
Office of Public School Academies NEW FRESHMANScholarship Application

Submission deadline: March 9, 2017

The Oakland University Office of Public School Academies offers a $3000 renewable scholarship to eligible incoming freshmenfrom its charter high schools who have been accepted to Oakland University. This scholarship is open to all academic majors. This is a three-year renewable scholarship awarded fall and winter semesters,and disbursed through Oakland University Student Financial Services.To remain eligible students must be enrolled full-time and maintain a University G.P.A. of 2.8. Education majorsand thoseseeking secondary education certifications may be eligible for an additional year.

The Office of Public School Academies Scholarship is based upon availability of funds.

Eligibility Criteria

Students must:

  • Becurrently enrolled in the 12th grade at an Oakland University authorized charter school
  • Have an overall G.P.A. of 3.0
  • Provide verification of extra-curricular activities and/or employment
  • Provide verification of school and/or community service
  • Submit two (2) recommendations(one (1) from the OU charterschool and one (1) from the community). Personal friends and/or familymembers cannotcomplete recommendation forms.

Please note that under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, you will have access to your recommendations unless you waive your right as specified on the scholarship recommendation form.

Applicant Information



Email Address:______

High School:______

Dual Enrollment: ______

Attendance Dates:______

School Counselor or Administrator Name:______


Activities and Achievements

Please include: organizations, community involvement, teams, clubs, service learning projects, volunteer experience, and honorsthat you have received in the past two (2) years.


Highlightyour most significant contribution:


Work Experience

List any paid/unpaidwork and internship experience.


** Attach additional pages as needed.

Application Verification

Please read and initial the following:

______Iverifythat the information in this application is correct.

______I understand that this award will be for the 2017-2018school year (fall/winter semesters)

only if I am enrolled atOaklandUniversity as a full-time student.

______I understandthat to remain eligible to renew this award I must:

  • Maintain a university G.P.A. of 2.8 (transcript required)
  • Be a full-time student at Oakland University during both the fall and winter semesters for which I receive the scholarship.

Applicant (please print):______

Applicant signature: ______Date:______


Submit the completed application, transcripts, and two (2) recommendation forms to:

Oakland University - Office of Public School Academies

456 Pioneer Drive

420 J Pawley Hall

Rochester, MI 48309-4482


It is your responsibility to ensure that your application and all supporting documentation is submitted and received by the Office of Public School Academies by the deadline.

PSA OfficeFreshman Scholarship Application
Revised 12/2016 / 1