DUE A Day September 10th B Day September 11th

This is to be your original work do not copy or quote any source orthe grade will be a zero.


With a partner or by yourself you will investigate the current condition of a marine habitat or of a marine organism that is either threatened or endangered by the actions of mankind. After your investigation, you will prepare your data in a scientific manner and present your discovery.


You must use three sources. Always include the Sources Cited

You may choose from several options to present your discovery.

Option 1:Write a REPORTtwo pages (from the top to the bottom of the page)

Type the report using complete sentences and proper grammar.

Use title page, topic headings, twelve point Times New Roman font,

Put your work into a folder. Include a Sources Cited page in the back.

Option 2:Create a POWER POINT with a title slide (topic, name, date, block)

Include 4 slides with 4 complete sentences on each slide and a Graphic

The last slide should list the Sources Cited.

Option 3:Create a DIORAMA or a miniature Habitat (12x6 inches or more)

Use suitable materials and background, include a title index card

Include a 5x7index cardfilled with relevant data about your topic.

Include a Sources Cited card.

Option 4:Draw a COMIC STRIPof 10 colored frames and detailed captions

Include a Sources Cited card. Print or type the captions neatly.

Option 5:Create a BOARD GAME that has questions and answers about the endangered habitat or organism. Include movable figures in this.

Include a Sources Cited card.


HabitatsSea otterBald Eagle

Coral ReefMonk SealBowfin

ArcticLeopard SealSalmon

AntarcticHarp SealMenhadenarp Seal

Rain ForestsManateeRays

Coastal regionsDugongSkates

Deep seaWhale SharkTuna

LakesGreat WhiteSharkMarlin

StreamsHammerhead SharkHorseshoe Crab

IcebergsTiger SharkJellyfish

MarshesBlack Tipped SharkTuna

Blue WhaleBlue Octopus

Gray WhaleCuttlefish

Right WhaleAdelie Penguin

Humpback WhaleEmperor Penguin

Bowhead WhaleYellow eyed Penguin

Fin WhaleChinstrap Penguin

Sperm Whale