SPRINGTERM 2016KS1 Termly Curriculum Overview
CLASS: HB, LL, SW, NWYear1 & 2
ENGLISH / We will be exploring fiction, non-fiction and poetry through our termly topics. This term we will be learning about London and exploring the differences between Braunton and London. We are going to be creating an information leaflet, letters and studying Samuel Pepys’ diary.
All children will have daily phonics lessons, following the Read Write Inc scheme. This will incorporate reading and writing skills. Year 2 will be starting to move on to English lessons where they will follow a similar lesson structure to Key Stage 2.
How to help / Read daily with and to your child. Support them with reading the phonics book they bring home and read a wide range of material to them to promote their vocabulary development. Encourage your child to engage with writing activities for a purpose, such as shopping lists, stories and letters. Year 2: please ensure that your child is selecting a variety of books with an appropriate level of challenge.
MATHEMATICS / Specific skills involving numerical strategies such counting, place value addition/subtraction, number bonds, crossing boundaries, ordering, rounding, reading and writing 2 digit numbers, symmetry, exploring shape and space, enquiry and interpreting results, doubling/halving in contexts and position and movement will be learnt. Challenging real-life number problems will be given throughout other subject areas in order for skills to be applied in different situations. In science, tables will be drawn to record the outcomes of experiments. The children will also learn to useIpads and other computing devices to record their data handling.
How to help / Practise counting on and back in steps of 1, 2, 5, and 10 from 0. Practise adding and subtracting 1 and 2 digit numbers. Help your child learn their number bonds to 10 and doubles with corresponding halves to 20. Learn how to tell the time, using a variety of clocks.
SCIENCE / This term our focus will be animals including humans. We will be exploring what animals and humans need to survive and how we can live a healthy lifestyle.
After half term we will be learning about forces.
How to help / Discuss healthy eating and hygiene at home and talk about how you can look after animals.
Explore forces around the house.
ICT / We will be using Ipads and computers across the curriculum.
How to help / Talk to your child about keeping safe online.
ART/D&T / Using our topic as inspiration, we will be creating moving pictures using levers. We are going to be experimenting with colour mixing.
How to help / Look at different shades of colours, look at the primary colours and let your children paint and be creative at home. Help to name different colours that are more unusual, such as cerise, turquoise, rose and so on. Collect paint colour charts from DIY stores so that your child can see the range of colours available.
HUMANITIES / Our topic this term is London, we will be exploring the events surrounding the Great Fire of London and why it spread so quickly. We will learn about London in 1666 and compare and contrast to modern day London. We will be exploring the differences between Braunton and London.
How to help / Share experiences of visiting London. Research the attractions and history.
(Personal , Health and Social Education) / The focus this term is relationships and looking at what qualities make a good friend and why people are special. We will also be exploring going for goals. This will include looking at our strengths, achievements and aspirations.
How to help / Encourage children to talk about how they can be a good friend and what they can do to achieve their goals.
R.E. / Year 1
Our key theme is “Celebrations” and will explore what it means to celebrate and how it makes us feel. We will be discussing events that we celebrate e.g. birthdays and weddings.
Year 2
Our key them is “Leaders and Teachers” and the children will understand the importance of leadership and what qualities are needed to be a good leader.
How to help / Talk to your child about things that are celebrated in your family and why.
MUSIC / We will be learning the traditional nursery rhyme London’s Burning. Children will consider how to control the volume of sound, rhythm and pitch and sing in rounds. We will also compose our own music to accompany our singing.
How to help / Play rhythm games, copy clapping rhythms, or join in with beats when listening to music.
Multiskills and dance.
Year 2
Swimming and multiskills.
How to help / Practise playing ball games that promote good control and coordination. Throw a ball to your child so they can catch it with both hands. Play target games which involve throwing a ball or bean bag into a bucket.
Notes for Parents:
Please can your child have their PE kits in school Monday- Friday this is vital in enabling them to join in and develop their fitness.