Meeting minutes – Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Members attending: Tom Nixon, Mack Miller, Jim Dawson, Kay Mungarndee, Dave Brookmire, Kumar Choudhuri, Sunil Choudhuri, Lisa Goodman, Sandy Weaver Carmen, Rush Netterville, Vahn Wagner, Richie Deason, Lisa Kiplinger, Charlene Anderson, Mike Hilgers, Judi Rogers, Judy Anderson.
New Member: Hannah Shalanski
Guest: June Cline, professional speaker/trainer who will lead a workshop with the club on October 30 entitled “The ROI of LOL”
Sergeant at Arms – Sunil Choudhuri welcomed everyone with the exciting news that he had to drag himself away from studying for a test at Ga Tech; only a Presidents Club meeting could make him abandon his studies.
Invocation and pledge led by Jim Dawson who gave us a poem about falling in love and freedom
Business Meeting – lead by President Richie Deason
- Reminder of the education/5th Wed meeting that will feature guest workshop by June Cline on how to develop your own humorous style. Meeting will be at Cobb Government center so invite friends and colleagues.
- Distinguished Club Goals – we think we have attained 6 out of nine. Members will continue to be needed as we would like to be back up to 32 or 35 people again.
- No other new business or old business. Business meeting concluded at 7:09 pm
Toastmaster: Lisa Goodman, also serves as our District Secretary, introduced the helpers:
Joke master – Mike Hilgers [Hormones make you want to send you kids away]
Videographer – Sunil Choudhuri
Ah Counter – Kay Mungarndee
Vote Counter - Kumar Choudhuri
Timer – Dave Brookmire
Grammarian – Richie Deason – word of the day: Infatuation [six people used the word of the day in their comments or speeches]
Table Topics Master – Mike Hilgers – Theme of the meeting “It’s a great time of year to fall… in love! What do you love?”
Hannah: “What do you love about family?” New member, Hannah shared with us that she loves being gathered with family especially in the fall and especially for Thanksgiving. There are all the great smells of cooking and the sound of football. Everyone enjoys each other as company.”
Sunil: “What do you love about pie (not pi )?” In high school they used to have pie day. It was a favorite day for me because I love pie. People would bring in their favorite pie so you would have everything from kidney pie (not good) to pecan pie and every culture was represented. I loved pie day especially since it did not involve math.
Charlene: “What smell do you love?” I love the smell of roasting chicken in the oven. I just returned from France where I lived my dream of cooking in a real French kitchen. I went to the butcher and got a fresh chicken – he had to cut off the head/neck – rubbed it with fresh rosemary and herbs from the kitchen garden outside the chateau. The smell of the whole chicken slow roasting filled the house while we all drank wine. – Bon appétit!
Jim Dawson: “What do you love about the Mars Rover program?” – I love that the Mars Rover program has come to fruition in my life time and we are starting to see and learn about what it has discovered now that the information has started coming back. There may be some who don’t believe that the data is really from Mars but they belong with the people who still believe the earth is flat. Well we know that Mars is round because we can see it.
All the table topics speakers qualified.
Prepared speeches:
LISA KIBLINGER: Speech project 3 – competent communicator manual – time 5 to 7 min. speech title: Type 2 and You
Lisa is passionate about reaching people who are at risk of diabetes and teaching them how to prevent it from taking hold in their lives. She conducted a little test with the audience that identified some of the risk indicators for developing the disease, such as age, gender, BMI. She then gave us three steps to take in order to protect against developing the disease. These are be active, be aware of your diet/watch your weight, and be aware of unhealthy behaviors that increase your risks of developing diabetes, such as smoking. Her conclusion called us all to action to protect ourselves and be smarter about the risks of diabetes.
SANDY WEAVER CARMEN: Advance manual – The Entertaining Speaker: The Entertaining Speech – 5 to 7 minutes speech title: “Game On!”
[Sandy’s speech was the opening and closing speech segments to a longer workshop on Social Media – the first section laid out the fear people have of using social media; the second part was a closing summation for the workshop that was designed to launch the audience into the social media environment with greater confidence in their skills]
Even though the internet was invented 33 years ago, the greatest and widest usage has developed only recently with advent of Google. As small business leaders we must make ourselves available and accessible online. Best way to do that is through the tools of social media. It is Portable, Entertaining, and Useful. Sandy’s workshop is designed to teach novice, first time adventurers into social media how to make a pod cast and what to do with it. Conclusion was that using pod casts women who run small businesses can put themselves in front of clients and customers by putting your business online. “Watch your business grow…then it will be Game On!”
RUSH NETTERVILLE: Advanced Manual Speeches by Management – The Technical Speech – Time 8 – 10 minutes; Title: How Virtual Communication Improves our Lives
Your team is given a project that has to be managed and completed within a time frame and across various time zones – how can you lead the team to success? Rush took us through the development and use of virtual media and communication tools such as video conferencing, cloud connecting to share documents and collaborate. Virtual communication can add a level of feedback, accountability and responsibility. It allows you as leader to check in on the team progress, provide feedback and manage challenges.
TOM NIXON: Advanced Manual – Storytelling. Time 10 – 12 minutes; Title “The Vomit”
Tom’s original story told us about falling in love with the perfect first car – a Pontiac station wagon, “runs good, needs body work” but was the right price for a college kid. Despite the dents, the rusted floor boards, and pukey color (hence the name the ‘Vomit’ given the car by his future wife Shirley), Tom was in looooove with this car. Finally the inevitable happened. One day the car would only move in reverse or in third gear. Tom decided he could replace the transmission on his own. Armed with his kit, he took the transmission out and apart and replaced everything except there were three or four needle thingies left over. The test drive went well until it didn’t get much farther then the junk yard where it met its final demise.
All the speakers qualified.
General Evaluator: Vahn Wagner introduced all the evaluators who all qualified in their reviews of the speakers. The general evaluation of the meeting was rated high on keeping to the time line, many members stepped up to fill vacant roles at the last minute, only fault was that the lectern was abandoned a few times during the evening.
Judy Anderson – for Lisa Kiplinger
Judi Rogers – for Sandy Weaver Carmen
Mack Miller – for Rush Netterville
Jim Dawson – for Tom Nixon
June Cline received our guest ribbon.
Most Enthusiastic Helper: Richie Deason
Best Table Topics: Charlene Anderson
Best Evaluator: Jim Dawson
Best Speaker: Tom Nixon