TIME: / 7:00 PM
Three Towers Business Meeting MINUTES
Seneschal: / Geoffrey Daunchmeyer (Jeff Saylor) / Chronicler: / Jinny MacIntyre (Jenn Marvicsin)MEETING OPENED
Senechal - Report is in.
Chatalaine - We have a demo coming up October 4th.
Knight marshal - We've been having great practices. Peter Engelke (Paul Engelke) requests that people email him with their name and what they are authorized in for the doomsday.
Ionna ( Crystal Stokes) will be the deputy Rapier Marshal
A&S - Report will be in shortly.
Exchequer - We have money in the bank. Event and Monthly reports are in.
Pursuivant - Geoffrey (Jeff) and Cecilia (Heather) have submitted devices. Report will be in before the 30th.
Webminister - There have been a few updates to the website. Report will be done soon. Caitie (Katie Thompson) will be the deputy webminister.
None at this time
- Cecilia (Heather) has offered to be deputy chatalaine.
- There will be a Tournament prep class in November.
- Iron Key : We still need a material list estimate for a medium helm. We are taking inventory of what we have. Rapier has also been inventoried. Breki (Brice) and Giles (Curt) have gloves to donate.
- Encampment location: We are still looking at locations including Malabar.
- October Samhain Revel: Continuing the work on festivities.
- Pendants for officer positions: It is possible to buy pendants for $5 and paint them ourselves. We will discuss further at next meeting.
- Demo October 4th: We will be doing a walk - through on Tuesday October 3rd. People participating in the demo are requested to arrive at about 3:30 if they can. We will start at roughly 4:20. We have a schedule planned out. People can pull into Taco Bell and unload before finding a parking spot. Travis may be able to bring a sound system. It is requested that we have notecard with the names of participants to make it easier on the person who is introducing.
- Demo Class: A demo class was held tonight on 9/26/17 to help everyone prepare for the upcoming demo.