JULY 17-21, 2017
Sold-Out last three years! So register early by sending in a deposit to guarantee a space!!
The annual Science Olympiad Summer Institute (SOSI) is an excellent opportunity for grades 6-12 teachers, coaches, event supervisors, tournament personnel and administrators to get the most up-to-date information and in-depth coverage ofthe 46 Science Olympiad events such as Remote Sensing, Invasive Species, HydroGeology, Optics, Wind Power, Green Generation, Elastic Launched Glider, Robo-Cross, Microbe Mission, Electric Vehicle, Towers, Road Scholar, Experimental Design, GeoLogic Mapping, Food Science, Fossils, Material Science, Chem. Lab, Disease Detective, Robot Arm, Mission Possible, Reach for the Stars, Forensics. Many Science Olympiad coaches at state and national tournaments attribute their success to concepts learned at the SOSI. Also learn how to build a team and gain support for your science program. 97% have rated the SOSI as very good or excellent and have come away with their "batteries recharged! Comments from previous participants:
"This was my first institute and I loved it! The presenters were absolutely fabulous, and I enjoyed the hands-on activities and the discussions with other coaches."
"I loved the hands-on opportunities provided in the sessions. Some of the techniques were brand-new to me, so the personal practice and guidance were invaluable! I've gained many new resources and ideas for my own classroom as well as for my Science Olympiad students. I plan to return next year!"
"The human resources were the most helpful. I liked the enthusiastic and friendly participants; they were inspiring. I saw competitiveness, but it was in the spirit of bringing out the best in everyone. Thank you!"
Educators are eligible to apply for Title II Teacher Quality program funds of NCLB/ESSA by contacting their school district principal or science/curriculum administrator. Coaches can also earn two course credits from the University of the Pacific. Start as early as possible to determine who handles professional development decisions in your school district.The Hilton Conference Center, 11111 North 7th St, Phoenix, Arizona 85020is situated on the top of Tapatio Cliffs overlooking Phoenix, occupying 105 secluded acres of beautifully landscaped desert.
A$200 deposit must be submitted with this Form to hold a place at the Institute
(Forms received without a deposit will be placed on a waiting list)
Name ______M/F ___ School ______Div _____
Home Address ______City ______St. _____ Zip ______
Cell Phone ______/______/______Home Phone ______/______/______
E-Mail Address (required)______
The Registration Fee: Covers instruction, handouts, CD, course materials, audio-visual/equipment use, facilities fees,BreakfastLunch (T/W/Th/F) & Dinner (M/T/W/Th) and Room (5 Days/4 Nights)for on-site occupants.
A. Select one ✓☐DOUBLE OCCUPANCY (2 Registrants per room-per person)$830______
List expected roommate name or leave blank if you wish to be assigned one:______
☐COMMUTER (covers all above except room)$620______
Deposit($200 due with registration - non-refundable 30 days before institute)LessDEPOSIT______
B. Complete this FORM☐1. Save to desktop & attach it asan email to: or☐2. Fax or☐3. Mail
C. Payment Options: (check one ✓)
☐Web Payment: To make a deposit or payment on-line, you must 1st send this FORM by email, fax or mail, then go to:
☐Purchase Order Payment: To make a deposit or payment with a P.O., attach/send the Official Signed P.O.with this Form
☐Make checks payable to: Science Olympiad(Bank fee for returned checks) and Mail Form and Check to:
Science Olympiad
Two Trans Am Plaza DrivePhone:630-792-1251Fax:630-792-1287
Suite 415
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 Rev. 9/13/16