Candidate Information for

Student Council Elections

SY 2016-2017

Poster Guidelines:

  • Each student is limited to 2 posters (paper will be provided) by the week of April 22nd
  • Only 2 posters will be displayed during the campaigning timeframe
  • No other items will be allowed (i.e.- stickers, pencils, buttons, food items, etc.)
  • Posters will be laminated (no 3-D posters allowed)

Speech Guidelines:

  1. Your speech should be about one minute in length
  2. Introduce yourself; include your full name and office at the beginning and ending of your speech
  3. Tell the audience why you’d like to run for office, what you could contribute to the Student Council, and/or why you should be elected
  4. Speak clearly.
  6. Practicing your speech before being videotaped with Ms. I:
  • 3rd grade candidates report to Student Center on MAY 2ND, 2nd recess
  • 4th grade candidates report to Student Center on MAY 3RD, 2nd recess
  1. Recording your speech:
  • 3rd grade candidates report to Student Center MAY 5TH, 2nd recess
  • 4th grade candidates report to Student Center MAY 6TH, 2nd recess

Description of Student Council Officer Positions:


  • Be able to lead discussions; make decisions; brainstorm in a group; and organize, implement and evaluate school activities
  • Plan agenda for meetings, meet with school staff, communicate and correspond with staff, evaluate committee reports, review and check secretary minutes, participate in community activities, speak at assemblies, and lead Student Council meetings

Vice President

  • Assist the President in all his/her duties
  • Fill in for the President when he/she is absent


  • Be able to lead discussions; make decisions; brainstorm in a group; and organize, implement and evaluate school activities
  • Notify members of meeting time, place, and agenda; assist with preparation of agenda; have minutes of previously held meeting neatly typed or written; prepare attendance sheet; take attendance and keep records; completeand communicate minutes to Council members; collect and file reports; and take care of all correspondence


  • Knows the amount of money in Student Council budget, how much money is spent and how much is coming in; communicate treasurer’s report at Student Council meeting; works closely with advisors with all money matters; and keeps other council members informed


  • Attend all Student Council meetings
  • Assist in all Student Council events
  • Use of technology to promote Student Council events (i.e., digital camera, videotaping, computer)
  • Assist in updating Student Council page of Mililani Waena website
  • Record past school and community events via scrapbooking, videotaping, etc..