NE Continuum of Care
Governing Board Meeting
Meeting minutes
10:00am – 12:30pm
August 10, 2017
Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board Offices
Eveleth, MN
Governing Board Members
- David O’Leary, Hearth Connection
- Audrey Moen, Northland Counseling Center
- Kathleen Saelens, Salvation Army
- Barb Larson, Range Mental Health Center
- Ron Oleheiser, Grace House
- Toni Thorstad, MACV
- Debra Shaff, Cloquet/Carlton HRA
- Rozanne Casey, KOOTASCA Community Action
- Ariana Daniel, Servants of Shelter
- Diane Larson, Itasca HRA
- DeAnnaWinge, AEOA
- Angela Neal, AEOA
Quorum: 9of 12 Board members present
Others in Attendance
- Cara Lundquist, CoC Assistant
- Patty Beech, CoC Coordinator
- Lori Magerl, MACV
- Drew Klinkert, ICA
- Jackie Meyer, HDC
- Connie Kaddatz, North Shore Horizons
- Ben Wilson, Dept. of Veterans Affairs
- Matt Traynor, MCH
Vice Chair: David O’Leary
Recorder: Cara Lundquist
- Introductions
- Review Meeting Minutes – 06/08/2017
Discussion / Actions Identified
Minutes approved as written / Motion to approve June meeting minutes: Ron Oleheiser
Voting Ay:All present
Voting Nay: None present
- Homes for All/Prosperity for All Legislative Updates (Matt Traynor, MCH)
Discussion / Actions Identified
Homes for All
Legislative request is the State Budget
- $2 million increase for Homework Starts at Home
- Challenge Fund avoided potential cuts
- Workforce Housing is in MHFA
- Tribal entities can now apply directly for FHPAP instead of going through a CoC
- Dept. of Human Services
- Total one time increase of $3.5 million for DHS portion of H4A portion
- Original request was $100 million
- Got $77 million
- Health and Human Services committee faced a $600 million cut
- Nothing in Homes for All that made it on the agenda got cut – they either sustained or increased
- $55 million for infrastructure development is available
Prosperity for All
- Over the past few years, positive changes have been made.
- In 2014, a policy change for MFIP included that going to school is counted toward time looking for work.
- Positive traction has been made with language and changing the mentality of people receiving MFIP.
- Asked for a $100 monthly increase – didn’t happen this year
- A $13 increase made it to the Governor’s desk, but did not ultimately pass.
Questions, Comments
MCH Conference
- MCH has a conference September 26 and September 27 in Brainerd
- 50-60 breakouts to choose from
- Governor’s candidate forum
- Attended by frontline workers, people that work with housing
- Grace House is a Regional Hub for MCH – if anybody that has experienced homelessness would like to attend and cannot afford to attend the conference, Grace House has funding to cover conference fees and one night hotel stay. Contact Ron if you need more information.
- Ron made a form that individuals that are requesting a voucher for the conference can complete and send to him.
- Are people aware that you can submit policy requests to be on the Homes for All agenda?
- You have to be a Homes for All endorsing organization.
- Ex:. The Tribal Collaborative last year worked with Hearth Connection toward a policy change that allows Tribes to apply for FHPAP dollars.
- What are some that MCH can make sure everyone in the region is aware that they can submit policy requests?
- Having workgroups within our 6 county area that engage people about these issues on a local level and have feedback sessions. This could lead to active engagement in creating change because of that voice.
- It takes time and organization to create a feedback session that is viable.
- Utilizing what we have and expanding on it.
- Bring this conversation to the September CoC meeting
- This workgroup could find ways to engage all of the counties to do more.
- Using our voice collectively.
- What could have gone better?
- How could we engage this group?
- State organizations like Hearth Connection and MCH need to strive to do more rural work in other parts of the State
- They have capacity and relationships with government leaders that others don’t have.
- Governance Committee Report
Discussion / Actions Identified
Recommendations from the Governance Committee
- Action to remove Lisa Hamilton as Board member per Section 6.2.4 of the Governance Charter
- Action to remove Lisa Pollak as Board member per Section 6.2.4 of the Governance Charter
- Action to approve that the CoC will give notice to AEOA that the CoC is replacing them as Collaborative Applicant effective December 31, 2017.
- Action to approve the CoC appointing Hearth Connection as the new Collaborative Applicant effective January 1, 2018
- AEOA is the Collaborative Applicant for the CoC
- Governance Committee looked at possibility of removing AEOA as Collaborative Applicant because they receive CoC funds
- Hearth Connection does not receive funds from the CoC
- Patty Beech Consulting is a “for profit entity” and cannot apply for CoC funds directly, so the CoC needs to apply through a Collaborative Applicant.
- The Governance Committee discussion determined that the Collaborative Applicant should not be an entity that receives CoC funds.
- We are already registered for the NOFA through AEOA.
- It would be too difficult to try to change Collaborative Applicant until after the NOFA is complete.
- CoC will move forward with changing Collaborative Applicant after the NOFA and after Hearth Connection has time to prepare.
- Have to give AEOA at least 90 days notice that the CoC will choose to change Collaborative Applicants.
- Patty notified AEOA that this change will be voted on at this meeting.
- AEOA has not provided feedback on this issue.
- Issues with timeliness of actions from AEOA because HUD documents are sent to the Executive Director
No additional discussion / Motion to approve action to remove Lisa Hamilton and Lisa Pollak from the Governing Board:Rozanne Casey
Second:Debra Shaff
Voting Ay: All present
Voting nay: None present
Motion to approve Audrey Moen to complete remainder of Lisa Pollak’s term as Secretary: Ron Oleheiser
Second:Rozanne Casey
Voting Ay: All present
Voting Nay: None present
Motion to Approve that the CoC will give notice to AEOA that the CoC is replacing them as Collaborative Applicant effective December 31, 2017:Rozanne Casey
Second: Ron Oleheiser
Voting Ay: All present
Voting Nay:None present
David O’Leary abstained from voting
Motion to Approve the CoC appointing Hearth Connection as the new Collaborative Applicant and enter into an MOU with the NE CoC effective January 1, 2018: Debra Shaff
Second: Toni Thorstad
Voting Ay: All present
Voting Nay: None present
David O’Leary abstainedfrom voting
Governance Committee Report
- The Governance Committee reviewed last year’s NOFA application and reached out to other CoC’s to learn how to better answer questions on applications and how to work toward getting better as a CoC to score higher.
- We are more engaged in the NOFA process and are learning what we can do better to improve NOFA scores.
- HUD Continuum of Care
Discussion / Actions Identified
NOFA (Patty)
- Most threshold forms were submitted on August 4.
- The timeline is based on requirements from HUD
- Next step for applicants: Send a draft of your application as a PDF to Patty by August 25.
- Cara and Patty will score the applications based on the Rank/Review tool and bring these scores to the Rank/Review Committee meeting
- We did not receive any Intents to Apply for bonus projects
- The Ranking and Review Committee and AADA are trying to figure out if AADA is going to apply and if the Rank/Review Committee is going to accept their project.
- If AADA does not apply, the CoC will have $30,000 in new funding.
- AADA currently does not have an Executive Director.
- Patty is in conversations with AADA and the HUD Field Office
- If you have an interest in expanding your project (PSH, RRH, HMIS, and/or Coordinated Entry) we may have an option for new funds. That project would likely get funded.
- If you have interest at that point, let Patty know.
- HUD requires that Project Ranking be posted and available to the public by September 13
- IRRRB will not be available for meeting space on September 14, due to a Commissioner’s meeting. The CoC will need to either change the meeting date or meeting location for September.
- The Board can change the CoC meeting date to September 12 to allow for more discussion when approving project ranking as opposed to doing an email vote
- Designated for high unsheltered communities that don’t have shelters.
- HUD realized that they were going too far with eliminating TH that they wanted to offer this as an option.
- More information about this new project can be found on HUD’s website – webinar is available.
- New projects can be TH/RRH projects
- The Ranking
Is not getting bonus projects funded a statewide trend?
A: it’s a trend nationwide – it’s becoming much more competitive
Which HUD programs can we apply for and how often?
A: As a shelter, you cannot apply. You could do RRH to help people move out of the shelter.
Are these funds biannual?
A: Annual / Read the NOFA!
September meeting date will be Tuesday, September 12
Proposed VI-SPDAT Changes (Patty)
- Last spring, the Minnesota Tribal Collaborative organized a workgroup, held planning meetings, and spent months created a script for the VI-SPDAT
- The MTC group identified issues with the VI-SPDAT, included offensive language
- The group presented the script changes to CoC’s across the state to vote
- CoC’s voted against it
- Our CoC has not yet voted on using the new version of the VI-SPDAT
- Refer the VI-SPDAT script to the Coordinated Entry Committee to review and bring recommendations to the Board
- St. Louis County is using the revised script
- Are there any populations that have not had a chance to look at this script?
- Quarter 3 Data Quality report errors were sent out
- Agencies received notification emails only if errors were found
- Reports this quarter were very clean!
- The final Q3 DQ reports will be sent to Cara’s ART Inbox next Monday
APR Reviews
TSA RRH (Kathleen Saelens)
- Goal was to serve 40 individuals
- Served 61
- Clients entering from homeless situations: 79%
- Adults gaining to maintaining earned income: 50%
- Adults gaining or maintaining other income: 40%
- Clients exiting to permanent destinations: 87.88%
- TSA RRH could possibly serve more families if there was more funding.
- Felonies are a barrier for housing individuals
- Length of stay averages 6 months
Coordinated Entry Updates
- HMIS/CES Assessor training will be September 6, 2017
- Coordinated Entry in HMIS is for a list that prioritizes people for housing.
- Step 1 will be done outside of HMIS
- Step 2 (VISPDAT) will be in HMIS
- Referrals for housing will be made in HMIS
- With the allocation of the $750,000 for the LTHSSF, an RFP will be released.
- The funds for this funding cannot be used for a Coordinated Entry navigator because it is not a direct service.
- It can be used for Case Manager to follow up with individuals on the CES wait list. This helps connect people with programs.
- Most CoC’s do not do that extensive Case Management while they’re on a priority list.
- The CES Committee will need to meet prior to the HMIS/CES training.
- Date options: Aug. 23, Aug. 24
- Updates and Announcements
Discussion / Actions Identified
Vets Workgroup Report
- Vets workgroup met on July 31 to discuss local discussions of Vets Homelessness
- Workgroup concluded that they would support recommending to the Board that the CoC moves forward with applying to declare an end to vets homelessness
- Are we meeting the needs of homeless veterans in the region?
- There was a lengthy document (application) that you look at to determine if you are meeting the benchmarks to end vets homelessness.
- Carlton County does not feel that the County is doing anything specifically to address Vets homelessness. This group would like to see this move forward.
- Carlton County local group does not feel that the County is not doing enough outreach to identify homeless vets.
- MACV is a statewide organization that covers Carlton County and provides services to Veterans
- The workgroup has identified a lot of strengths and a few areas where improvements could be made.
- Ben Wilson is willing to continue working with the group moving forward.
- If the Board votes to submit the evidence that the CoC has met the federal criteria and benchmarks to the VA and HUD, Ben can assist with completing the paperwork and getting the data needed.
- Ben will continue to support the communities in identifying other areas of need.
- Barriers that were identified included shelter and transportation. Transportation is not included in the benchmark criteria but was identified as an issue in the NE Region.
- 3 or 4 States across the country have met the functional zero and declared an end of vets homelessness
- There are no penalties for not making this declaration or meeting these benchmarks. Once systems are in place to target homelessness, focus can be put into prevention - moving from reactive to proactive.
- MACV does a phenomenal job of working with vets, but there are not enough resources.
- In our region, when a homeless veteran is identified, they get the resources to get them out of homeless.
- Not all veterans are identified.
- The way we are ending Veterans homelessness is that we have the resources in place to get these individuals out of homelessness, although it may not be in the location of their choice.
- Workgroup can continue working with Ben to compile evidence and answers.
Second:Ron Oleheiser
Voting Ay: Ron Oleheiser, Toni Thorstad, Barb Larson, Rozanne Casey, Kathleen Saelens
Voting Nay: Audrey Moen, Ariana Daniel, David O’Leary
Debra Shaff abstained
Cara and Ben will set up the next Vets workgroup meeting
Next Meeting: September 12, 2017