Implementation Facilitation Unit 07_CDC_2015_Nov

Provisional implementation plan STDF Project 401

Training of Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) Facilitators

Project Title / Training of Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) Facilitators
Objective / To train phytosanitary experts to serve as PCE facilitators
Budget requested from STDF / US $734,088.32
Other co-financing (FAO-TCP/TCPFs) / US $460,316.00
Total project budget / US $ 1,194,404.32
Full name and contact details of the requesting organization(s) / International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)
Full name and contact details of contact person for follow-up / Jingyuan Xia, Secretary, International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153, Rome, Italy
Tel: +39-06-570-53588; Fax: +39-06-570-54819
Project start date / 1st April 2014
Project end date / 30 September 2016
Version / Version 1

A visual summary of the project is provided below, and the full project description can be consulted at

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Implementation Facilitation Unit 07_CDC_2015_Nov

An updated provisional timing for the implementation of the different activities of the project with responsibilities is presented below.

Activities / Responsibility / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3
1: Pool of professionals selected and trained on the PCE
1.1: Constitute project management team and project steering committee / IPPC
1.2: Finalize project execution plan, training programmes and set timeline for project activities / CDC/IPPC
1.3: Establish the list of topics for the training workshops and delimit the extent of course coverage / IPPC
1.4: Review and assign tasks and responsibilities for project execution / CDC/IPPC
1.5: Select the candidates to be trained at the global workshop (including call for nominations, facilitation skills testing). / IPPC
1.6: Prepare training package / IPPC
1.7: Consult with relevant hosting institutions / workshop organizers / resource persons / IPPC
1.8: Procure resources and facilities for conducting global workshops / IPPC
1.9: Conduct global training workshops / IPPC
1.10: Develop indicative country phytosanitary action plans for use by facilitators in subsequent PCE trainings / Trainees/IPPC
2: Trained experts validated as PCE facilitators
2.0: Trained experts will apply the PCE in their owns countries or other countries as required / Trainees/IPPC
2.1: Provide coaching to trained experts on application of PCE and elaboration of draft NPAP as necessary / Trainees/IPPC
2.2: Approve successful trainees to serve as PCE facilitators / IPPC
3: Training package improved, tested and PCE applied in 4 developing countries
3.0: Evaluate the training workshops and compile reports with recommendations for improvement / CDC/IPPC
3.1: Review training programmes and improve training materials based on workshop evaluation reports / IPPC/Trainees
3.2: Consult with relevant hosting institutions / workshop organizers / IPPC
3.3: Procure training resources / IPPC
3.4: Trainees facilitate PCE application in 4 developing countries with IPPC Secretariat supervision / IPPC/Trainees
3.5: Approve successful trainees to serve as PCE facilitators and validate training package / IPPC
3.6: Publish / post project results, including list of approved PCE facilitators on IPP / IPPC/Trainees

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Provisional Implementation Plan STDF Project 401 08_CDC_2015_Nov

Elements of the provisional timing which have been developed since the last CDC meeting in June are detailed below.

  1. Pool of professionals selected and trained on the PCE

1.1 Finalize project execution plan, training programmes and set timeline for project activities

The project execution has been further elaborated on, the provisional timing has been revised and some activities conducted.

1.2 Establish the list of topics for the training workshops and delimit the extent of course coverage

The extent of course coverage shall include:

  • General instruction on the identification of key elements of phytosanitary systems, the competences required for the effective implementation of the ISPMs and the gaps in existing capacity.
  • The content of the 13 modules of the PCE.
  • General statements regarding the PCE, ethics, confidentiality and ownership.
  • Facilitation techniques.
  • Action planning, SWOT, problem analyses and logical framework.

Prior to the training workshops, trainees will be requested to complete exercises on:

  • ISPMs
  • Establishment and operations of an NPPO.

These exercises will enable to test technical competencies as well as the ability to draft in English, French or Spanish of the trainees.

A consultant and as well as a member of the IPPC Secretariat would be in charge of evaluating these tests and a member of the CDC could be supervising the process for transparency.

1.3 Review and assign tasks and responsibilities for project execution

A training for trainers shall be held early 2016 to train IPPC staff as well as trainers hired as consultant to get strong background on facilitation techniques and logical framework.

Consultants on facilitation techniques and logical framework have been approached, as well as trainers. Following this training of trainers, the training material shall be finalized, implementing the pedagogic methods learnt.

1.4 Select the candidates to be trained at the global workshop (including call for nominations, facilitation skills testing).

Selection criteria decided by the CDC have been applied to over 160 applications to select 66 candidates for participation in the facilitator training programme. The 66 selected candidates have been contacted and expressed their interest in participating in the project.

The list of selected candidates is provided below with their gender, year of birth, nationality and country of residence.

First Name / Last Name / Gender / Year of Birth / Nationality / Country of Residence
Shpresa / Çali / Female / 1959 / Albania [ALB] / Albania [ALB]
Ezequiel / Ferro / Male / 1973 / Argentina [ARG] / Argentina [ARG]
Robert / Duthie / Male / 1961 / Australia [AUS] / Australia [AUS]
Khandakar Mahfuzul / Haque / Male / 1965 / Bangladesh [BGD] / Bangladesh [BGD]
Francisco / Gutierrez / Male / 1968 / Belize [BLZ] / Belize [BLZ]
Alexandre / Moreira Palma / Male / 1962 / Brazil [BRA] / Brazil [BRA]
Mariam / Some/ Damoue / Female / 1962 / Burkina Faso [BFA] / Burkina Faso [BFA]
Hamim Hamissi / Kahondogoro / Male / 1957 / Burundi [BDI] / Burundi [BDI]
Eliakim / Sakayoya / Male / 1970 / Burundi [BDI] / Burundi [BDI]
Flaubert / NanaSani / Male / 1965 / Cameroon [CMR] / Cameroon [CMR]
Alice / Ndikontar / Female / 1961 / Cameroon [CMR] / Cameroon [CMR]
Yan / Xu / Female / 1964 / China [CHN] / China [CHN]
Alphonsine / Louhouari Tokozaba / Female / 1963 / Congo [COG] / Congo [COG]
Damas / Mamba Mamba / Male / 1964 / Congo, The Democratic Republic of the [COD] / Congo, The Democratic Republic of the [COD]
Lucien Konan / Kouamé / Male / 1959 / Côte d'Ivoire [CIV] / Côte d'Ivoire [CIV]
Ryan / Anselm / Male / 1975 / Dominica [DMA] / Dominica [DMA]
Verónica Salomé / Manrique Aguilera / Female / 1977 / Ecuador [ECU] / Ecuador [ECU]
Ahmed / Abdellah / Male / 1983 / Egypt [EGY] / Egypt [EGY]
Shaza / Omar / Female / 1983 / Egypt [EGY] / Egypt [EGY]
Olga / Lavrentjeva / Female / 1981 / Estonia [EST] / Estonia [EST]
Visoni Motofaga / Timote / Male / 1967 / Fiji [FJI] / Fiji [FJI]
Séraphine / Minko née Ada Ella / Female / 1963 / Gabon [GAB] / Gabon [GAB]
Ruth / Woode / Female / 1962 / Ghana [GHA] / Ghana [GHA]
Jaiinder Pal / Singh / Male / 1966 / India [IND] / India [IND]
Maryam / Jalili Moghadam / Female / 1977 / Iran- Islamic Republic of [IRN] / Iran- Islamic Republic of [IRN]
Juliet / Goldsmith / Female / 1967 / Jamaica [JAM] / Jamaica [JAM]
Fitzroy / White / Male / 1966 / Jamaica [JAM] / Jamaica [JAM]
Mamoun / Albakri / Male / 1964 / Jordan [JOR] / Jordan [JOR]
Philip / Njoroge / Male / 1960 / Kenya [KEN] / Kenya [KEN]
Dorcas / Kalele / Female / 1979 / Kenya [KEN] / Kenya [KEN]
Ringolds / Arnitis / Male / 1967 / Latvia [LVA] / Latvia [LVA]
Agris / Bokums / Male / 1959 / Latvia [LVA] / Latvia [LVA]
Imad / Nahhal / Male / 1971 / Lebanon [LBN] / Lebanon [LBN]
Hussain / Tahir / Male / 1984 / Malaysia [MYS] / Malaysia [MYS]
Sow / Moussa Mamadou / Male / 1962 / Mauritania [MRT] / Mauritania [MRT]
Padmini Davi / Seebun / Female / 1967 / Mauritius [MUS] / Mauritius [MUS]
Mekki / Chouibani / Male / 1957 / Morocco [MAR] / Morocco [MAR]
Mohammed Amal / Rahel / Male / 1956 / Morocco [MAR] / Morocco [MAR]
Josua / Wainiqolo / Male / 1958 / New Zealand [NZL] / Fiji [FJI]
Ebenezer / Idachaba / Male / 1967 / Nigeria [NGA] / Nigeria [NGA]
Sidney / Suma / Male / 1967 / Papua New Guinea [PNG] / Papua New Guinea [PNG]
MirianCristina / GaleanoMartinez / Female / 1976 / Paraguay [PRY] / Paraguay [PRY]
Juan Carlos / MartosRojas / Male / 1965 / Peru [PER] / Peru [PER]
Larry / Lacson / Male / 1970 / Philippines [PHL] / Philippines [PHL]
Adam / Krzewski / Male / 1954 / Poland [POL] / Poland [POL]
Andrei / Orlinski / Male / 1956 / Russian Federation [RUS] / France [FRA]
Pelenato / Fonoti / Male / 1965 / Samoa [WSM] / Samoa [WSM]
Kgabo / Matlala / Male / 1970 / South Africa [ZAF] / South Africa [ZAF]
Maria / Theyse / Female / 1971 / South Africa [ZAF] / South Africa [ZAF]
Jose Maria / Guitian / Male / 1967 / Spain [ESP] / Spain [ESP]
JuanPablo / Pallero Villar / Male / 1962 / Spain [ESP] / Spain [ESP]
Dayani Renuka Mallawa Thantri Mudiyanselage / Perera / Female / 1961 / Sri Lanka [LKA] / Sri Lanka [LKA]
Similo / Mavimbela / Male / 1972 / Swaziland [SWZ] / Swaziland [SWZ]
Mohamad Jamal / Hajjar / Male / 1959 / Syrian Arab Republic [SYR] / Saudi Arabia [SAU]
Taha / Asikoglu / Male / 1977 / Turkey [TUR] / Turkey [TUR]
Ender Muhammed / Gümüş / Male / 1972 / Turkey [TUR] / Turkey [TUR]
Grace / Akao / Female / 1961 / Uganda [UGA] / Uganda [UGA]
Ephrance / Tumuboine / Female / 1970 / Uganda [UGA] / Uganda [UGA]
Olga / Bashynska / Female / 1972 / Ukraine [UKR] / Ukraine [UKR]
Julian / Smith / Male / 1966 / United Kingdom [GBR] / United Kingdom [GBR]
Wayne / Burnett / Male / 1955 / United States of America [USA] / United States of America [USA]
María José / Montelongo García / Female / 1978 / Uruguay [URY] / Uruguay [URY]
Esra Tekon Timothy / Tumukon / Male / 1969 / Vanuatu [VUT] / Vanuatu [VUT]
Kajarayekha Kenneth / Msiska / Male / 1969 / Zambia [ZMB] / Zambia [ZMB]
Chiluba / Mwape / Male / 1971 / Zambia [ZMB] / Botswana [BWA]
Patience / Mawere / Female / 1967 / Zimbabwe [ZWE] / Botswana [BWA]

1.5 Prepare training package

Existing presentations related to the topics to be covered have been assembled. The outline of the methodological manual to be elaborated has been drafted and a “tool box” is being prepared, with manuals from the STDF 350 project.

The training programme shall include powerpoint presentations, hands-on exercises with case studies based on actual PCE results as well as plays of role or any exercise which allow assimilation of the content of the training. The IPPC Secretariat will be responsible for the elaboration of tests and evaluation procedures.

The assessment of all tests could be done in an independent way and could be undertaken by a CDC member together with the trainers of the workshop.

1.6 Consult with relevant hosting institutions / workshop organizers / resource persons

The following institutions have been consulted to host one of the training workshops:

  • COPE in Kenya
  • the Moroccan PPO
  • the Asian RPPO
  • OIRSA in El Salvador.

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