January 3, 2018

  1. Call to Order by President Gerd Scheller at 6:36 pm

A. Home owner Jim Brooks was present at the board meeting

  1. December 5th meeting minutes were reviewed
  1. Darwin motioned to approve minutes
  2. Gerd seconded motion
  3. Motion passed unanimously
  1. Financial Report
  1. We currently have $28,804.97 in our checking after paying for the fence.
  2. All homeowners have now paid the special assessment including all fees.
  3. Sue Middaugh has been continuing to help us with setting up and using quickbooks, but does not appear interested in taking the treasurer position. Gerd will confirm this, but we need to consider one more request for a treasurer from our HOA with the offer to pay for the volunteer to receive training. If no volunteer comes forward, the HOA will need to hire a bookkeeper.
  4. Gerd believed there may be some interest in an external audit being conducted. If the membership wishes to pursue this, it may cost up to $2000 to conduct.
  5. Since this and other issues come up from time to time, it was suggested that a threaded discussion option be designed and set up on the HOA website. Our webmaster (Zack) will be contacted to discuss this and adding a voting button/function to the website.
  1. Old Business
  1. Buster met with Gerd to discuss the storm water issue. Since the storm water in the ponds cannot be used to water the golf course, the pumps have mostly been used to pump out flooding water, and the city added culverts. Buster, on behalf of the golf course, asked the HOA to pay $1000 for the care and maintenance of the pumps.
  2. Gerd checked and believed that amount seemed about right after checking prices with roto-rooter. He explained that Buster is motivated to get the lot line adjustment and storm water issue resolved.
  3. It was clarified that the easements between the homes leading to the golf course are “power easements” and not the responsibility of the golf course; It was also clarified that Anthony Brown (who has the contract for snow removal) is only responsible for clearing sidewalks in the common areas. Homeowners are responsible for removing snow from the sidewalks in front of their homes.
  4. We will be putting the slats in the chain-link fence when it warms up Volunteers so far have included Gerd, Darwin, Faith, Jim Brooks, Steve Sherwood, and David Golden. This information will be put out for more volunteers when the weather warms up.
  5. There was some further discussion about the small modular steps in the beautification process, and that this year we will begin with the space between the sidewalk and the road in the common area around the small pond at West Terrace and January Drive. There was some conversation about whether transforming the grassy entrance to rock might create enough financial savings to pay for this first step in the beautification process versus improving an “eyesore” area as a higher priority.
  6. It was suggested that it may be useful to call another general meeting to discuss:

a. The storm water agreement

b. The lot line adjustment

c. Insurance (and how these three may all play out for the HOA)

d. Make a last call for a volunteer treasurer (and that hiring an accountant may cost up to $130 per month)

e. Ask for more volunteers to help with inserting the slats in the chain link fence

f. We will look tentatively at Saturday, February 3, at 10 am in the INB meeting room to meet.

V New Business

  1. Gerd expressed a need for a printer for the HOA to save costs from commercial printing. Darwin motioned to approve the purchase of a printer, paper and ink all with a limit of $500. Faith seconded motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  2. Gerd was also approved to purchase stamps to mail the VF Fotheringham paperwork to those who were not present at the General Meeting.
  1. Adjournment & schedule next meeting
  2. Next meeting scheduled for February 7 at 6:30 pm at Gerd’s house.
  3. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.