Honors Biology Syllabus and Course Information

Mr. Cheehan

Objectives:This 2 semester course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of fundamental concepts within the living science called Biology. Topics will include: scientific method, cell biology, cellular processes, genetics, evolution, classification, and biotechnology. We will also focus on developing certain skills, such as: critical thinking, cooperative learning, independent learning, and laboratory skills.

Communication Information: Parents and guardians are an essential part of the educational team for a child. It is important that parents/guardians remain informed about their child’s grades and due dates, so they can help to support their child. I will typically make contact via email and phone calls when necessary. Please feel free to contact me at any time via email:

Remind: I have class pages set up through the Remind app. You are encouraged to join the class using the class code @cheehonors or by texting @cheehonors to 81010. This will assist you in keeping up with due dates and other important information.

In addition to Remind, I have a class Twitter account to remind students of important information. I will not follow back! @CheehanBio

Teacher Page: Parents and students are encouraged to visit myteacherpage on the Tamaqua High School website. You will find a calendar with each school day’s plans and certain documents for each chapter.

Materials:Students should have a 3 ring binder with lined paper.

Textbook and Resources: All textbooks are provided for students in the classroom, but can be signed out as needed. Homework assignments can be completed using notes and worksheets, the textbook is not required outside of class. We will also be using various websites to obtain new information at different times through the semester. Crash Course Biology videos will also be useful for class and review.


  1. Be respectful of others and the property around you
  2. Be responsible
  3. Be caring
  4. Be prepared to learn
  5. Be on task at all times

Grading System:

  • Class work:20%Students will have an assignment or project daily. Point values vary.
  • Labs: 25% Students will have hands-on labs that will support topics and concepts discussed in class. Point values vary.
  • Warm Up: 5%Every class period, 1-3 review questions will be on the board that the student is expected to start working on when they come into class. We immediately go over the questions and I grade them on completion daily to create an end of week grade.
  • Tests:40%Tests will be given at the end of each unit, usually 2-3 per quarter. Point values vary.
  • Quizzes: 10% Quizzes will be given weekly, typically the last day of the week and will cover

information learned during that week.

Due Dates:All work that is taken home to be completed will be due the next class period, unless otherwise noted. Please check the calendar in class for due dates for projects, tests, and other assignments. If absent on a due date, all work is due the next day when returning to school.

Homework: I typically do not assign “homework”. However, depending on the student’s work ethic and focus in class, some assignments will need to be completed outside of class and submitted the next class.

Tutoring:I am usually available after school until 3:00pm to assist any student that needs help or has questions. I am also available during my prep on most days and on my lunch period if needed.

Extra credit: There is no such thing as an extra credit assignment! If you can’t do the work I assign you, how can you possibly do more? On some assignments, opportunities to receive bonus points will be provided.

Absence Policy: Students are responsible to obtain andmakeup all work missed due to an absence. Tests will be made up on the first available day the student returns. For absences of over 2 days, the student will need to see me to schedule a time to take tests or for extra help. There is a location in the classroom where absent work will need to be picked up by the student.

Late Assignments: Late work is accepted, but only within a 1-week window from the original due date.

Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating, copying, or using someone else’s work will not be tolerated in any way. This includes lab analysis questions. Even though you may work with a partner, your analysis answers should not be the same. Any student(s) doing this will be given a zero and an alternative assignment.

Final Project:Students will be conducting a self-designed science fair experiment as their final exam. Part of this grade is attendance at the science fair. If a student is not able to attend for ANY reason, they must attend school on their designated final exam day and period to complete an assignment to replace attendance at the science fair. More information will be given during semester 2.

Technology: Cell phones are absolutely prohibited within the biology classroom per school policy. iPads will be

provided to students if they are necessary for an assignment. Any student owned technology is not

permitted to be used in class unless prior permission is granted.

Safety: All students are expected to act in a mature and safe manner when in the biology classroom. Even on days

when labs are not being conducted there are always dangerous situations that can come about. At no

time is food permitted to be consumed in class. There are chemicals in use in this classroom which

should never be consumed. Please refer to the safety contract for detailed information on safety.

Student Responsibilities

Treat the teacher and classmates with respect at all times

Be attentive, not disruptive

Bring the required materials to class everyday

Attend class on a regular basis

Do your work and study!

Teacher Responsibilities

Treat all students with respect

Ensure a safe and positive learning environment

Encourage all students to achieve their potential

Provide a structured and orderly classroom

Teach students the required and necessary content

Classroom Rules & Expectations:

Be Respectful: Students need to respect the teacher, peers, equipment, classroom materials, and the school. If this simple rule is followed, you will not have a problem succeeding in my class!

Follow all Classroom Procedures:Students are expected to learn the procedures and routines for this classroom.

Follow all School Issued Rules:Students need to obey all school rules and policies in this classroom.

Come to Class Prepared to Learn:Students need to come to class on time and with the proper materials to be an active member of the class.

Requirements for Projects, Labs, Graphs, and Warm-up Questions

  1. If your work area is not cleaned up after any class, it will result in a 50% grade reduction for that assignment.
  1. All questions on assignments, homework, and tests are to be completed using complete sentences. One-word answers will not be accepted unless it is a yes or no question! I want you to think and explain your answers! Proper grammar is expected at all times.
  1. Neatness is absolutely required when completing work.
  2. When answering questions (lab, worksheets, tests, etc), use appropriate scientific terminology.
  3. All numbers must have units! Ex: 2g, 3sec, 24.5mL, 4min
  4. Required when completing graphs:
  5. Always use a ruler when making straight lines
  6. Label the X axis and Y axis
  7. Have a meaningful title explaining the graph – not just the axis vs. axis
  8. No PENS, CRAYONS, or MARKERS – just pencil
  9. Color is okay to use in moderation – DON’T overdo it and only use colored pencils!
  10. Always make a Key
  11. Don’t change the number scale used on an axis – Bad example: 10, 20, 30, 70, 80, 85…
  12. If possible, start each axis at 0 (unless data starts at a very high number)
  13. No empty space – utilize as much of the graph paper as possible
  14. When plotting data, the X axis is typically the independent variable
  15. Determine how you want the graph to be set-up before actually writing on the graph
  16. Required when completing data tables:
  17. Have a meaningful title explaining the data table
  18. Use a ruler
  19. Label all columns and rows
  20. No PENS, CRAYONS, or MARKERS – just pencil
  21. Required when drawing pictures or diagrams through a microscope:
  22. Label everything you can see, not what you expect to see
  23. Have a meaningful title explaining the diagram
  24. Use pencil - colored pencils if you need to color something in the diagram

Warm-Up Grading Rubric

After about 3 minutes after the late bell, I will begin to walk around the classroom to see who is completing the warm-up questions. You will receive a grade for each class’s questions that will be in MMS as a weekly grade.

I will be looking for the following information when checking warm-up questions:


b)Questions written

c)Answer to question

- If your warm up is missing any of these 3 things, you will not receive points for
that day.

- To the right is an example of how your warm-up questions should be set up.

Honors Biology Syllabus Form

Student Name (please print) ______Period: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Once you have reviewed the syllabus distributed in class, please complete the form below. Please return this form to me by simply sending it with your child to school. Completing this form lets me know that you have seen and understand the requirements and the policies for biology class. I will keep the forms on file so I have your contact information available if needed.Please remember to use my class webpage, which can be found through the “Faculty” page of the Tamaqua High School website or the web address can be found below or in the syllabus. I look forward to a successful semester with your child. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Mr. Tony Cheehan




Twitter: @CheehanBio

Parent/GuardianName: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Email: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number: ______

Preferred method of contact:

