Social Work & Diversity Tutorial Available at:
Browsing can be an interesting way to get a feel for a subject and for the scope of materials available in the Library. Research materials can be found in various locations within the Andruss Library:
2nd Floor Reference Collection: Non-circulating encyclopedias, dictionaries, gazetteers, government documents, factbooks, atlases, etc.
3rd Floor General Collection: Circulating books with LC call numbers A-N
4th Floor General Collection: Circulating books with LC call numbers P-Z
4th Floor Periodicals published 1986 and before
1st Floor Periodicals published 1987 and after
Floor Plans depicting the location of these resources are available at the following address:
PILOT or Pennsylvania Inter-Library Online Technology, is an online catalog that lists book titles, journal titles, government document titles, etc. owned by Andruss Library. You may locate materials through simple or advanced search techniques; perform title, author, subject, call number, and keyword searches; and narrow your search using a variety of limiting options.
Electronic Databases provide access to journal and newspaper articles. The Library’s web-based resources are available at under Databases A-Z, and most can be accessed from remote locations. The following databases provide access to articles pertaining to sociology and a variety of disciplines:
Academic Search Premier: A general abstract service of over 4,000 magazines and journals. About three-quarters of the citations are available in full text (1984-).
CQ Researcher: Reports on social issues, environment, health, education, and science and technology written by journalists and featuring comments from experts, lawmakers and citizens on all sides of every issue; (1991-).
SocINDEX with Full Text: Contains the full-text for 235 'core' coverage journals (some dating back to 1895), 72 'priority' coverage journals, 545 books/monographs, and 6,601 conference papers. In addition, indexes 590+ 'core' coverage journals dating back to 1895, 500+ 'priority' coverage journals, and 1,040 'selective' coverage journals. Subject areas include sociology (cultural, educational, rural, urban), anthropology, criminology, criminal justice, economic development, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, social psychology, social work, and more.
Sociological Collection: Provides coverage of more than 500 full text journals, most of which are peer-reviewed.
Peer- Reviewed Journals can be identified by consulting Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (Books located behind Reference Desk) or the Serials Directory database.
Check Library Holdings to determine if Andruss Library owns the journal that you need by checking the Periodical Title List from the library’s home page.
Interlibrary Loan is a way to obtain articles and books that Andruss Library does not own. To request Interlibrary loan services, go to the Library’s home page: and click on “Services.” The next page will provide a link to “Interlibrary Loan” (ILL). Here you find a link to an order form.
APA/MLA Documentation information can be found online. Click on “Citing Sources” link on the Library home page to find links to guides for citing sources in APA, MLA and other styles.
INFOMINE is a virtual library of Internet resources relevant to faculty, students, and research staff at the university level. It contains useful Internet resources such as databases, electronic journals, electronic books, bulletin boards, mailing lists, online library card catalogs, articles, directories of researchers, and many other types of information. Other Web Sites featuring resources can be located through popular search engines such as .
Additional Assistance is available should you have any questions or problems with your research. Please feel free to stop by my office in the Andruss Library, or you can contact me by telephone or e-mail:
David Magolis
Social Sciences Reference Librarian
221 Andruss Library
Phone: 389- 4921
E-mail: .