page (front and back) in length.

  1. The student will do a 5 to 7 minute presentation for the class regarding your topic.
  2. The student will create five multiple choice questions that may be used for the final exam for the class. The questions will be typed and turned in after the student does their presentation.

Grading System:

Every student’s research assignment will be graded out of 100 points. This assignment is worth 20% of yourgrade.

Research done in the Library10 points

(Show sources)

Research Paper50 points

Reference List5 points

Outline 10 points

Presentation20 points

Exam Questions5 points

The Research Papers and Presentations will be graded on accuracy of topic discussed and on the quality of the presentation.

Due dates:

Research Paper______



Exam Questions______

Late papers will be penalized 5 points per each day for every school day the assignment is late.

No papers will be accepted after Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Name:Mr. Billante


Period: 7Room 224

Research Assignment Worksheet

Research Topic Selected:

1st Choice:

2nd Choice:

3rd Choice:

Source #1:

Source #2:

Source #3:

Source #4:

Source #5:

Astronomy: Research Topic List

  1. Isaac Newton
  2. Albert Einstein
  3. Galileo Galilie
  4. Speed of light
  5. Nicolaus Copernicus
  6. Johannes Kepler
  7. Tycho Brahe
  8. Black Holes and Quasars
  9. Caroline Herschel
  10. Steven Hawking
  11. Louis de Broglie
  12. Archaeoastronomy
  13. Edmond Halley
  14. Jupiter and it’s Moons
  15. George Gamow
  16. Carl Sagan
  17. Henrietta Swan Leavitt
  18. Galaxies
  19. Aristotle
  20. Ptolemy and the Ptolemaic universe
  21. HeinrichOlbers
  22. Edwin Hubble
  23. Maria Mitchell
  24. Life and Death of Stars
  25. Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
  26. Benjamin Banneker
  27. Big Bang Theory
  28. Giordano Bruno
  29. Compare Venus and Mars
  30. Compare Jupiter and Saturn
  31. George Airy
  32. Asteroids, Meteors and Comets
  33. James Clerk Maxwell
  34. Dark Matter
  35. Annie Jump Cannon