Q1. How can we increase the font size and change colour of text in MS-WORD?
Q2. Write short note on: - (a) Clip Art (b) Alignment in MS-Word.
Q3.Explain the term ‘Internet’. What is the need of Internet?
Q1. Explain the various data types of MS Excel.
Q2. Explain the term Virus and Anti-virus in computer terminology with some examples.
Q3. Write the Importance of control panel in MS windows? Write the various options present in it.
Q1. How you will take the printout of your presentation on paper?
Q2. What is Internet? Write the difference between Web Browser and Search Engines.
Q3. Explain the term ‘Website’ with some example .What is the name of your School website?
1. One page reading of the text daily.
2. Learn all exercises from unit 7, 8, 9.
3. Do preparation for periodic test.
4. Learn sick leave application.
5. Learn 7-8 lines on My Pet/The Tiger.
6. Find out naming words and describing words (10 each) from ‘My Silly Sister’.
7. Read English Magazines/Newspapers.
1. Syllabus for II Periodic TEST.
The Milkman’s Cow (L-13) – Going to buy a Book (L-19).
2. Learn New Word’s Spellings, QUES. /Ans. From L-13 to L-19.
3. Read lesson 13 to 19.
4. Practice: - use of can/cannot, opposites, homophones, singular/ plural, present past tense.
5. Write:-1. A composition on BOOKS (One Paragraph).
2. Book Review of English Book.
1. Memorize all answers of questions from second term note book.
2. Make practice of writing ten sentences about following topics:-
(a) Your best friend
(b) The teacher you like the most/your favorite teacher.
(c) Ten differences between city-life and village-life.
3. Write ten words of each:-
(a) Words ending with ‘sh’.
(b) Words ending with ‘less’.
(c) Words ending with ‘tion’.
4. Read your English test book daily.
5. Write five page handwriting in cursive handwriting.
प्र०1. उत्तर लिखिए :
क ) नाना मुझे झाड़-फूंक करने वाले आदमी क पास क्यों ले गए ?
ख ) लोग मीरा बहन के पास क्यों पहुंचे ?
ग ) गुरूजी थैले में क्या लिए जा रहें थे |
प्र०2. किताब से चार मुहावरे लिखकर वाक्ये बनाओ |
प्र०3. मात्रा बदलकर 10-10 शब्द लिखो जैसे – दिन,दीन |
प्र०4. ‘सर्दी ’ पर दस वाक्ये लिखो |
प्र०5. 10 पेज सुलेख करे |
प्र०6. 10 जानवरों की आवाज़े लिखो |
प्र०7. किताब में पेज 109 पर विराम चिन्ह और पेज 99 पर दिए गलत वाक्यों को सही करके लिखो |
प्र०1. पांच वाक्य लिखिए व ताड़ करे :
क ) दीपावली कैसे मनाते हो
ख ) महात्मा गाँधी
ग ) अपना जन्मदिन कैसे मनाते हो
घ ) किसान
प्र०2. रोज़ आधा पेज सुलेख करे |
प्र०3. रोज़ पांच नए शब्द सुएख में से छांटकर तीन बार लिखें |
प्र०4. पुस्तक व कापी के प्रश्नोत्तर का अभ्यास करे |
प्र०1. प्रतिदिन समाचार पत्र पढना |
प्र०2. पांच पेज सुलेख लिखना |
प्र०3. आवृति परीक्षा द्वितीये के पठ्येक्रम के सरे पाठो को लिख कर अभ्यास करना |
प्र०4. ‘बाघ’ पर पांच वाक्ये लिखना |
प्र०5. एक पथ प्रतिदिन पढना |
1)Multiplication table learn and write from 2 to 15
2)Write in words from 400 to 800.
3)Write make a list things bought at your home find out how much of each things is bought
at one time .These things can be rice, oil, chili powder, sugar, milk, onions, ginger etc. (Page no 118)
4)Page 132 - Complete the following and look at the patterns and complete them.
5)P. time – multiply –page 133.
6)Number patterns – page 149.
7)Write all odd numbers between 400 and 500.
8)Write all even number between 155 and 200.
9)Write (05 ) secret messages
1) Write and learn tables from 1 to 20.
2) solve these:-
1) 500 * 0 2) 1500 / 250 (3) 104 *7 (4) 120 *35 (5) 28 / 2
3) Change into grams:-
1) 5 kg 200 g 2) 8kg 900 g3) 1kg 250 g4) 3kg 450 g
4) Complete these patterns
1)AB, BC , CD _ ,_ ,_
2)28 Z , 27Y , 26X ,_,_
5) Solve word problem questions of following page no of math –book
1) PAGE 126 (B) (C)
2) 130 (i) ,(j)
3) Page 145 post office (1) (2)
4) 127 practice time 1, 2, 3
Q1. Practice basic operations in decimals.
-10 sums of addition.
-10 sums of subtraction
-10 sums of multiplication.
Q2. Learn and write all the formulae of area and perimeter.
Q3. Learn tables 2 to 20.
Q4. Make the model of net of cube and cuboid by using soft board.
* Sums and formulae to be done in small separate notebook.
Q1.Solve the riddles and draw their pictures (pg-107)
Q2.Draw and igloo or a house boat.
Q3.Write a slogan on ‘SAVE WATER’
Q4.Draw any two clay pots and name them.
Q5. Name any four:
a)Animals you have touched
b)Animals you cannot touch
c)Materials needed for making a pucca house.
d)Materials needed for making a kuccha house.
Q1. Past pictures of birds and their nest. Also write where they make their nest.
Q2. Past pictures sleeted to Bihu dance.
Q3. Collect and past different types of cloth
Q4. Draw and label different parts of a plants.
Q5. Draw a poster or write a slogan on save water.
Q6. Read and learn from chapter 15 to 23.
Q1. Write the name of 5 dams.
Q2. Write the name of 5 river.
Q3. Collect the seeds of some cereals and past then in the scrap book. Also write their name.
Q4. Make a scrap book by pasting the pictures of female sports personalities also write their name.
Q5. Learn chapter ‘What if it finishes to no place for us’.