Walnut High School
SeñoraZelayaSpanish III
Course description:
This Spanish III-H course is aligned with the National Standards and State Framework. It is also design to further develop the four basic communication skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These will enable the student to communicate and understand the target language outside the classroom and with native speakers of this language. With that in mind, this class will be conducted in Spanish and students will be expected to participate in class discussions and activities. In addition, there will be many opportunities to explore customs and culture through projects, videos, and art.
- Realidades 3 – please cover
- Composition notebook – recommended to organize all class assignments
- Spanish-English dictionary- recommended to use during class (No cell phone will be allowed)
- Bring the necessary materials to class.
- Arrive to class on time.
- Be ready to learn and participate.
- Complete all assignments.
Class policies and expectations:
- Bring all materials to class (textbook-covered, workbook, binder with sections, paper, pen/pencil, dry erase marker, and dictionary-English/Spanish.
- Be seated when the bell rings.
- Turn in homework/assignments on time.
- No late homework/assignments will be accepted.
- Turn-off your cell phone before entering class (You will receive a referral if the cell phone is visible)
- verbal warning
- Referral to GLC
- phone call home (may include detention or Saturday school)
- referral
Depending of the severity of the violation teacher can skip levels.
Attendance and tardiness:
Unexcused absences will result in a zero if you missed homework, an assignment, quiz, test, or written activity. If the absence is excused you will be able to make up the work missed, the student has one week to make up all the work missed including exams. (Exam make ups only during tutorial hours).Three tardies or more will result in a detention.
Test taking rules:
- Be prepared to take quiz/test by having a pen/pencil and eraser.
- No talking is allowed.
- If you have a question, raise you hand and the teacher will go to your seat.
- If you are caught cheating, you will receive a “0” for that quiz/test and a referral.
Classwork 20%
Grading scale:
98% - 100%= A+
94% - 97%= A
90% - 93% = A-
88% - 89% = B+
84% - 87%= B
80% - 83% = B-
I have read and reviewed the class policies and procedures for Spanish III-IB. I clearly understand them and will abide by them.
Please answer the following questions to better address your child’s needs.
- Do you have access to the internet?Yes: ______NO: ______
- Do you have access to a printer?Yes: ______NO: ______
- Are you able to print documents regularly?Yes: ______NO: ______
Parent/Guardian name: ______Signature: ______
Parent’s e-mail address: ______
Parent/Guardian phone number: ______
Student name:______Signature: ______
Student’s email address: ______