The Higher Institute of International Relations "Raúl Roa García" summons to the XIII Seminar on International Relations: "ISRI 2018"
The Seminar will be held in Havana from April 25 to 27, 2018, with the aim of reflecting and discussing "Geopolitics and International Relations in the 21st Century."
General Topics:
- State, non-state actors, blocs, alliances and international coalitions.
- The systemic and structural crisis of capitalism and geopolitical conflict.
- The geopolitical evolution and the reconfiguration of the international system: USA, China, European Union, Japan, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa.
- Regional geopolitical spaces: Latin America-Caribbean, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eurasia and the Middle East.
- The impact of global problems on the geopolitical problem.
- Geopolitics of integration: approaches and perspectives.
- War, militarism and the conquest of outer space.
- Visions on international security in global geopolitics.
- The geographical situation: center and periphery in international relations.
- Opening of new land and sea routes.
- The correlation of international forces and the future of the UN.
- The "return" of geopolitical analysis in studies of International Relations.
Those interested in formalizing their participation must send the following documents, before
February 28, 2018:
- Application form.
- Summary of work.
- Curricular synthesis.
Modalities of participation:
It may participate as speaker or observer. The registration fee will be $ 150.00 CUP for nationals and $ 150.00 CUC for foreigners. The registration fee for students will be $ 100.00 CUP for nationals and $ 100.00 CUC for foreigners.
Norms of presentation of the works:
- Papers should be written at 1.5 space, in Arial font, 12 points and should not exceed 15 pages.
- Speakers must present a summary of the content of the paper in one or two paragraphs (no more than 250 words).
- The Scientific Committee shall examine the proposals and inform the authors of their opinion by
12March 2018.
- Authors must submit their papers by email before March 31, 2018 and, in addition, submit a printed copy at the time of accreditation.
For more information you can also visit our site: contact:
Vicerrectoria: (537) 7838-1474
Public and International Relations: (537) 7832-3816
Application Form
Applicant detailsName(s) / Surnames
Country of birth / Country of residence
Sex / If you are a foreigner, passport
If you are Cuban, identity card
Postal address(street, number, city, / country, postal code)
E-mail / Occupation:
Accademic/Scientific/profesional/ / Especify:
Other category / (If you selected others in the box above, please
specify which)
Attend as: / Payment method of registration
Títle of presentation:
Important note: It is essential to attach curricular synthesis and synthesis of the paper
Companion information
Name(s): / Last names
Passport number:
Address: Calzada no.308 esq H, Vedado
Plaza de la Revolución, C. Habana
CP: 10400
Phones: (537) 7838-1474 /
(537) / 78323816