Daily Log – check after each class

Day 1 – August 31

·  Discussed syllabus

·  Covered section 1.1

·  Study for a quiz on 1.1

Day 2 – September 2, 2010

·  Had a quiz on 1.1

·  Worked on an application problem (handout given out in class)

·  Covered some sections of chapter 1

·  New link on the website DAILY LOG (same cell as the syllabus): it will say what we did each class and remind you of what you have to do for the following class – check daily

·  Read the POWER POINT PRESENTATION for sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (I sent you the link in an e-mail – Also found on the top row of my Math 101 website

·  Print the documents listed in my website:

Chapter 1 and chapter 2 study guides

Linear function summary (start working on this one which is due on 9/13)

·  Check the MC e-mail. I will send you an e-mail with the grace period code

·  Study for a quiz on the material covered in class

Day 3 – September 7, 2010

·  Finished with sections 1.2 and 1.3

·  Covered tables on section 1.4

·  DUE NEXT CLASS: Problem 4, page 23, section 1.3 is due next class (the students who have the third edition of the book should look into the fourth edition to do the same problem – it may also be in the third edition under another number).

If you do not have the book yet, go to the math science center in MT02. You can borrow the book while you are there.

If you do not have the book but have MyMathLab, use the e-book which is in MML

·  Due next class: write the equation of the line from problem Set 2, on number 40, page 31

·  11 am class: For problem number 40 on page 31, write the equations for problems Set 3 and Set 4 (on the 9:30 am class we already did this in class)

·  Print the study guide for chapter 1 (in my website)

  1. Go over this guide for sections 1.1-1.5
  2. Read the topics listed and put (????) in all the topics that you are not familiar with; read the book to answer your questions or go to the math science center or my office with your questions.

·  Study for a quiz: all material covered so far

Day 4 – September 9, 2010

QUIZ TODAY: it’s a participation quiz. Neat work should be shown in your notebook. Ask your group-mate when you have questions. Come to the board when asked to do so. We will all work on the same handouts

·  We explored MYMC: announcements and files

·  We worked on the files for chapter 1 located in MYMC (1.1 – 1.5) We’ll continue with the others next week

·  There are some handouts to print

¨  Some of them were completed in class

¨  The others have to be printed and completed at home

¨  There is a handout SUMMARY of lines that is due next class 9/14

·  Bring your calculator

·  Bring your book

·  Register in MyMathLab and do homework on chapter 1 sections – DUE DATE HAS BEEN SET FOR SOMETIME NEXT WEEK

·  Study for a quiz on 1.1-1.5

·  THE BOOK HAS NOT ARRIVED YET! Please, check tomorrow, if you are on campus.

Day 5 – September 14, 2010

·  We discussed sections 1.4 and 1.5 - the solutions have been posted in MYMV

·  We had a quiz

·  We worked on sections 1.6 and 2.1

·  I gave out a HOUT in 2.1 (if you missed class, it’s in MYMC - files)

·  For next class print the other 3 HOUTS from chapter 2 (they are in MYMC – files)

·  Study sections 1.6 and 2.1 for a quiz: In the quiz one question will be a graph for you to give the domain and range using the interval notation and the inequality notation. The other question will be a word problem to find the slope, write proper units and interpret within context.

·  Do HWK in MML

·  BOOKS ARRIVED!!! If you used the grace period code to register for MML, make you use the new code you buy to upgrade your code. (Instructions for UPGRADING are given below – scroll down!!!)


·  Calculator Workshops - An introduction to using the

·  TI-83 or 84 graphing calculator

·  Open to students enrolled in MA 101 and higher (no statistics or probability, no TI-89’s)

·  Thursday, Sept. 16, 6:00 - 6:50 p.m.

·  Friday, Sept. 17, 11:00 – 11:50 a.m.

·  Tuesday, Sept. 21, 1:00 - 1:50 p.m.

·  Wednesday, Sept. 22, 3:00 - 3:50 p.m.

·  It is ok to come late or to part of the workshop!

·  All workshops will be held in the

·  Math/Science Center

·  located in Macklin Tower, Room 02

·  For more information call (240) 567-5200

To upgrade to full MyMathLab course access:

Before the grace period expires, you must upgrade your subscription to continue accessing your course. To do this, go to the Grace Period Subscription Upgrade page. You can upgrade your subscription either by paying with a credit card or PayPal account, or by entering the MyMathLab access code from the access kit you purchased at the bookstore.

1.  Go to the Subscription Upgrade page: http://www.mymathlab.com/grace-period-payment-page

2.  Choose your upgrade method:

3.  Follow the registration instructions.

Note: On the Access Information screen, select “Yes” under “Do you have a Pearson Education account?” and type in your existing MyMathLab login name and password.

What happens if I don’t upgrade before the end of the 21-day grace period?

If you do not upgrade your subscription within the 21-day grace period, your subscription will expire and you will not have access to your MyMathLab course. You may also lose access to other CourseCompass courses you are taking.

If you do not want to continue with your MyMathLab course, contact Customer Technical Support at http://247pearsoned.custhelp.com and ask to be removed from the course so you don’t lose access to your other CourseCompass courses.

Day 6 – September 16, 2010

·  If you are using the grace period code for the MML homework, please, switch to the permanent code. The instructions are above – if it expires you will lose all your grades

·  Study sections 2.1 and 2.2 by reading the examples in the book, and reading the notes.

·  Do the MML HWK on those sections

·  If possible, also read and do HWK from 2.3

·  If you have questions, PLEASE, do not wait, go and get help in the MSC or come to my office.

·  MYMATHLAB is also a great tutoring tool. Watch the videos, and use all the resources within MML. Take advantage of all resources

·  DUE NEXT CLASS: the front page of the HOUT that you got in class (you worked on problem 2 and problem 1, about domain and range is due next class)

·  DUE NEXT CLASS: go to MYMC. Within FILES, you will find the HOUT for Secti2.2-WP18 It’s about problem 18 on page 72 of the book. You need to read the problem in the book in order to be able to define the variables with letters, words and units as it is asked in part 1 of the HOUT.

ANSWER questions 1-7 from the HOUT (these are required)

EXTRA CREDIT: if you also answer questions 8 and 9 of the HOUT

·  If you need help GO TO THE MSC

·  Study for a quiz on interpreting slopes and y-intercepts within context

As professor McCullough says

·  There are two ways to take this class, SERIOUSLY or AGAIN

Day 7 – September 21, 2010 – PLEASE READ THE PLAN FOR TODAY

·  Collect HOUT given out last class – we had worked on page 2 and you were supposed to do problem 1 to turn in during this class

·  Answer questions from HWK (5 minutes only – if you have more questions come to my office or go to the MSC)

·  Check your answers to problem 18 pg. 72 – we started this problem last class and you had to finish for today

·  Cover HOUT from 2.3 – from MYMC - If you do not have this – log into MYMC –(Please DO NOT PRINT in this room)

·  Cover HOUT from 2.4 – from MYMC - If you do not have this – log into MYMC –(Please DO NOT PRINT in this room) – FINISH THIS at home – If you don’t understand, get help. Go to the MSC or come to see me. Don’t wait until Thursday.

·  EXAM ON CHAPTERS 1 AND 2 NEXT TUESDAY: Re-do all HOUTS from the class. do HWK from the book; if you have finished all the HWK in MML, use the STUDY PLAN within MML

The exam will have mostly word problems

·  Complete the MML HWK – some sections are due tomorrow and others on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday I will open chapter 1 again. I am doing this because we had a slow start of the semester. It will not be done again.

Day 8 – September 23, 2010 – READ TODAY’S NEWS!

·  Go to MYMC-MYCOURSES and open the new document within the chapter 2 folder

Chapter2-fall2010.pdf - answers provided in class

·  EXAM in chapters 1 and 2 will be given on Tuesday 9/28 – there are no make-up for exams, so, please, do not miss the exam!!!

·  There will be many word problems in the test. Practice writing interpretations within context. Use complete sentences in your interpretations

·  All MML assignments from chapter 1 will open again on the weekend through Sunday evening. If you want to use MML to study, use the study plan.

·  I would recommend you study by going over all HOUTS and do word problems from the book – you can even use their examples by solving them on your own and comparing your solution to theirs.

·  There is a STUDY GUIDE in my website that lists all the topics that you need to know on chapters 1 and 2.


·  If you are using the grace period code for the MML homework, DID YOU SWITCH to the permanent code? The instructions are above – if it expires you will lose all your grades

September 28

I sent you an e-mail with instructions about a due assignment

In my website, there is an assignment about FUNNEL CAKES

Scroll down to the bottom of the Math 101 website

It is not in MYMC, it is in my website

Print and solve for next class.

Calculator Workshops

An introduction to using the

TI-83 or 84 graphing calculator

Open to students enrolled in MA 101 and higher (no statistics or probability, no TI-89’s)

Wednesday, Sept. 29, 6:00 - 6:50 p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 2, 1:00 – 1:50 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 4, 10:00 - 10:50 a.m.

Thursday, Oct. 7, 12:00 - 12:50 p.m.

It is ok to come late or to part of the workshop!

All workshops will be held in the

Math/Science Center

located in Macklin Tower, Room 02

For more information call (240) 567-5200

September 30

·  Take home due Tuesday October 5th: on another paper, RE-DO the problems you got wrong on your test. Show all work and write answers using complete sentences. Remember to write the answers using correct units.

·  Second assignment due next October 5th: solve the other form of the test – (given out in class)

Again, answer all questions as requested – show all work and include proper units

·  Study sections 4.1, 4.2, and 9.1

·  Third assignment due next October 5th: In MYMC in MYCOURSE there is a document for chapter 4 – Print and complete this document to turn in

·  The quiz next class will be on problems from these 3 sections


October 5, 2010


·  Section 4.3

·  HOUT Sect4-3-Exp-fncs: Given in class. If you missed class it is in MYMC, in the chapter 4 folder – Finish at home all we did not complete in class

·  Problem 72, page 183, section 4.2 – finish at home what we did not do in class

·  - Enter data

·  - Sketch scattergram

·  - By looking at the scatter-diagram, which model best fits the data, linear or exponential?

·  - Use the calculator to find the best linear model and paste into Y1

·  - Use the calculator to find the best exponential model and paste into Y2

·  - Answer question (b) of the problem

·  - Answer question (c) of the problem


·  In MYMC within the CHAPTER 4 folder there are some new documents:

·  COURSE NOTEBOOK#4, you already did this one, it was due today 10/5

·  STU-Exp-Linear; print, complete and turn in on 10/7

·  Sect4.1-prop-exp; print, complete and turn in on 10/12

·  Sect4.2-rat-exp; print, complete and turn in on 10/12

·  Sect4-3-Exp-Linear; print, complete and turn in on 10/7

·  Keep up with the HWK in MML – remember that it is 10% of your grade

·  Study for a quiz on sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

·  I have not seen any of you in my office yet. Do you know everything or are you getting help in the MSC? To succeed in one semester we must keep up with the material and clarify questions as soon as you have them.

·  Get ready for the next exam which is on 10/15 (all of chapter 4)

October 7

·  In class we did:

·  Work in section 4.5, word problems

·  We had a calculator quiz