Southwest Virginia Bible Bowl 2013
The Book of John -Chapters 11-21
*** Be as specific with your answers as possible with regard to answers such as Jesus, Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ, etc. SPELLING IS IMPORTANT. Be sure to read John 11-21.
Questions and Answers taken from King James Version.
1. Where did Mary, Martha and Lazarus live? 1. Bethany (11:1)
2. Which Mary was Lazarus' sister? 2. The one who anointed Jesus with ointment
and wiped His feet with her hair (11:2)
3. When Jesus was told Lazarus was sick, what reason did3. It is for the glory of God that by it the Son of God
He give for it? might be glorified. (11:4)
4. How long did Jesus delay coming to Bethany after He 4. two days (11:6)
heard Lazarus was sick?
5. Why was Jesus glad He was not in Bethany when Lazarus 5. He knew it would be easier for His disciples to
died? believe when He raised him (11:11-15)
6. Who is Didymus? 6. the disciple named Thomas (11:16)
7. How long had Lazarus been in the grave when Jesus came 7. four days (11:17)
to Bethany?
8. How far from Jerusalem is Bethany? 8. 15 furlongs or about two miles (11:18)
9. Quote John 11:25. 9. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the
life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
10. Whom did Mary say she believed Jesus was?10. the Christ, the Son of God which should come
into the world (11:27)
11. What was Jesus' response to the weeping of Mary, Martha11. He groaned in His spirit, and was troubled, and
the Jews who were with them? He wept. (11:33-35)
12. Describe Lazarus' grave.12. It was a cave with a stone covering the opening.
13. Why did Jesus pray aloud to the Father as He stood before13. So those who stood around would believe the
Lazarus' grave? Father had sent Him (11:40-42)
14. What happened when Jesus called Lazarus forth from the14. "And he that was dead came forth." (11:44)
15. When the Pharisees heard of Jesus raising Lazarus from15. That all would believe on Him, and the Romans
the dead, what was their fear? would take away their place and their nation
16. Who was the high priest when Jesus did His miracles?16. Caiaphas (11:49)
17. When did the Pharisees begin plotting to kill Jesus?17. After He raised Lazarus from the dead (11:53)
18. With what kind of ointment did Mary anoint Jesus?18. spikenard, which was very expensive (12:3)
19. Which disciple does John call "a thief"?19. Judas Iscariot (12:4-6)
20. When Jesus came to Jerusalem on a donkey (NKJV)at Passover20. They gathered palm leaves and went to meet
what did the people do? Him, crying "Hosanna! Blessed is the King of
Israel who comes in the name of the Lord!"
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21. What did Jesus say the Father would do to those who served21. He would/will honour (honor) them (12:26)
and followed Him?
22. When a voice from heaven said, "I have both glorified it22. Some said it thundered, others said an angel
and will glorify it again," what was the reaction of the people? spoke to Jesus (12:28-29)
23. Quote John 12:31-32.23. Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the
prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be
lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto
24. When the people did not believe on Jesus because of His24. Esaias’ (Isaiah's) (12:37-41)
miracles, whose prophecies were fulfilled?
25. Though some of the Pharisees believed in Jesus, why would 25. They were afraid they would be put out of the
they not confess it? synagogue, and they loved the praise of men
more than the praise of God. (12:42-43)
26. What did Jesus say He had come into the world as?26. a light (12:46)
27. Quote John 12:48.27. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words,
hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have
spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
28. For whom did Jesus speak?28. the Father (God) (12:49-50)
29. What did Jesus do to teach the disciples that His followers29. He washed their feet (13:4-17)
are servants?
30. Which disciple did not want Jesus to wash his feet?30. Peter (13:6-8)
31. Quote John 13:15.31. “For I have given you an example, that ye should
do as I have done to you.”
32. How did Jesus indicate at supper who would betray Him?32. He dipped the sop (a thin piece of bread used as
a spoon to dip food from a pot) and gave it to
Judas Iscariot (13:25-26)
33. What was the new commandment Jesus gave His disciples?33. That ye love one another as I have loved you (13:34)
34. How did Jesus say men would recognize His disciples?34. If they had love for each other (13:35)
35. How many times did Jesus tell Peter he would deny Him35. three times (13:38)
before the cock crowed?
36. What did Jesus say was in His Father's house?36. many mansions (14:2)
37. Which disciple asked Jesus how they could know the way37. Thomas (14:5)
He went?
38. Quote John 14:6.38. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and
the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but
by me.
39. Which disciple asked Jesus to show them the Father?39. Philip (14:8)
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40. How did Jesus tell Philip they could see the Father?40. "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (14:9)
41. Quote John 14:15.41. "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
42. Who is the Comforter of whom Jesus spoke?42. the Spirit of truth, the Holy Ghost (14:16-17, 26)
43. Whom did Jesus describe as those who love Him?43. Those who have His commandments and keep
them (14:21)
44. Who is the true vine?44. Jesus (15:1)
45. Who did Jesus say were the vine's branches?45. the disciples (15:5)
46. What did Jesus say happened to branches that do not 46. They are gathered and cast into the fire (15:6)
abide in the vine and bear fruit?
47. How do Jesus' followers glorify the Father?47. by bearing much fruit (15:8)
48. How can we continue to live in Jesus' love?48. by keeping His commandments (15:10)
49. What is the greatest love a man can have?49. enough to lay down his life for his friends (15:13)
50. Quote John 15:14.50. "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I com-
mand you."
51. Who hates the Father?51. He who hates Jesus (15:23)
52. What did Jesus say would happen to His disciples be-52. They would be thrown out of the synagogues,
cause of their belief in Him? and people would think they were doing God a
service if they killed them (16:2)
53. What was the Comforter to do when He came?53. Reprove (convict, convince) the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment, and to guide
the disciples into all truth (16:8, 13)
54. What did Jesus say would be the result of the disciples54. "Ye shall receive that your joy may be full"
askingthe Father in His name? (16:24)
55. Even though Jesus' followers will have tribulation (trouble)55. Jesus has overcome the world (16:33)
in the world, we can be of good cheer. Why?
56. How did Jesus define life eternal?56. That they might know Thee, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent (17:3)
57. What was Jesus' prayer for His disciples?57. That they might be one as He and the Father are
one (17:11, 22, 23)
58. Quote John 17:17.58. "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is
59. Where was the garden in which Judas found Jesus?59. over the brook Cedron (18:1-2)
60. When Judas came to the garden with a band of men60. They went backward and fell to the ground and officers, what happened when Jesus told them He was (18:2-6)
Whom they were looking for?
61. Who cut off a servant's ear with a sword?61. Simon Peter (18:10)
62. What was the name of the servant who had his ear cut off?62. Malchus (18:10)
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63. Where did the men take Jesus after they had bound Him?63. To Annas, father-in-law of Caiphas, the high
priest (18:13)
64. Name three people who accused Peter of being Jesus'64. the damsel (girl), the servants and officers and
disciple as he warmed himself by the fire. Malchus' kinsman (relative) (18:17, 18, 25, 26)
65. Why did the officer strike Jesus with the palm of his hand?65. Because Jesus told him He had taught nothing
in secret and that anyone who had heard Him
could tell what He had said (18:19-22)
66. When Annas had finished questioning Jesus, where did he66. Unto Caiaphas the high priest (18:24)
send Him?
67. Where was Jesus sent from Caiaphas?67. to the hall of judgment (18:28)
68. Why would the Jews who arrested Jesus not go into the 68. They did not want to defile (pollute) themselves
judgment hall? and thus be unable to observe the Passover (18:28)
69. Who came to take the Jews' accusation against Jesus?69. Pilate (18:29)
70. Why would the Jews not judge Jesus?70. It was against the law for them to put any man
to death (18:31)
71. How did Jesus answer when Pilate asked if He were a king?71. You say I am a king. I came into the world to
bear witness to the truth. (18:37)
72. What was Pilate's judgment of Jesus?72. I find in him no fault at all (18:38)
73. Whom did the Jews want released at Passover?73. Barabbas, the robber (18:39-40)
74. How did the soldiers treat Jesus after the Jews demanded74. He was scourged (whipped), a crown of thorns
Barabbas be released instead of Him? was placed on His head, and a purple robe was
put on Him. The soldiers hit Him with their
hands and said, "Hail king of the Jews!" Then
He was presented to the Jews. (19:1-4)
75. When the Jews demanded Jesus be crucified, what caused75. They told him Jesus said He was the Son of God.
Pilate to become afraid? (19:7-8)
76. What power did Pilate claim to have over Jesus?76. the power to crucify Him or release Him (19:10)
77. Where did Jesus tell Pilate his power came from?77. from above (19:11)
78. From where did Pilate pronounce judgment on Jesus?78. the judgment seat of a place called the Pavement
79. What is the Hebrew name of "the Pavement"?79. Gabbatha (19:13)
80. What is the Hebrew name of "the place of a skull"80. Golgotha (19:17)
where Jesus was crucified?
81. How many were crucified with Jesus?81. two, one on each side of Him (19:18)
82. What title did Pilate write and put on the cross?82. Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews (19:19)
83. In what languages was the sign on the cross written?83. Hebrew, Greek and Latin (19:20)
84. What did the soldiers do with Jesus' clothes when 84. They made four parts with each soldier taking a
they crucified Him? part, except for His coat for which they cast lots
(determined by chance) (19:23-24)
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85. What women were named as standing by the cross?85. His mother, His mother's sister, Mary the wife of
Cleophasand Mary Magdalene (19:25)
86. Which disciple took Jesus' mother into his house?86. the disciple whom Jesus loved (19:26-27)
87. In John 19, what are the two statements Jesus made87. "I thirst" and "It is finished" (19:28, 30)
from the cross?
88. What did they give Jesus to drink when He was thirsty?88. a sponge filled with vinegar put on a hyssop (19:29)
89. When the soldiers went to break the legs of those on89. He was dead already (19:33)
the crosses so they could take them down and take
them away, why did they not break Jesus' legs?
90. What happened when a soldier pierced Jesus' side 90. Blood and water came out. (19:34)
with a spear?
91. What two prophecies were fulfilled when they did not91. "A bone of him shall not be broken" and "they break Jesus' legs and when they pierced His side? shall look upon him whom they pierced"
92. Who took the body of Jesus?92. Joseph of Arimathea (19:38)
93. Who wound Jesus' body with linen and spices and pre- 93. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus (19:38-40)
pared it for burial?
94. Where was Jesus buried?94. in a garden in the place where He was crucified in a newsepulchre (tomb) (19:41-42)
95. When did Mary Magdalene find the stone taken away95.early, when it was yet dark, on the first day of the
from the sepulchre? week(20:1)
96. Whom did Mary Magdalene tell of the empty tomb?96. Simon Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved (20:2)
97. After Peter and the other disciple went home, what did97. She wept and looked again into the sepulchre Mary Magdalene do? where she saw two angels (20:11-12)
98. Whom did Mary Magdalene meet at the sepulchre?98. the risen Jesus (20:14-16)
99. When did Jesus first appear to the disciples after His99.the same day, the first day of the week in the
resurrection? evening(20:19)
100. How did Jesus bestow upon the disciples the Holy 100. He breathed on them and said, "Receive ye the
Ghost? Holy Ghost" (20:22)
101. What was Thomas' other name?101. Didymus (20:24)
102. When did Thomas first see the Lord after His 102. After eight days following His first appearance
resurrection? to the disciples (20:26)
103. What convinced Thomas that Jesus was alive?103. Jesus told him to touch His hands and His side
104. Why were the miracles written in the book of John recorded?104. That we might believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God and have life through His name
105. At what sea did Jesus appear to the disciples after His105.Tiberias (21:1)
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106. What miracles did Jesus perform at the sea of Tiberias after106. He told His disciples to cast their nets to find
His resurrection? fish. When they came to shore with their fish, He already had a fire with fish and bread cook-
ing on it. (21:5-10)
107. How many fish did the disciples catch in Tiberias when Jesus107. 153 (21:11)
told them where to fish?
108. What question did Jesus ask Peter three times at the sea of108. "Lovest thou me?" (21:15-17)
Tiberias after His resurrection?
109. What did Jesus tell Peter to do if he loved Him?109. Feed my sheep. (21:15-17)
110. According to John, how many things did Jesus do?110. If every one were written, the world could not
hold the books that would be written (21:25)
*** Note: the Major Events listed below are eligible to be on the written and/or Team tests, as are every question on this study guide.
Major Events - Chapters 11-21
111. Chapter 11 raising Lazarus from the dead
112. Chapter 12Mary anoints Jesus' feet, entry into Jerusalem
113. Chapter 13Jesus washes the disciples' feet
114. Chapter 14the Way, the Truth, the Life; promise of a Comforter
115. Chapter 15vine and the branches
116. Chapter 16comfort for the disciples
117. Chapter 17Jesus' prayer for His disciples
118. Chapter 18betrayal by Judas, arrest, denial by Peter
119. Chapter 19Jesus' scourging, crucifixion, death and burial
120. Chapter 20Jesus' resurrection and first appearances
121. Chapter 21Jesus at Tiberias, "Feed my sheep”