St Andrew’s Hospice
Department: Nursing
Accountable to: Specialist Nurse
Hours of Work: Flexible weekly commitment as agreed by patient & carer
Admin Base: St Andrew’s Hospice, Post Community based
No. Of Job Holders:
To promote at all times to ethos and mission of St Andrew’s Hospice and the Sisters of Charity.
We engage with family and carers offering them support and bereavement counselling. The Hospice is a Company Limited by guarantee and a registered charity and is required by separate and differing legislation to meet finance governance and regulatory requirements.
A Care at Home Specialist Nurse evaluates clients suitably and arranges appointments with the Care at Home Therapist who will provide a range of stress management therapies designed to relieve anxiety, improve sleep patterns and improve the overall emotional health & wellbeing of patient and carer.
The care at Home Therapist may encounter highly charged emotional situations and will be dealing with clients with complex medical needs and their carers therefore empathy and an understanding of the issues encountered by our client group is essential. Complementary therapy treatments will have to be adapted to individual home environments, to the individual clients and their needs on the day. It will be the Care at Home Therapists responsibility to determine suitable treatment options for each client and appropriately document treatments given.
The role will involve travel between clients’ homes transporting the necessary equipment to provide complementary therapy and will be as a lone worker. As one of our dedicated team members you will need to be confident in this role as a lone worker, compassionate and conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times when dealing with clients. Support for the Care at Home therapist will be provided by the Care at Home Specialist Nurse.
The main aim of the project is to enable palliative care clients to remain cared for at home. The client group includes people affected by Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, motor Neorone Disease, Huntingtons Disease & Parkinsons Disease, COPD, their carers and family members. A multi-disciplinary specialist team deliver a renge of supportive self management techniques and specialist advice to suit the individual client. The aim being to help clients cope with the impact of illness and/or caring responsibilities on their daily lives. You will be part of a team that includes nurses, therapists and volunteers. All our services are free.
- Work within agreed policies & procedures of St Andrew’s Hospice and the Care at Home service
- Ensure adequate client records are maintained and that all relevant information is documented in the clients’ notes
- Maintain effective communication with Care at Home Specialist Nurse, clients, carers, professionals & volunteers to ensure seamless service delivery
- Be accountable for his/her actions
- Maintain a Personal Development Plan, which ensures updating of skills & knowledge in accordance with organisational requirements
- Attend training courses, Care at Home debriefing sessions with Care at Home Specialist Nurse, regular staff team meetings mandatory
Ethos and Mission of the Hospice
Lead by example and uphold the mission and ethos of the Hospice and of the Religious Sisters of Charity.
Health & Safety
All employees must:
- Take care of their own safety and others who may be affected by their actions or omissions
- Adhere to Hospice and Departmental Health & Safety Policies and use any equipment or personal protective equipment provided to ensure safety
- Co-operate with their mangers to maintain safe systems and safe workplaces
- Report any accident/incidents or ill health, failings in premises equipment or personal protective equipment through the Hospice reporting system
- Not interfere with any equipment provided to ensure Health & Safety
- Not attempt to carry out or tasks or repairs beyond their competence
- Deal effectively on a day to day basis with the unit’s waste products i.e. foul linen, blood samples, body fluids as per Hospice guidelines
- Follow manual handling guidelines and principles, utilising all aids and attending yearly updates
- The employee must attend and complete the full induction programme and appropriate mandatory training relevant to job role
All members of Hospice staff receive an annual appraisal by their line manager. The purpose of the annual appraisal is to understand how well the job has been worked in the previous year, assess progress towards the targets made at the previous annual appraisal and to set targets.
Effort & Environment skills
- The role entails physical effort to manoeuvre patients and equipment
- The role will involve walking and moving around to other destinations outwith the Hospice
- Frequent exposure to and having to deal with situations that can / are distressing, difficult or aggressive
- Dealing with a variety of professionals, patients, carers and relatives who will have differing needs and requirements
- Frequent requirement for concentration when dealing with patient related issues e.g. checking of documents and results
Records Management / Data Protection
As an employee of the Hospice, you have a legal responsibility for the protection of all records (including patient health, financial, personal and administrative) that you use gather or use as part of your work with the Hospice. The records may be paper, electronic, or audio, or x-ray images. You must consult your manager if you have any doubt as to the correct management of the records with which you work.
All employees are personally responsible for the quality of data entered by themselves, or on their behalf, on the Hospice data records (paper records) and must ensure that such data is entered accurately to Hospice data standards, in a timely manner to ensure high standards of data quality in accordance with the Hospice Data Quality and Clinical Record Keeping Polices.
To ensure data is handled in a secure manner protecting the confidentiality of any personal data held in meeting the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, Caldicott recommendations and other relevant legislation and guidance are applicable and should be adhered to.
Confidentiality and Information Security
As a Hospice employee you are required to regard as strictly confidential, and not disclose to any person, other than a person authorised by St Andrew’s Hospice, at any time during your employment with the Hospice any information acquired by yourself in relation to any patient including the identity of any patient or the medical condition or the treatment received by any patient. Any information acquired about the patient’s relatives and circumstances will be similarly respected and will be confidential. Any breach of confidentiality by yourself may lead to disciplinary action being taken against you. This duty lasts indefinitely and will continue after you leave the Hospice employment. All employees must maintain confidentiality and abide by the Data Protection Act.
Infection Control
All staff are expected to adhere to current infection control policy and procedures as appropriate to their role and responsibilities in their work setting.
Hospice Policies
The Hospice operates a range of policies, e.g. Human Resources, Clinical Practice. All Hospice employees must observe and adhere to the provisions outlined in these policies. Failure to do so may result in falling foul of current legislation/ committing an unlawful act and will result in instigation of the Hospice’s formal policies and referral to outside bodies as appropriate.
Equal Opportunities
The Hospice provides a range of services and employment opportunitiesfora diverse population. As a Hospice employee you are expected to treat all patients/customers and work colleagues with dignity and respect irrespective of their sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, age or religion.
The Hospice may take ‘reasonable adjustments’ to the post/work place in order to facilitate the employment of individuals with a disability. These adjustments will be in line with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
Disclosure of Criminal Background
St Andrew’s Hospice is required to check with CRBS the possible criminal background of staff and volunteers who apply to work with vulnerable patients. If it is a requirement of the post that such a check be undertaken, successful applicants will be asked to complete and sign a Disclosure Form giving permission for the check to take place.
Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar an applicant from working with the Hospice. This will depend on the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of offences. Please note applicants refusing to sign the form will not be progressed further.
Any other duties within the framework of the post
All employees will take responsibility for their own personal development.
The post holder may be required to undertake any other duties and responsibilities which are deemed appropriate t the grade. Where the duties and responsibilities
may change in the light of experience and developments within the service the job description will be reviewed in conjunction with the post holder.
Safeguarding the Welfare of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
All employees are expected to adhere to the Hospice’s Polices and Procedures in relation to Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults and to undertake the appropriate level of mandatory training in this area.
Working with Volunteers
Volunteers are a vital resource to the Hospice and it is the responsibility of all staff to treat them with respect and value their contribution appropriately. If a volunteer is assigned to assist you at any time you will retain responsibility for the requirements
of the job in terms of accuracy, efficiency and standards of completion. You should also ensure good communication and be aware of your responsibility towards the volunteer in terms of Health & Safety.
Smoking Policy
St Andrew’s Hospice operates a No Smoking Policy to staff within the Hospice Buildings including the Patient Smoking Room.
Standards of Business Conduct – Declaration of interest
All Hospice employees should be impartial and honest in the conduct of their official duties and should not abuse their official position for personal gain or advantage.
Employees must not engage in outside employment which may conflict with their official Hospice work or be detrimental to it. It is, therefore, Hospice Policy that employees will not be permitted to undertake business activities or other work where Hospice considers that this is incompatible with its interests without seeking prior written authorisation from the relevant manager/Director, who will be responsible for judging whether a conflict has arisen.
Employees must ensure that they are not placed in a position which risks or appears to risk conflict between their interests and their Hospice duties and to declare any relevant interests either on starting work or on acquisition of the interest.
- Complementary Therapy equipment
All records created in the course of the business of St Andrew’s Hospice are corporate records and are public records under the terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 1937. This includes email messages and other electronic records. It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep appropriate records of your work in the hospice and manage those records in keeping with St Andrew’s Hospice Information Management Policies and with any guidance produced by St Andrew’s Hospice specific to your employment.
- Work is assigned to this post by the Care at Home Specialist Nurse
- The work is reviewed by the Care at Home Specialist Nurse
- The postholder works as part of a team with allocated appointments to meet the needs of the department
- Mileage paid at the rate of 45p per mile
The postholder will work with multidisciplinary team taking guidance where appropriate.
To report on concerns regarding professional practice if observed. Therapists are not expected to give advice or information regarding medical conditions.
12. MOST CHALLENGING / DIFFICULT PART OF THE JOB (physical, mental, emotional)Physical
- Travel
- Managing equipment
- Dealing with patients with differing physical needs
- Being aware of various conditions and how these are affected by complementary therapy
- Effort in dealing with emotional distress
- Supporting / addressing needs appropriately emotional and signposting spiritual needs support
- Retaining own diary and patient information as required
- Using IT to record information on patients
- May encounter highly charged emotional situations, dealing with clients with complex medical needs
- Provide and receive information regarding assessment, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment to encourage acceptance and compliance.
- Provide and receive information.
- Teach a range of patient management strategies.
A separate job description will need to be signed off by each jobholder to whom the job description applies.
Job Holder’s Signature: Date:
Head of Department Signature Date:
Attributes / Essential / Desirable / Method of AssessmentEducation/
Qualifications /
- Diploma qualification in Aromatherapy, Massage, Reiki or Relaxation techniques, minimum reaction aromatherapy Reiki II
- Membership of regulatory organisation & minimum 2 years post qualification experience
- Own insurance
- Additional therapy qualifications in reflexology, stress management, meditation etc.
Experience /
- Previous experience of working with this client group of adapting therapies to specific clients or of working with clients with complex medical needs
- 1 year experience within hospice palliative care environment
Skills, Knowledge & Aptitude /
- Good written skills
- Excellent communication skills
- Ability to work autonomously as well as part of a multi professional team
- Full driving licence
- Show self-regulation through membership of Complementary & Natural Care Healthcare Council CNHC, member of The General Regulatory Council for Comp Therapies GRCCCT or member of Federation of Holistic Therapies FHT