THIS MORNING – November 6, 2016
Welcome! We are glad you chose to worship with us today here at Calvin Church, and trust you will enjoy the service and are encouraged in the Lord!
We again welcome Rod Brandsen from Holland Christian Schools, who will conclude his 3 week sermon series on how God brings shalom to chaos. His sermon is titled “The Comfort of Predestination in a Chaotic World” based on Ephesians 1:1-14.
The offering today is for Christian Reformed World Missions. CRWM exists to glorify God by leading the CRC to respond obediently to our Lord’s commission to witness to the good news of God’s Kingdom and make disciples of all nations.
DID YOU MISS A SUNDAY AT CHURCH? There are bulletins and requested announcements from the prior week in the information rack on the back wall. We also keep bulletins for the previous four weeks up by the office that you may pick up.
CALVIN’S COFFEE BAR – Join us in the fellowship room downstairs Sunday mornings from 9:15 – 9:45 a.m. for coffee and a time of fellowship before church.
Youth Group will meet tonight at church from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
OFFICE HOURS – The church office will be closed this week Tuesday & Thursday. Please have all bulletin announcements in by 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Thank you!
CALVIN CHRONICLE – All submissions for the December/January Chronicle are due to Shelly Prins by next week Thursday, November 17. Any new ideas/suggestions and recipes are always welcome. Thank you!
WEDNESDAY DINNERS – Join us this week for Wednesday dinners from 5:15 – 6:00 p.m. We encourage all Calvin families to join us. If you are available to help 1x or more often with Wednesday evening dinners, please contact Randy Bouwer (510-5158).
ADVANCE NOTICE: Thanksgiving Day worship service - 10:00 a.m. Please plan to join us in giving praise and thanks to God for the many blessings He has given us!
PASTOR OF VISITATION - In this time of transition, the elders have arranged with Kent Van Til to serve as pastor of visitation for our church. If you have a need for a hospital visit or other pastoral needs, please contact the church office, who will forward the information on to Kent. Still feel free to contact your household elder for any spiritual needs as well.
Search COMMITTEE - In the interest of giving guidance to the search committee, the elders invite the congregation to give input regarding the type of pastor we are seeking to call.
GEMS VENDOR AND CRAFT SHOWCASE – Mark your calendars – Calvin GEMS will be hosting a Vendor and Craft Showcase on Saturday, November 19 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Calvin Church. There will be tables set up with Thirty One, Mary Kay, Young Living, Lula Roe, homemade mittens, crafts and baked goods, beaded jewelry and comic wear, homemade décor and apparels, scented soy wickless candles and more. A sandwich and salad bar lunch will be available for $7 per person. Plan to come and shop – think Christmas gifts – and support our GEMS Program!
YOUTH GROUP FUNDRAISER – Calvin Youth Group will be selling the SaveAround® Lakeshore, MI 2017 Coupon Book again for their fall fundraiser. The money raised goes toward retreats and outreach opportunities for the middle and high school youth. There will be a table set up before and after services starting TODAY through Sunday, November 27th. The books are $25 each. Checks should be made out to Calvin Church. There are other markets available as a special order. These books make a great GIFT!!! If you have any questions, you can contact Beth Hartline at 616-644-4989.
CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM - Our program is being planned for the morning service on December 11. This will involve all children in Children & Worship and Kid Connection. We will practice for about 20 minutes after Children & Worship and Kid Connection TODAY and next Sunday, Nov. 13 and then during the service until the week of the program. Every child will have a special part in the program so we ask that they faithfully attend all the rehearsals. If you know your family will not be here on the 11th or if you have any questions, please speak to Kristyn Bouws or Nancy Genzink. Thank you very much!!
CALVIN CONGREGATION: Just a reminder that all groups and meetings at church (church related or not) must be scheduled through the office. Thanks!!
WORKROOM/SUPPLIES – The workroom by the office should be the central supply room for all ministry use so we don’t have stuff all over the church and don’t clutter the classrooms with supplies. There is paper, construction paper, glue, markers, crayons, scissors, tape, staplers, pens, pencils, poster putty, white board markers, erasers, and miscellaneous other supplies. If you need something for your ministry, please check this room. If there is something you need that we don’t have, please let Sue or Shelly know so that we can get it for you. Out of courtesy to everyone using these supplies, please return everything back to its proper place when you are done using it so that it is there for the next person or ministry to use. Thank you!!
Children and Worship and Kid Connection: Sunday mornings for 3 ½ year olds thru 5th grade (exit during the service).
Middle School & High School Youth Group: Sunday evenings, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., and other various activities throughout the month. Contact Josh Westhouse.
Cadets: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Contact Tim Speelman.
GEMS: Wednesdays – 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Contact Chantha Baker.
Kids Life Bible Club: - Wednesdays, 3:40 p.m. at Waukazoo Elementary School. Contact Ruth Kammeraad.
LIFE GROUPS: Meet at various times during the week.
Worship Services: Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m.
Pastor of Visitation: Dr. Kent Van Til
Church Office: phone - 396-4563
387 W. Lakewood Blvd.
E-mail -
Web Site:;
Internet Password: Calvin Guest
Sermon podcasts are available on the church website
Monday - Thursday– 9:00 a.m. – noon
Friday & Saturday – Closed
TODAY: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service
10:30 a.m. Children & Worship and Kid Connection
6:30 p.m. Youth Group
MONDAY: 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting
WEDNESDAY: 3:40 p.m. Bible Club at Waukazoo School
6:30 p.m. Cadets and GEMS
THURSDAY: 6:30 p.m. Women’s LIFE Group
FRIDAY: 6:00 p.m. Youth Group leave church for the Fuel
Student Leadership Conference at
Grace Adventures
NEXT SUNDAY – David Mosterd from Holland Christian will bring us the message.
TODAY – Nov. 6 NEXT SUNDAY – Nov. 13
Offerings Offerings
Christian Reformed World Missions CRC Chaplaincy Ministries
Greeters Greeters
Steve & Beth Hartline Amie Holst & girls
Cal & DonnaJean Hirdes Kevin & Julie Kammeraad
Nursery Nursery
Rod Genzink Deb Van Doornik
Jenny Fuder Charity Vander Laan
Chloe Vander Laan Lydia Vander Laan
Children & Worship (3½ - K) Children & Worship (3½ - K)
Lesson – The Promised Land Lesson – How the Church Tells Time
Teacher – Kathy Van Til Teacher – Kathy Van Til
Helper – Lydia Vander Laan Helper – Chloe Vander Laan
Kid Connection (1st – 5th) Kid Connection (1st – 5th)
Lesson – Rahab and the Spies Lesson – Fall of Jericho
Teacher – Elaine Antuma Teacher – Elaine Antuma
Ushers for November
Nate Perton, Mark Prins, Jeff Rietveld
If you have a pastoral or financial need,
please contact our pastor of visitation or one of our elders or deacons.
Pastor of Visitation - Dr. Kent Van Til
Elders are Rod Genzink, Rick Klompmaker, Gary Teja,
Todd Van Heest, and Dan Vos.
Deacons are Joe Baker, Dave Bos, Justin Burie,
Brian Edwards, Ross Kammeraad, and Dan Vanden Brink.
Pray for our nation and the Presidential election this week! Pray that God’s will be done!
Please pray regularly for our Bible Club ministry. Pray that the word of God will take root in kid’s hearts – some possibly hearing it for the first time.
Pray for Laurie Naber-Terpstra. She had surgery this past week to remove a brain tumor. Pray that recovery will go well with no complications.
Please thank God with the Konynenbelts! The radiation and medication has relieved Mary’s pain!
Please keep Anna Van Til in your prayers as she does community development in Black Hills, a low-income neighborhood of Grand Rapids. Specifically, pray for patience, love, and understanding within United in Christ Ministries, her partner organization, as they are going through a very difficult transition in leadership.
Please pray for The Source Church as they work to bring the good news of Jesus to South Florida. Pray that God will continue to provide strength and patience as they continue to grow this church.
Pray for Zachary & Sharon Segaar-King & family, our missionaries in Haiti, Randy Bouwer with RJB Ministries, Gary Teja with Multiplication Network Ministries and Christian Reformed World Missions and AJ & Alaina (formerly Alaina Antuma) Westendorp and their work in Guatemala.
Remember to pray for those who are unable to leave their homes or care facility – Warren Wolters at Rest Haven (David’s House), Pat Beyer at home, and Geri Martinie at American House – Baypointe.
Calvin Church’s Leaders, LIFE Group Leaders & Ministry Leaders – Thank God for their leadership and pray for God to equip them with wisdom and shepherding hearts.
GROUNDWORK – THE KINGDOM OF GOD - What is life in God’s kingdom like? When will it finally be reality? Let’s study Matthew 5, Luke 17 and Revelation 4 to discover what life looks like in God’s kingdom, why Christians believe it’s both already here and not yet fully realized, and how we live as kingdom citizens now. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
KIDS CORNER – REMEMBRANCE DAY - Terrene’s celebration of Remembrance Day prompts Grandpa to tell a story of his war experience as Private Anole. Subscribe for free at Check out KC's special Advent Paper Chain Calendar craft at
Poverty Inc, an award-winning video about the business of poverty alleviation around the world, will be shown at The Knickerbocker Theater on Thursday, November 10 at 7:00 PM. Daniel Jean-Louis, Haitian entrepreneur and author, will speak and answer questions immediately after the showing. Hear how the recent response to Hurricane Matthew in Haiti was drastically different than that of the Earthquake in 2010 because of the impact of this film.
An Immigration Workshop will take place on Monday, November 14, 7:00 PM, at Western Theological Seminary Chapel. At this interactive workshop, participants will walk through the immigration and refugee resettlement process in the US, learn how the system works, how it got that way, and how Christians are called to engage it. This event is led by the Christian Reformed Church Office of Social Justice.
LIFT SIT FOR ORPHANS 2016 – JQ99 Radio and Paradise Bound Ministries join together on Nov. 2 in our 5th annual Lift Sit for Orphans. This 2-3 day radio event, combined with our monthly Child Sponsorships, provides 100% of our yearly budget for Open Doors Orphanage! Help us provide a Christ centered, loving home for the precious children our Lord has entrusted us with. Join us in prayer on Nov. 2 and listen in: 99.3 FM, streaming live, or the JQ99 app (app stores). You can also give anytime, even before, or during the event:, text: GIVE to 616-499-6103, Mail: PO Box 652, Allendale, MI 49401. Designate your gift to “Lift Sit.”
CALL (Calvin Academy of Lifelong Learning) - is sponsoring two free Noontime lectures in November. The first, on Nov. 10, in the Chapel is with Muaz Redzic, Imam of the Bosnian Cultural Center in Grand Rapids, who will lecture at noon on what it means to be religious today and whether Islam is compatible with modernity. The second lecture, on Nov. 17, is titled “Donkey Carts and Starbucks: Raising Disciples in a Changing China” by Renee Aupperlee and will be held in the Covenant Fine Arts Center Recital Hall. Join our interest list by providing your name and address to receive catalogs on our course offerings at . Information about all our programs and classes can be found in detail at or call 526-8777 to receive information.
Ensemble Montage - Formed in 1997, Ensemble Montage is dedicated to presenting kaleidoscopic combinations of chamber music ranging from the baroque trio sonata to music written by the group's member-composer Alexander Miller. The group specializes in repertoire that mixes strings, woodwinds, and piano, but expands and contracts as repertoire demands – they've added percussion, voice, trumpet, an extra viola, double bass, and even accordion on occasion. Ensemble Montage will perform on Wednesday, November 9 at 7:30 PM in the Covenant Fine Arts Recital Hall. Admission is free; tickets are not required.
Fall Concert - Under the direction of Prof. Pearl Shangkuan, the Capella and Women's Chorale collaborate for a fall concert, rich in traditional and new music. The performance takes place at the Cathedral of St. Andrew on Sunday, November 13 at 2pm. Admission is free; tickets are not required.
Join Prof. John Varineau and the Calvin Community Symphony - for their fall concert on November 12 at 3 pm in the Covenant Fine Arts Center Auditorium. The title “A Spanish Fiesta” will include "Three Cornered Hat" by Manuel de Falla, ballet music from Massenet’s El Cid, Rossini’s Barber of Seville, and the exciting Danzón No. 2 by Arturo Márquez. Admission is free; tickets are not required.