MB, BS – Bombay, India, 1979, FRCS – Edinburgh, UK 1984
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons – Edinburgh
RGN, BSc (Hons) 2003 – Nurse Practitioner
Single-handed male GP fully registered with the General Medical Council, London, since 1981
Providing Personal Medical Services (PMS) to our patients within the Borough of Gravesham
Community Healthcare Partnerships
Off Windsor Road, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BW
Tel: 01474 560717 Fax: 01474 329697
Practice information is also available on our website www.drvasu.co.uk
RECEPTION HOURS: Monday – Friday 8.30 am – 6.30 pm
Closed for lunch between 12 noon and 2.00 pm
We offer a mixed system of telephone advice and appointments for surgery every day. The Practice has suitable access to disabled patients. At the moment the Practice operates a closed list (not taking on new patients), but this situation is reviewed every 6 months.
DOCTOR’S HOURS (By appointment only)
MORNING SURGERY: Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9.00 am – 12 noon,
Thursday 9.00 am to 11.00 am
EVENING SURGERY; Monday, 4.00pm to 6.00 pm and from 1st April, there will be a late surgery from 6.30pm until 8.00pm specifically for those patients who work in London or who find it difficult to attend during normal evening surgery times
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 4.00 – 6.00 pm
There are later am and pm appointments for emergencies on most days.
There is no surgery on Thursday evenings, but an ‘on call’ service is available.
NURSE PRACTITIONER works within Practice Protocols and National Guidelines. She is able to diagnose, investigate, treat and refer appropriately. Her role is to compliment the GP. She offers a holistic approach and an alternative contact for patients.
She runs her own targeted health promotion and chronic disease management clinics (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, asthma etc.) and also runs a special clinic to help patients give up smoking.
Enquire at reception for appointment.
TELEPHONE ADVICE: Please ring the surgery during working hours and leave a message with the receptionist and the GP or nurse with phone you back as soon as possible. This applies especially to the morning after pill.
We aim to serve our patients to the best of our ability. For any suggestions/complaints please do not hesitate to contact our receptionist or practice manager so that we can continuously improve our services to you.
We practice side by side with Drs. Harris and Maulvi. We are two separate practices under one roof, sharing community nursing teams and attached clinics. They also help with my half-day cover on Thursday afternoons.
We have a dedicated team of receptionists, secretary, Practice Nurse and Healthcare Assistant who are happy to help with patient’s enquiries. Our attached staff help provide a wide range of services.
The District Nurse Team are available to attend to the needs of housebound/post-operative patients and manage those undergoing complex treatments in the community.
The Health Visitor can be contacted through reception. We have close working relationships with our Sure Start team who are available for advice regarding behaviour problems, bed wetting, nutritional and pre-conception advice.
Midwife from Darent Valley Hospital does our Antenatal Clinics.
Family Therapist, Mr John Quinn, offer counselling services to support patients and carers through depression, relationship difficulties and life events.
A Counsellor from KCA (Kent Council for Addiction) is available to help those with drug addiction.
Dietician from Darent Valley Hospital is available for specialist dietetic advice.
Social Services Care Manager for the elderly, Mrs Shanti Moore, is available to see patients and/or carers at the surgery for advice. She prefers to do home assessments and liaises with other agencies. Telephone: 01474 328664.
· Please phone for test results after 2.00 pm
· Please collect repeat prescriptions after 2.00 pm
· Please let us know as soon as possible if you no longer need your appointment
· Please let us know if you change your address or telephone number
· The Practice works closely with our local Social Services, Family Centre, Miracles Youth Centre, Adult Education, Leisure Centres and local schools.
We usually need 48 hours to prepare repeat prescriptions. You can either hand your request to our receptionist or post it to us with a self-addressed envelope or ask your Pharmacist.
We only take telephone requests from housebound patients to avoid misuse of the system.
It is good practice to be seen by the doctor or Nurse Practitioner after 6 repeat prescriptions before anymore can be ordered.
Patients can always access information held at the Practice. Please ask at reception. Release of patient information to outside agencies is only done with patients’ informed consent. Primary Care Trust representatives may view a sample of patients’ records during their annual Practice Performance visits. This is done on an anonymous basis purely to ascertain that the appropriate quality of services are being delivered by the Practice. If you have any concerns about this please do not hesitate to discuss with Dr Vasudaven or Mrs Lynda Shuttlewood our Practice Manager.
There is a blood test collection service (phlebotomy) each weekday morning at the surgery from 8.30 am – 12.00 noon by appointment. Please ask as reception or phone 01474 561546 (only operational during clinic times).
The Dietician, Health Visitor, Midwife, Counsellors and Social Services Care Manager are all available at the Practice. Patients can book an appointment to see any one of them directly without having to see a Nurse or Doctor first. Clinicl days and times can vary with personnel. Please ask at reception.
There is also a private Osteopathic and Podiatric service available, which is quite independent of our Practice.
Please ask the receptionist who would be able to advise you on your requirements for various countries. You will need to pick up the prescription for the holiday jabs prior to your appointment with the Practice Nurse. We do not charge for this service.
PRACTICE NURSE (Mrs Leanne Osmond)
Will see patients over 2 years old with minor illnesses (coughs, colds, urine infections, skin problems, etc.) by appointment between 9.00 and 9.30 am, Monday to Friday excluding Thursday.
The Practice Nurse is available for removal of stitches, dressing changes, health checks for over 75’s and those who have not seen a GP/Nurse in the last 3 years, ear syringing and monitoring of patients within Practice Protocols.
She does cervical smear screening for sexually transmitted diseases, advises regarding contraception, menopause and general lifestyle issues. Enquire at reception for an appointment on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
HEALTHCARE ASSISTANT (Miss Elise Fenning) who is also our Phlebotomist is also available for hearing tests, ECG’s, lung function tests, blood pressure and urine checks, etc. She also helps Dr Vasudaven with his minor operations.
A full range of minor surgical operations are performed at the Practice by appointment. Please see the GP for an appointment.
For the Morning after Pill, contraception and sexual advice please see our Practice Nurse by appointment when possible. Please be assured that all matters will be dealt with in total confidentiality and will involve no-one else without your consent.
House visits are only for patients who are too ill to attend the surgery. Please try to request them before 11.00 am whenever possible in order that we can plan our day. Please make sure your house is properly numbered and if it is dark do leave a light on.
I know sometimes we may request ill patients to attend the surgery. This is to minimize waiting at home and such patients would be seen by priority. Your co-operation and understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated by us all as it helps us manage our time better and this is also in your best interest. If in doubt you can always phone for advice.
OUT OF HOURS SERVICE (6.30 pm – 8.00 am)
Patients are requested to dial the surgery number as usual and they would be automatically connected to the Out of Hours service. You can also phone NHS Direct for health advice and information.
NHS Direct – 0845 4647 www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
Please restrict Out of Hours calls to emergency problems only.
Social Services 01474 328664
Gravesend Community Hospital (Minor Injuries Clinic) 01474 360500
Dental Service 01474 360635
Darent Valley Hospital (A & E) 01322 428100
Renton Clinic (Genito-urinary Clinic for STD advice)
Medway Hospital (A & E) 01634 830000
Maidstone Hospital (A & E) 01622 729000
Gravesham Community Mental Health Team 01474 534200
RELATE (Marriage Guidance Counselling) 01634 846914
Citizens Advice Bureau 01474 361237
Kent Council for Addiction 01474 567581
Kings Farm Family Centre 01474 333178
Miracles Youth Club 01474 535989
Gr@nd Project (Walk-in Advice Centre) 01474 320123
Volunteer Bureau 01474 322729
Dementia Service 01322 284445
Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555
Al Anon (for relatives) 0207 403 0888
Childline 0800 1111
Connexions Kent & Medway 01622 683155
Cruse Bereavement Care 01474 360690
Eating Disorders Association Youth Line (up to 18 years old) 0845 634 7650
Adults 0845 634 1414
Marie Stopes 0845 300 8090
NHS Direct 0845 46 47
Police 01622 690690
Rape Crisis (East Kent) 01277 450400
Samaritans 0845 909 090
Victim Support Kent 01622 690103
Local advice for young people: www.connexionskent.co.uk
Young people’s health: www.likeitis,org.uk
www.mindbodysoul.gov.uk (14-16)
www.lifebytes.gov.uk (11-14)
Sexual Health: www.cybershs.co.uk
Others: www.alcoholconcern.org.uk