Honors Advisory Council (HAC)
As an advisory committee to the Office of the Instruction, the mission of the MiraCosta Honors Advisory Council is to provide advice and counsel to the Office of Instruction regarding Honors education. The Honors Advisory Council job to recommend improvements that allow the program to fulfill its mission:
The mission of the MiraCosta Honors Scholar Program (HSP) is to enhance the learning environment for MiraCosta students by stimulating the learning process, integrating in-class and out-of-class experiences, and promoting an environment conducive to development and discovery.
Our goals include facilitating the intellectual, social, occupational, and cultural development of our students. We offer classes, cultural events, community service activities and a variety of events aimed at increasing students’ awareness of the world and the opportunities it offers. We encourage Honors students to be actively involved in their own education and demonstrate a high level of interest, initiative, and ability.
Ultimately, we work to enhance the overall quality of campus life, establish a sense of community in which all students can realize their fullest potential in their quest for academic, professional, and personal excellence.
The Honors Advisory Council fulfills its mission through functions including:
- Advising and making recommendations to the Office of Instruction, Academic Senate, academic departments and faculty in general regarding Honors education as it relates to course and program development, teaching, counseling, conference preparation, themed learning communities and outside the class community and learning opportunities.
- Serving as a resource to administration, faculty and staff on issues concerning Honors education including
- -standards of entrance and exit to the Honors Scholar Program
- -faculty support
- -student support
- -engagement with regional, state and national Honors initiatives and professional organizations.
- Serving as a resource to the Academic Affairs Committee as needed to update major initiatives and changes in the Honors Scholar Program
- Serving as a resource to the Course and Program Committee on curriculum policies and procedures related to Honors education.
- Serving as a resource to PDP on needs particular to professional development of faculty in Honors education.
- Reporting to the Academic Senate on any issues pertaining to Honors education and areas of Senate primacy.
The Honors Advisory Council (HAC) comprises 11-14 faculty serving two-year terms and up to three students serving one-semester terms. Terms are renewable. Terms should be staggered so that no more than 60% of the committee turns over in a given year. The chair of the Honors Advisory Council is the Honors Faculty Coordinator.
The HAC’s membership includes:
1.)Faculty Honors Coordinator (Chair)
2.)Honors Administrative Dean
3.)Honors Administrative Secretary
4.)Approximately 6-10 full-time faculty, at least 60% who are actively teaching in Honors education. Faculty should be picked from a diverse spectrum of academic disciplines teaching transfer-level classes. At least three faculty members from STEM majors are recommended. It is highly desirable, but not required if faculty from CTE or pre-transfer level faculty members are included in the composition of the committee. This is a great committee for untenured faculty in years 2-4 of their tenure process.
5.)At least two counselors picked from both general and transfer center counseling are required.
6.)1-2 associate faculty as appointed by Senate President or designee. Preferably one connected to STEM teaching areas.
7.)At least three active, good standing students from the Honors Scholar Program. At least one student should be from the general population. Students are picked by the Faculty Honors Coordinator in consultation with the Honors Administrative secretary.
For 2017-2018, the Honors advisory council will meet approximately two but sometimes three meetings per semester. The council meets usually has a meeting at the beginning of every semester in late August/early September and late January/ early February. Mid-semester meetings are scheduled in October/November and March/early April (depending on Spring Break)for approximately two hours per meeting. If it is necessary, additional meetings are scheduled in November and April. Meetings are usually held in OC 1054. Faculty often provide additional service to the Honors Scholar Program through participation in flex week workshops, Honors Scholar Program events and student conference mentoring. Agendas for upcoming meetings are published at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Tentative Meeting Schedule for HAC in 2017/2018:
September 15, 2017
November 3, 2017
February 2, 2018
April 6, 2018
Contact Information:
Christopher Sleeper is the Honors Faculty Coordinator and can be reached at or 760-757-2121 X6514. See also the Honors Scholar Program for a full list of committee members.