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Boarding 54

Day 34

BridgeviewSchool is a community, co-educational, day and boarding special school. The school is not affiliated with any particular religious denomination.

Visits to the school prior to admission can be made by arrangement with the Headteacher.


ACADEMIC YEAR 2007 - 2008

AUTUMN TERM5th September-21st December

HALF TERM20th October-28th October

SPRING TERM8th January-20th March

HALF TERM9th February-17th February

SUMMER TERM8th April-22ndJuly

MAY DAY5th May

HALF TERM24th May-3rd June

The school's teaching day is 5 hours 5 minutes

Morning school 8.55 - 12.10 (break 10.55-11.10)

Afternoon school 1.25 - 3.30

Training days for staff:3rd September 2007

4th September 2007

7th January 2008

7th April 2008

2nd June 2008


BridgeviewSchool is fully committed to providing education and social programmes which enable each child to have access to a broad and well balanced curriculum. These programmes, which include full National Curriculum entitlement, are designed to develop the academic and social skills required to allow pupils to be successfully re integrated into mainstream schools.


Is to create a culture that values learning. It gives worth to each child and enables him/her to work with staff in order to achieve the highest standards of which she/he is capable in each of our stated school aims.

BridgeviewSchool is well organised to care for and value each child individually. The school aims to provide each child with the opportunity:

- to appreciate learning and reach his/her full academic potential

-to reach the highest standards of personal and social behaviour

-to experience trust, respect and responsibility, leading to self reliance and self


- to be a caring member of the community

- to prepare to respond positively and confidently to the challenge of adult life.

The school will attempt:

-to make real to each child the principle of the equal worth of each member of

the school community. The principle recognises differences in ability and

in background and values them. It starts at the point where each individual is -

and it looks for and values the development from that starting point.

-to emphasise the value placed on all teaching and learning by giving it

recognition and praise.


LOWERSCHOOL: The lower School has mixed ability classes grouped according to age and maturity. The achievement of educational success and the re-integration of pupils into the mainstream educational system is an integral aim of each child's programme. In order to achieve these objectives the teachers in the LowerSchool seek to attain a realistic balance between the pursuit of academic standards and the development of each pupil's social awareness.

Key stage 2 pupils (ages 7-11 years) spend the majority of their time with their own class teacher receiving specialist subject teaching in I.C.T and Physical Education. The timetable allows the teachers to team teach mixed age/ability groups in relation to a range of cross curricular 'themes'. The Primary School mode is intended to develop each pupil's awareness and interests in a number of educational experiences and allow them gradually to become aware of the expectations and demands of normal school life.

Key stage 3 pupils (ages 11-14 years) spend at least 40% of their time with a class tutor following an appropriate English and Mathematics programmes whilst developing good working relationships. In the remaining periods each child is taught by a number of specialist teachers delivering all of the National Curriculum core and foundation subjects, Religious Education and Personal and Social Education.

The majority of children who return to mainstream education do so from the LowerSchool. By following the above curriculum BridgeviewSchool aims to enable pupils to make significant progress academically in preparation for this move. At the same time teachers, child care staff and teaching assistant’s work closely together to provide a structured programme aimed at overcoming learning difficulties, correcting inappropriate behavioural responses, improving the child's self esteem and establishing appropriate social skills to enable pupils to cope with the social and academic pressures they may encounter at home or in their local school.

Pupils for whom, due to educational, emotional or behavioural problems, a return to mainstream education is deemed inappropriate will move into the SeniorSchool to cover Key stage 4 (ages 14-16) of their education.

SENIORSCHOOL:The Senior School is organised into three tutorial groups. The majority of pupils entering SeniorSchool leave when they are sixteen. The curriculum aims to further progress the work in National Curriculum subjects whilst preparing all pupils for increased independence away from the secure and protective environment of school. To achieve these aims a cross curricular approach has been developed including Social Education, Business Initiatives, Careers and Leisure and Physical Education. Running alongside these are core courses in Mathematics, English, European Studies, Art, History, Geography, Science and Design and Technology. At all times children are encouraged to take responsibility for and be active in, the decision making processes within school whilst learning how to communicate thoughts, feelings and opinions to others in a sensible, socially acceptable fashion.

The move towards independence is also facilitated by College link courses, Community Work placements and the implementation of work experience schemes. These progress from short internal placements to a minimum of three external placements during each pupil's final year, with the final work experience being in the home area. Arrangements are influenced by the accessibility of placements and the individual circumstances of each pupil.

If, during their final year of schooling, a child's needs could be best met through placements within their local area, he/she may follow an individual transition programme (I.T.P) that includes modules of school based work, college courses, work experience, community work and self supported and home tutorial study units. The decision as to whether a child will join this programme will be usually made at his/her year 10 Annual Review, or at subsequent meetings involving parents, students and appropriate professionals.

At all times senior pupils are treated as young adults and consequently given the respect and attention to them as individuals. However, it is clearly pointed out that an important facet of increasing independence is the ability to accept responsibility and treat others pupils and adults with the same respect and consideration.

All pupils within key stage 4 follow courses that lead to GCSE qualifications in English, Mathematics and Science awarded by the AQA. If students are unable to fulfil the assessment requirements for GCSE then they will follow courses that lead to AQA Entry level certification in English, Mathematics and Science.

In addition there are opportunities for pupils to gain Entry level certification in other curricular areas (eg World of Work, Geography and History). Cross Curricular courses will be accredited through the ASDAN, Youth Award Scheme, which has been introduced into the SeniorSchool curriculum.

Following general discussions during year 10 each child is formally interviewed by the Specialist Careers Officer during the Autumn Term prior to leaving school. Details of the interview are forwarded to each child's local careers office where further interviews are arranged. Career opportunities, employment and individual counselling are an integral part of the 'SeniorSchool' programme.


Each teacher is responsible for the pastoral care of the children in their class group. Each child has a named person, usually a member of the child care staff, who is responsible for co-ordinating the social programmes and liaising with supporting agencies. The named person will also liaise closely with parents, especially prior to the child's annual review, and has responsibility for monitoring the child's progress linked to targets and programmes recommended during the annual review or subsequent meetings.

The school has a designated teacher who has the responsibility for the pastoral care of pupils who have been identified as needing additional support. This teacher will liaise directly with parents, the pupils concerned and other agencies to coordinate the support and implement any agreed strategies.


Homework is set on a regular basis for all children within the school. The frequency and content of the homework tasks is determined by the child's age, ability and any specific recommendations made in their Statement of Special Educational Needs, annual review or subsequent meetings.

Key stage 4 children following GCSE syllabi, will be expected to complete regular course work assignments throughout the year if they are to fulfil assessment requirements.


Religious Education is provided within the terms of the Kingston upon Hull City Council 'Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education’. The school will make arrangements for parents to exercise their statutory right of withdrawal of their children from religious education or from the collective act of worship that forms part of the regular assembly.

Children withdrawn from these activities will follow individual programmes linked to the English and Mathematics syllabi.


Sex Education is an integral part of the General Science curriculum and the Personal and Social Education programmes within the school. Individual counselling by both teaching and child care staff is available when appropriate to all children.


An extensive programme is planned for the pupils during the year including board games, badminton, camping and outdoor pursuits, chess, cycling, cookery, drama, football, gymnastics, hockey, walking, macrame, model making, painting, photography, pool, snooker, soft toy manufacture, swimming, table tennis. An extended day option (8.55 am to 8.00 pm) enables day pupils to avail themselves of the evening activities where appropriate.


Parents may at times be asked for a voluntary contribution towards an activity taking place at school. At no time will a child be excluded from a curricular linked activity during the school day on the grounds of cost.


BridgeviewSchool's Physical Education programme is structured and designed to offer pupils a wide variety of activities, pursuits and games appropriate to their age, ability and social needs. The curriculum is divided into three Key Stages KS2, KS3 and KS4 in line with the National Curriculum requirements. Within Key Stage 2 (ages 7-11 years) pupils study gymnastics, a variety of invented and conventional games, skating, athletics and swimming (Introduced this year). KS3 pupils (ages 11-14 years) study Gymnastics (both formal and informal), a wide variety of conventional games, skating, Athletics, Circuit Training and Cross-country. KS4 (14-16 years old) arrangements are organised on a Physical Education/leisure basis with pupils spending approximately 50% of time out of school, using local facilities to swim, skate, Ten Pin Bowl etc. When school based the students follow a personal fitness programme, Athletics and major games.

During the last academic year the vast majority of pupils have successfully taken part in two nationally recognised award schemes, The AAA Athletics Awards and the AAA Cross-country scheme.

As part of the Kingston upon Hull’s Sports programme a number of pupils from all Key Stages have taken part in inter-school competitions in Basketball, Soccer, Cross-country, Swimming, Rounders and Athletics.

It is envisaged that during the next academic year Outdoor pursuit activities will be further developed, as will swimming and dance in conjunction with national curriculum requirements.


Children are referred to BridgeviewSchool by the Local Authority Children’s Services Department. Statement of Special Education Needs indicate that pupils have social, emotional behavioural difficulties of sufficient severity to frustrate or seriously impede progress in mainstream schools. At the time of their referral many pupils have also experienced long term difficulties in relation to their lives outside school.

All children have, on arrival atBridgeviewSchool, a statement of Special Educational Needs in accordance with the Education Act 1981, which details their individual needs. Occasionally a child may be admitted to BridgeviewSchool for a period of assessment to determine his/her needs; the period of assessment will be agreed with the Local Authority prior to admission.

The identified Special Educational Needs are reviewed at least annually, and are used to determine the planned academic and social programmes for the individual child. These programmes are further developed through a process of diagnosis/assessment and prescription. Specialist subject teaching is organised through syllabi that take into account the National Curriculum requirements and the needs of the child through appropriately differentiated programmes.

Where it is deemed necessary other agencies ie Health Services, Chidlren’s Services, Education Welfare, other support services or voluntary organisations will be consulted and involved in the development educational programmes for a child.

The full school policy for Special Education Needs was endorsed by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) review and is available for you to see in school.


Bridgeview is a purpose-built day and residential school for children with special educational needs usually from within the former County of Humberside ie East Riding of Yorkshire, Kingston upon Hull, North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire. The design of the school facilitates the process of living and learning as one integrated function. The school caters for eighty eight children, offering facilities for up to fifty four residential pupils and thirty four children who attend on a daily basis. The age range of children attending is seven to sixteen years.

The school makes every reasonable effort to facilitate access for all pupils and parents, but the nature of the site, which includes several levels, stairs and narrow access, can make this difficult for those people with physical/visual impairment. The residential provision is currently being reviewed under Building Schools for the Future proposals with a view to refurbishing the existing facilities.


School rules are brought to the attention of the pupils at full school assemblies and weekly departmental meetings. In addition the rules are discussed and explained in tutorial and dormitory groups. Discipline and rules are discussed with each parent prior to a child's admission. There is no corporal punishment.


The schools complaints procedure complies with the guidelines set by the Local Authority. For further details refer to the Complaints Procedure Document available from the Headteacher or the Education office.

All relevant statements pertaining to the curriculum or other procedures within school are available to view from the Headteacher. Details of how to acquire these documents are also available on request.


The information given in this leaflet was valid in the Summer of 2007. It is possible that there could be changes affecting either the arrangements generally described in this leaflet or in any particular part of them before the start of the school year 2007/2008, or in the subsequent years. Parents wishing to contact the individual members of staff or governors named in this leaflet are advised to check the details with the school for any changes beforehand.

The following appendices contain details of the performance of children attending BridgeviewSchool. Results available as at May 2006.



Percentage at each level

Level 3 / Level
3 / Level
4 / Absent
English / 60% / 10% / 20% / 10%
Mathematics / 20% / 60% / 20%
Science / 20% / 50% / 20% / 10%


Percentage at each level

Level 3 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Level 5
English / 60% / 20% / 20%
Maths / 30% / 60% / 10%
Science / 30% / 50% / 20%



Percentage at each level

Level 3 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Level 5 / Absent
English / 20% / 30% / 50%
Mathematics / 20% / 10% / 30% / 40%
Science / 20% / 10% / 30% / 10% / 30%


Below Level 3 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Level 5
English / 10% / 50% / 40%
Mathematics / 20% / 30% / 40% / 10%
Science / 20% / 30% / 40% / 10%

Attainment for Year 9 children nationally in 2005 were as follows:-

(Percentages of children at each level)


Pupil routes for those children who left BridgeviewSchool on reaching statutory leaving age in 2006:

Further Education TrainingEmploymentOther

7 3 2 4

Public examination results for children attending BridgeviewSchool in 1998:

SUBJECT / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / U / ELC L1-L3 / ELC U / TOTAL
Science / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 9
English / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 4 / 1 / 9
Maths / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 10
Agricul/Science / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 4
Examination Results for KS4 2006 by subjects.
English / Maths / Science / Agricul. / English / Maths / Science
Total / 3 / 9 / 7 / 4 / 4 / 0 / 0

Entry Level Certificate Passes 200

Number of Pupils
Awarded Certificate
English / 4
Mathematics / 0
Science / 0

The target set for Year 11 children is for 70% to achieve one or more GCSE A to G and an average points score of 3.5.

Attendance figures for all Key Stage 1 children within Key Stage 1 during the period September 2006- June 2007 were as follows:-





The number of children on roll within Key Stage 1 during this period was 1.

Attendance figures for all Key Stage 2 children within Key Stage 2 during the period September 2006- June 2007 were as follows:-





The number of children on roll within Key Stage 2 during this period was 17.


Attendance figures for all Key Stage 3 children within Key Stage 3 during the period September 2006- June 2007 were as follows:-