For Week of August 31-Sept. 4, 2015

Dear Parents,

Reading 4 nights a week with your child is part of the daily homework. It doesn’t matter how long you read. The goal is to make reading a part of your child’s daily schedule. This homework is due on Friday, Sept. 4.

Monday, August 31 — Comparing Length. Have your child find some crayons (or pencils). Have your child pick two crayons and compare their length. Have your child describe the crayons using the words “longer” and “shorter.” Have your child keep measuring crayons or pencils until it is no longer fun. Have your child line up all the crayons from shortest to longest.

·  Tuesday, Sept. 1— Describe objects in our environment. Have your child look at two different objects. Have your child describe the two objects by naming their shapes and relative position to one another. For example: The circle rug is under the oval table. The sphere ball is behind the cube ottoman. You describe two objects by naming their shapes and relative position to your child. Have your child draw a picture of what you are describing.

·  Wednesday, Sept. 2— What’s in a name? Have your child write their first name the school way by starting with an upper-case letter and continuing with lower-case letters. Have your child count how many letters are in their name. Have your child point and say the letters in their name. Have your child continue pointing and naming the letters in their name until they can do it independently. Have your child cut up the individual letters in their name and see if they can put the letters back together in the correct order.

·  Thursday, Sept. 3— Concepts of Print. Have your child open up a book and point to the first word you read on the page. Next have your child show with their finger which direction you read. When you get to the end of that line, show where you read next. Read the book to your child. Repeat this activity at the beginning of each page.

·  Friday, Sept. 4.--Turn in this homework.

___ My child knows their birthdate.

___ My child knows their address.

___ My child knows phone number.

(Parents: check mark if your child can do the above 3 things)