Leisure YuMD, Inc.
Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery
Now that you are contemplating or have scheduled a shoulder surgery, here are few points to give you an overview of the procedure.
Shoulder surgery is done for rotator cuff tear, dislocation, impingement syndrome, labral tear, AC joint arthritis or other causes resulting in a painful shoulder. In general, recovery after surgery will take 3-5 weeks to get comfortable with arm activities below the shoulder and may take 3-4 months with overhead activities. In total, shoulder recovery sometimes may take 4 to 6 months. Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine to assist in your shoulder movement will start on the second week. Physical therapy will be initiated in the third week after surgery. Shoulder motion, and CPM may be prescribed by Dr. Yu immediately after surgery for other conditions.NOTE: Dr. Yu will customize the treatment to expedite your recovery. Your outcome timeline may be different than average outcome stated above.
The shoulder surgery is done under general anesthesia while you are “asleep”. It is an outpatient surgery and you go home after the anesthesia wears off. You do not stay in the hospital. If you have more pain than usual or need more care, Dr. Yu may admit you for overnight pain control and observation.
Dr. Yu is one of the earliest orthopaedic surgeons to adopt the following measures to reduce post-operative pain.
Scalene Block: At the time of surgery you may receive a scalene block administered by the anesthesiologist to the base of your neck to reduce pain from surgery. The block or injection will be administered with a small amount of local anesthesia while you are awake. This will significantly reduce shoulder pain and reduce your narcotic use. After the block is completed, the general anesthesia will be administered for the surgery. The scalene block will make you feel like you had a stroke, as you may not feel your arm for about 6 to 12 hours. It may also dilate your pupils, causing slight vision problems. These are some of the minor temporary side effects of the procedure. There may be other side affects which your anesthesiologist will share with you if you decide to accept this procedure. Your sensation will return shortly just like you would recover from the Novocain shots for dental work.
Cryo-Pads: Circulating cooling pads will be added on top of your surgical dressing to reduce swelling and thereby decrease pain. It will be wrapped around your shoulder with Velcro straps. Do not be afraid to adjust the straps for comfort. Do not hesitate to remove it if you find it uncomfortable. Use it on for 2-4 hours and off for 1-2 hours for comfort. You may use it for your personal comfort for the first week or two after surgery. Cryo-pads will not be used in diabetic patients.
Surgical Dressing and Sling-Brace: After surgery, a bulky dressing will be placed over the surgical site and your arm will be placed in a sling-brace. The dressing may be removed in two days after the analgesic pain pump is empty. The elbow should rest OVERthe small pillow brace and not on it. This will keep the elbow away from your body to prevent shoulder contraction. Release the wrist straps 2-3 times a day after surgery and exercise your fingers, hand, and elbow gently as pain allows you to do so. Keep using the pillow for the first two weeks. Try not to raise your elbow overhead or turn your elbow outward for the first two weeks. The sling-brace is held together with Velcro straps, these straps may be adjusted for comfort. The pillow brace should be at the elbow level.
Use of the arm for gentle activities is encouraged as soon as pain diminishes to reduce stiffness in the shoulder. Your scheduled return visits to Dr. Yu’s office will be in the first two weeks after surgery. Thereafter, your tentative subsequent visits will be in 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.
First 10 days to Two Weeks: Eat lightly after your surgery. Do not driveuntil you have received clearance from Dr. Yu. Use pain pills, Cryo-pads and gentle range of motion of fingers, hands and elbow as needed to make your recovery comfortable. At your first visit Dr. Yu will initiate CPM and physical therapy. This is when you begin your daily exercise at home to improve outcome.
Weeks 3-6: Begin gentle shoulder range of motion as instructed by Dr. Yu and by your physical therapist.
Week 7 and up: You are now on your way to recovery. Dr. Yu will continue to monitor your recovery as scheduled. Dr. Yu and staff wish you the very best in recovery.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to phone Dr. Yu.
Office: (909) 799-3838
Office Fax: (909) 799-3830
Cell: (909) 214-2105
For more Patient Education go to
If you have any problems with equipment failure following surgery, please call the carrier that provided the equipment. Dr. Yu usually uses TEAM POST-OP (800-339-9295); however, some insurance companies require use of other equipment providers. Please get a phone number from the representative that sets up your equipment.
Leisure Yu, M.D., Inc.
10459 Mt View Ave., Ste. DLoma Linda, CA92354
(909) 799-3838 fax (909) 799-3830