Bulloch County School System

6th Grade QUEST Syllabus


Emerson Chester – WJMS –

Jennifer Sherrod – SEBMS –

Patti Ward – LCMS/WJMS –

Sherri Cribbs – PMHS –

I.  Course Description

QUEST is the name of the program serving identified gifted students in grades 1-8 in Bulloch County. QUEST is an acronym for Quality and Unique Experiences in Study and Thought. The program provides special instruction for gifted students so that they may achieve at levels commensurate with their abilities. Within the QUEST class, students engage in individual and group learning experiences designed to develop cognitive skills, and foster leadership potential. The QUEST curriculum includes opportunities that enhance the following skills: oral and written communication, problem solving, deductive reasoning, creative and critical thinking, research, and self-evaluation. Instructional strategies include the use of technology as a tool for learning and guided independent study. While independent study is a key component of gifted education, activities are often selected to promote such real world skills as collaboration, communication, and cooperation.

II.  Course Outline

The following activities will be completed throughout the school year.

§  Independent Study/Research Skills

§  Required Unit: Golden Isles of GA

§  Novel Unit: The Giver

§  Simulation: The Great Ocean Rescue

§  Simulation: Decisions, Decisions

§  Vocabulary

§  Creative Problem-Solving Activities

§  You Be the Jury

§  Speaker’s Club

§  Readers’ Theatre

§  Oral and Written Communication Activities

III.  Materials Needed

§  3-ring binder (1 ½” to 2”)

§  Loose-leaf paper

§  8 dividers

§  Pens/Pencils

§  Highlighter (optional)

IV.  Grading Procedures

Major 50%

Minor 40%

Exam 10%

V.  Plagiarism

As stated in the student handbook, plagiarism is defined as “to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own without crediting the source” and will not be tolerated. On the first offense, students will be given an opportunity to redo the assignment for a maximum credit of 50%. Any other instances of plagiarism will result in a grade of 0%.

VI.  Make-up Work

Students should plan to make up work due to any absence. When absent, they should check the make-up box for missed work. Long-term projects should be turned in on the day students return to school.

VII.  Report on Student Progress

Progress reports are sent out at the midpoint of each nine weeks. The Bulloch County School System provides Parent Portal, an online web resource, by which parents may check student grades, attendance, etc. In addition, we will use our class web sites to keep you posted on upcoming events, projects, and other important information. (You can find the links by going to your school’s home page.) Please check the sites regularly. If you would like to conference about your child’s progress, please contact your child’s Quest teacher.

VIII.  Behavioral Expectations

The classroom environment should be conducive to learning at all times. The following rules will be adhered to at all times:

1.  Respect the teacher and other students.

2.  Work quietly so that you do not disturb others who are working.

3.  Keep your work area clean.

4.  Raise your hand to speak.

5.  Always ask permission to leave the classroom.

6.  Be prepared for class each day (bring necessary materials and assignments).

*And remember the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated!

If these rules are not followed, the following will occur:

1st Offense: Verbal Warning/Documentation

2nd Offense: Conference with Student (and parent contact depending on offense)

3rd Offense: Parent Contact

4th Offense: Office Referral

IX.  Study Trip

The study trip to Jekyll Island correlates with the required unit on the Golden Isles of Georgia, and it is scheduled for October 25—27, 2010. Traditionally, the sixth grade study trip—designed to correlate with the Golden Isles of Georgia Unit—has been a 3 day/2 night trip to Jekyll Island 4-H camp. We have scheduled the Jekyll Trip for Oct. 25-27 for this year; however, the QUEST staff is currently exploring a change in this tradition. We are considering taking three day trips to multiple barrier islands to offer students a greater understanding of the barrier islands. We are involved in discussions with the educational staff on other islands to determine if this is a viable option. If a change is to be made, this decision will be reached shortly.

If a student violates a discipline policy during a field trip, that student may not be allowed to attend the next year’s field trip.

Please sign and return the following to Your QUEST Teacher by Friday, August 6, 2010.

Students: I have read the course syllabus, continuation policy, and trip guidelines. I understand all of the forms. I will follow all of the procedures outlined in them while in this class.


Student Signature Date

Parents: I have read the course syllabus, continuation policy, and trip guidelines. I understand all of the forms. I will support the procedures outlined in it.


Parent Signature Date

I frequently send out progress reports, study trip information, newsletters, and reminders through e-mail. If you would like to be part of my mailing list, please fill out the information below. Effective communication between school and home is an essential part of student success at school.


Parent/Guardian Name (Please print.) E-mail Address


Parent/Guardian Name (Please print.) E-mail Address

Preferred Contact Information

Name: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Home Address: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______


On October 25-27, 2010, the Bulloch County Sixth Grade QUEST students will participate in the Marine and Environmental Educational Program at the Jekyll Island 4-H Center. The trip correlates with our required unit, The Golden Isles of Georgia. You will receive more detailed information about the trip at a later date.

Beginning August 6, 2010 any of the following will prevent students from participating in this study trip.

1. Out-of-school suspension related to school offenses

2. Out-of-school suspension related to bus offenses

3. A pattern of In-school suspension with two or more to be reviewed by the QUEST teacher, the principal, and the QUEST Coordinator.

4. If a student violates a discipline policy during a field trip, that student may not be allowed to attend the next year’s field trip. If a student is prohibited from trip participation due to a discipline infraction, a full refund may not be possible.

Inappropriate dress:

Students must adhere to the Bulloch County Schools Student Dress Expectations, as listed in the 2010-2011 Student Handbook. A reminder is that bathing suits are also not appropriate for this trip.

Items not permitted on trip

Food of any kind (The “Canteen” on site provides this.)


Cell Phones or Pagers

Other Items not appropriate for school as listed in the Student Handbook

Students must be willing to follow the guidelines established by the QUEST staff and the Jekyll 4-H Center staff. Students who feel that they cannot follow the necessary guidelines should consider not participating. Discipline guidelines, as listed in the Student Handbook, apply to this and all field trips.

Child must be an active daily participant in the QUEST classroom and passing all enrolled classes to attend the QUEST study trip.

Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand these guidelines. Questions may be directed to Patti Ward at 681-8779 (212-8720), Jennifer Sherrod at 842-9555 (212-8400), Sherri Cribbs at 865-2640 (842-8360), Emerson Chester at 764-2752 (212-8820), or Susan Strickland at 764-1516 (212-8564).


Parent’s signature Date


Student’s Signature Date

It is necessary for this paper to be returned to your child’s QUEST teacher if he/she plans to participate in the Study Trip.

Bulloch County Gifted Education Services (QUEST)

Criteria for Continuation

A student who has been officially placed in the gifted program may continue to receive gifted services as long as he/she meets the following criteria:

Satisfactory performance in the regular classroom is determined as follows:

·  Grades K-1 – Student must maintain satisfactory grade level performance in each core academic subject (reading, language arts, math, science and social studies). Adequate progress is defined as 3’s and 4’s on a standards-based report.

·  Grades 2-5 – Student must maintain an overall 85 academic average (Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies).

·  Grades 6-8 must maintain an over 85 academic average (Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies).

·  Grades 9-12 must maintain an overall 85 academic average (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Foreign Language).

Satisfactory performance in the gifted classes:

·  Satisfactory performance will be based on the recommendations of the teacher of the gifted, with such recommendation to be based on active participation, required products, and regular attendance in the gifted program. QP 112 will be used to report performance in grades 1-5 each nine weeks. An 85 average must be maintained in QUEST classes in grades 6-8.

·  In the event that the student does not meet the continuation criteria, the following steps will be taken to review the student’s gifted services: During a nine week grading period, if a student’s performance falters, parent contacts will be made. If needed, a conference will be requested to include the student, parent, gifted program teacher, and other teachers involved. All parties will review the continuation policy at this time and discuss strategies the student may apply to attain satisfactory performance.

Probation (Academic)

·  Parents and students will be notified at any time continuation criteria are not being met.

·  If a student fails to meet one of the above criteria, he/she will be placed on probation for the duration of one nine weeks (grades 1-8. The student will remain in the gifted program during this probationary period.

·  If continuation criteria have been met at the end of the probationary period, the student will be removed from probation and attain good standing in the program.

·  If, at the end of the probationary period, continuation criteria have not been met, the student will be withdrawn from the gifted program.

·  Resulting class changes will be made at logical transition points in the school year. Withdrawal results if a second probation is needed.

Academic Withdrawal

·  The withdrawal procedure will consist of a conference which may include the parent, classroom teacher, gifted class teacher, and student.

·  Minutes of this meeting shall be given to the parent along with a copy of the continuation criteria. A copy of these minutes will be placed in the student’s permanent folder.

Voluntary Withdrawal

·  This term is defined as any student intentionally exiting the gifted program while meeting all continuation criteria.

·  The withdrawal procedure will consist of a meeting including the parent/guardian, the gifted teacher and an administrator

·  minutes of the meeting must be kept concerning the discussion and decision of the conference

·  A form indicating parental approval of the withdrawal must be signed at this meeting. The form shall be placed in the student’s permanent folder.

Procedures for Re-entry after a withdrawal:

·  After an academic withdrawal, if a student successfully maintains an 85 or above average in core content classes for the next two consecutive nine weeks, re-entry to the QUEST program may be requested.

·  After a voluntary or academic withdrawal, a student may request re-entry into the gifted program only once during grades 1-12. No further probation periods will be allowed after a withdrawal from service and a re-entry. Permanent withdrawal will result if grade standards are not maintained.

·  An eligibility team, that includes the Bulloch County Gifted Coordinator, will review re-entry requests.

·  If initial eligibility determination is less than two (2) years old at the time of the request for re-entry, the student can re-enter the program under the original eligibility data.

·  If the initial eligibility determination is more than two (2) years old, the student must undergo the full evaluation process and meet eligibility criteria.


Parent Signature Date


Student Signature Date

QP118 12/09 Rev.