Apt. D12
Baltimore, MD 21210
Seeking a challenging summer internship requiring systems programming skills in the Storage Systems, Distributed Systems, Networking or Security domains.
C/C++, Java, Perl, UNIX systems programming, UNIX Shell Scripting and Tools, Linux Kernel Programming.
Experience with large software development projects and software product life-cycle.
MSE in Computer Science (expected graduation: 2009)
Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Engineering, August 1999
Undergraduate GPA: 3.0/4.0
Work Experience:
Great Software Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. / Pune, India
Senior Member of Technical Staff (April 2004 to July 2007)
- Reliable Messaging Service: Built a reliable, persistent messaging service for the Reconnex iGuard appliance. Provided fail-safe transfers for large (Gbyte-sized) messages, multiple producers/consumers, and cluster monitoring services.
- Signature Distribution Agent: Built a transactional service for propagating document signature updates from a master node to a cluster of communication appliances.
- Protocol Decoders: Built protocol decoders for various Application Layer protocols (IMAP, POP3, Instant Messaging) for a high-throughput communications appliance.
- Data Mining and processing scripts: Built scripts for information retrieval for a communications appliance.
- ICAP Server: Built an ICAP server compliant with RFC 3507.
- Distributed Test Harness: Built test harness for testing a cluster of communications appliances. Designed a DSL (domain-specific language) to write test specifications that are read and executed by the Harness engine. Built a library of test primitives for this DSL.
- Client Proposals: Wrote technical proposals for prospective customers.
- Technical Presentations: Various company-wide presentations on Linux Kernel Internals, development tools and technologies.
Calsoft Pvt. Ltd. / Pune, India
Project Leader (April 2000 to March 2004)
- DLM for Zambeel Inc.: Built a prototype for a Distributed Lock Manager for a NAS appliance. The DLM provided lock services for NFS/CIFS interoperability. Modeled on the VAX cluster DLM, supported client-side lock caching, and special locking modes to support CIFS OpLocks, File system locks under CIFS and NLM.
- CIFS Server for Zambeel Inc.: Samba-derived CIFS server integrated with the Zambeel File System.
- SCSI Test Framework for Candera Inc.: Built a ramdomized SCSI CDB generator that read an XML specification of CDBs, with embedded constraints in a C-like language, and generated SCSI I/O using the SCSI libraries on Linux to test a Block-Virtualization Switch.
- SCSI HBA driver for Candera Inc.: Built a virtual SCSI HBA that tunneled SCSI CDBs to a Block Virtualization switch.
- VxVM migration tool for Candera Inc.: Built a tool to generate a portable description of a VxVM volume set.
- NAS Aggregation: Built a prototype to demonstrate dynamic aggregation of several NFS exports under a single namespace through a partitioned (Metadata/Data) architecture.
- TCP/IP Offloading: Built a Linux kernel driver prototype to demonstrate TCP connection offload to a virtual TCP Offload Engine by intercepting kernel socket calls.
Persistent Systems Pvt. Ltd. / Pune , India
Member of Technical Staff (September 1999 to March 2000)
- SecureBridge: Built an SSL reverse proxy for providing dedicated SSL support for web-servers. Implemented a multi-threaded server on Windows NT using the I/O Completion Port abstraction. Implemented PKI management support for the server.
Research Projects:
- DirectNFS (Calsoft, HP Labs): Extensions to NFS to allow high-throughput data read access over SANs. NFS is simple and stateless but has scalability constraints (single-server bottleneck). Other stateful, shared-everything architectures (Frangipani/Petal, Veritas CFS, GFS etc.) have complex recovery issues. Devised an approach that uses a split Metadata/Data architecture with client-side disk block caching to allow clients to access the storage fabric directly. Lease-based cache coherency for file system metadata provided data integrity guaranties with a low-overhead recovery mechanism. My contributions:
- Conducted an extensive survey of existing distributed FSs.
- Implemented linux kernel modules for the client/server prototype, including a lease manager module
- Collaborated in writing a technical paper summarizing our results.
- CoRAL NFS (PICT): Designed and implemented an NFS server for an exokernel-based operating system. Implemented large parts of the NFS RPC set, designed and implemented the Duplicate Request Cache and Directory Cache, and integration with CFFS (Co-Locating Fast File System). Also wrote an ATA disk driver and a NIC driver for the exokernel. Showed that file throughput for this NFS server was better than the comparable Linux NFS Server.
Anupam Bhide, Anu Engineer, Anshuman Kanetkar, Aditya Kini, Christos Karamanolis, Dan Muntz, Zheng Zhang, Gary Thunquest, “File virtualization with DirectNFS.”10th NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, April 2002.