The Mechanics of Healing (part 1)
We must make a distinction between the person and the power of Jesus. The person of Jesus provides the presences of Jesus and is accessed through prayer. The power of Jesus provides the promises of Jesus and is accessed through principle.
Failure to make this distinction leads to a lot of confusion in the arena of healing. People who think healing is personal and not mechanical get confused and disappointed. They come to the Lord for healing and rather than apply , the mechanics of healing to their sickness, they come to God as a person and try and persuade Him to heal them as a person. Generally this involves making themselves as pathetic and puny as possible to somehow make God have pity on them.
However, this goes against all the principles the Word teaches on healing. If you magnify the problem, you will exalt the problem. Mark 11.23 says: For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Do you realize that you will have what you say? That is a divine principle. We could call it the principle of faith words. If you believe what you say, then you will have what you say.
So if your healing prayer is “Lord, my sickness is huge. My sickness is horrible. My sickness is incurable”, then you are working this principle. You are saying words that you believe and your sickness will stay. Don’t do that, healing isn’t personal, it is mechanical. It was personal. Healing needed a person, but praise God that person came. His name is Jesus. He took all the sicknesses and diseases in the world into his body and by His stripes you were healed. Healing is now done. But to access that healing, we need to understand the principles. Especially the principle of faith words.
If you are sick, speak to the sickness. Don’t even talk to God – He has already done everything necessary for you to be healed. Speak to the sickness. Tell the sickness to leave. Thank God for your healing. Speak health to your flesh. Meditate on these words until you believe them then say them. Make the principle of faith words work for you, not against you.
I once ministered to a lady with severe back pain. I commanded the pain to leave. I asked her if the pain had left and she said she was still stiff. Eventually after asking her several times she said all the pain had gone – but she was still stiff. So I told the stiffness to leave, and it did. That shows that faith words work. I told the pain to leave, but not the stiffness. When I told the stiffness it left. The major reason the sick are still in the church is a failure to grasp this simple principle.
- Explain in your words the difference between the person of Jesus and the power of Jesus.
- Why is thinking healing is personal such a big deal?
- What does Mark 11.23 tell us about our words?
- Do we still treat sickness as personal when we pray or do we realize it is mechanical?
- Do you have a testimony of the principle of faith words working in your life (or someone else’s?)
- Is there an area of your life (sickness or not) where you know you need to change what you say, and would you like us to stand with you and speak life and health to you?
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