Early Implementation:

30 hours of free childcare

Frequently Asked Questions

October 2015


Introduction...... 2

New Queries……………………………………………………………3

General...... 5

Eligibility for the entitlement for working parents...... 9

Finance/ funding...... 11

Completing the application form...... 13


This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document should be read in conjunction with the Early Implementation guidance notes and funding application form.

Before you submit a question, please take the time to read the application form and supporting documents to see if your question is already covered.

Please note - we are not able to respond to individual enquiries directly, as we need to ensure, as far as possible, that all applicants are able to access information at the same time.

We are not able to answer questions about the specifics of what you would like to include in your proposal as again this may give an applicant an unfair advantage over other applicants.

The Early Implementers mail box will close for questions at noon Friday 13thNovember. During this period, updated FAQ will be emailed to all bidders on a weekly basis.

Query mailbox;

Please note: the mailbox is solely for the purpose of early implementation. For questions around the wider 30 hours entitlement, please submit a query via the departments contact us form available on our .Gov website at:

New Queries

  1. Can we include appendices to support our application?

We will accept bids that are supported by appendices, however, please ensure appendices are only used to support applications. Due to the tight timeline and overwhelming response, please limit the amount of appendices submitted.

Appendices can be attached in their original format, so long as the main application is submitted in a Word format.

If you choose to take this approach, please clearly note this within the application form. We would also ask that you note this in the covering email when you submit your application via the mailbox.

  1. Will the ECS checker be amended to include 30 hours eligibility and if so, when?

Decisions around the checking of eligibility have not made. More information will be available in due course.

  1. Will we receive guidance on how to check eligibility manually, if needed?

Yes, guidance on systems put in place to enable you to check eligibility will be provided.

  1. Will we receive a list of families likely to be eligible for 30 hours (as with the DWP list for 2YOs)?

Decisions about DWP style lists have not been made. More information will be available in due course.

  1. Is it correct to say that a couple in the same household will both need to work 8 hours minimum to qualify for the additional hours?

In two parent households we expect both parents to be working the minimum number of hours. Further information will be available in due course.

We recently published (2nd October 2015)a statement of our policy intent setting out more informationaround our plans for 30 hours entitlement and can be found at: .

  1. If a couple works e.g. 24 hours per week between them, will they qualify for their usual 15hrs entitlement plus an additional 9hrs = i.e. 24 hrs in total, or will they qualify for the full 30 hours?

We expect parents to only take up the number of hours that they need to support them in work. This will allow for travel to and from work. Further information will be available in due course.

We recently published (2nd October 2015)a statement of our policy intent setting out more informationaround our plans for 30 hours entitlement and can be found at: .

  1. Will families who are outside the minimum wage and work more than 8 hours be excluded from the early implementation?

No, we expect that in some areas, children in families with different income levels will be eligible for early implementation. Final decisions around the eligibility criteria are yet to be made. Further information will be available in due course.

We recently published (2nd October 2015)a statement of our policy intent setting out more informationaround our plans for 30 hours entitlement and can be found at: .

  1. When are you intending to start the funding to us, on participation?

We have not yet finalised how funding will be allocated.

  1. Will funding be allocated in advance based on an estimate (as it was for EYPP)?

We have not yet finalised how funding will be allocated.

  1. Should my proposal reflect delivery of the additional hours to all eligible three- and four-year-olds, or can we limit it to specific wards or districts?

We welcome proposals that allocate funding both to all and to a proportion of eligible children. It would be helpful if you could specify how you would select children in an area where not all children would receive a place.


Please note – We will only be accepting applications submitted by local authorities

  1. What will be involved in the ‘national evaluation’?

We will want to assess how the funding system and eligibility checking system works. We will also want to track, as far as possible, the impact on parents’ working patterns, and how many parents take up the additional hours. In addition, we expect to develop good practice examples which we will ask successful LAs to share with other areas.More information will be available in due course.

  1. What is the number of children nationally that you are seeking to support within the early implementers?

We plan to fund as many places as possible within a limited budget, however we do not know the exact amount due to the range in hourly rates and potential number of eligible children per LA.

  1. Are DfE requiring local authorities to deliver 30 hours to all eligible families that require a place from September 2016 or are local authorities able to trail various models that deliver places to some families which will support the full roll out in September 2017?

As set out in the childcare bill, all eligible children within an area should be able to access the additional 15 hours should their parents wish to. Therefore, you will be required to fund all children within your local authority area if you are selected.

We welcome proposals that allocate funding both to all or to a proportion of eligible children. It would be helpful if you could specify how you would select children in an area where not all children would receive a place

  1. Can we offer flexible provision that will match parents working patterns?

Yes. We are keen to see proposals that demonstrate flexibility for working parents as set out in the EOI guidance and application form.

  1. Is the government planning to change the 7am - 7pm time parameters that is currently in place for Early Education?

Decisions about how the additional 15 hours will operate have not been finalised. Further information will be provided in due course.

However, we welcome proposals that consider how the needs of parents working non-standard hours can be met.

  1. Can we choose to deliver the additional 15 hours in just one of our geographical districts but not the others?

As set out in the childcare bill, all eligible children within an area should be able to access the additional 15 hours should their parents wish to. Therefore, you will be required to fund all children within your local authority area if you are selected.

We welcome proposals that allocate funding both to all or to a proportion of eligible children. It would be helpful if you could specify how you would select children in an area where not all children would receive a place.

  1. Will the additional 15 hours be treated in the same way as the current 15 hours i.e. EYFS, staffing, Ofsted registered?

We want the early implementers to be as close as full-roll out as possible, this includes the way in which the 15 hours can be delivered. However at this point, decisions about how the 15 hours will operate have not been finalised. Further information will be available in due course.

  1. What is a CMA? (Mentioned in Q3 of application form)

CMA is an acronym for Childminder Agency.

  1. Can we form a partnership/ consortium with another LA, if so, how does that work with DCS sign-off?

Yes, we welcome partnerships between LAs. If you choose to do this, the application will need to be submitted by a chosen lead body (lead local authority), the DCS from this local authority will be the one who will need to sign the application off.

  1. What do you mean by ‘nudge messaging’?

We plan to work with the Behavioural Insights Team to work with early implementers to test nudge messaging to parents which will encourage them to use their additional hours for work.

  1. Can the list provided include information identifying which local authority area providers are within?

As we used the information provided to us by providers when they registered their interest, we are unable to provide this information for all providers. However local authorities are not restricted to engage with providers who registered an interest. Local Authorities can contact all providers within their area in regards to being an early implementer.

  1. How will DfE use the results/ findings of the early implementers

Lessons learnt from the Early Implementers will inform full implementation from 2017.

  1. Can I talk to someone about my proposal?

As this is a competitive process, we are not able to advise on specific projects or proposals. All applications will be assessed according to the criteria outlined in the application form and supporting documents.

  1. What is the purpose of the suppliers event in February?

The Department will be holding a briefing event in the week commencing Monday 15 February for successful LAs to update theme on any decisions around the additional 15 hours that were made during the assessment process. The briefing event will be held at a central London venue.

  1. What do we do if we have trouble completing our application form or sending it to the Department?

We will still accept queries of a technical nature around submitting the application form to our inbox up until noon 13 November.We are, however, unable to respond to specific questions about what should be included in your proposal as this is a competitive bidding process, and in doing so, it may give an applicant an unfair advantage.

  1. If a provider did not register their interest with the department for education, will they still be able to deliver the entitlement if their local authority is selected?

Yes, all providers within a selected early implementer area who want to deliver the additional hours may do so, provided that they are registered with their local authority.

  1. I am a provider and would like to apply to be an early implementer.

The Government wants to build on the success of the delivery of the current entitlements, which are delivered through a local authority (LA) supply side delivery model in which providers are funded by local authorities. Therefore, early implementers will be delivered through a similar LA led delivery model. We encourage you to contact your LA to see if you can join with them, should they be submitting an application here. We welcome LA –led bids which demonstrate that they are working with providers to develop their plans.

  1. Why are you only accepting bids from Local Authorities?

As the additional 15 hours will be using a supply side LA led model, we will only be accepting bids from local authorities. We welcome LA–led bids which demonstrate that they are working with providers to develop their plans.

  1. Why have you decided to use an LA supply side delivery model in relation to the extended entitlement?

As we set out in the Policy Statement we published for Report Stage of the Childcare Bill in the House of Lords on 2 October, we want to build on the successful delivery of the existing free entitlement with the extended free entitlement for working parents.

  1. What does this mean in legal and practical terms?

This means that the Secretary of State for Education will discharge the duty in the Childcare Bill (‘the duty to secure 30 hours of free childcare for working parents’) through all local authorities in England. Local authorities will, therefore, be required to secure childcare provision free of charge to qualifying children.

  1. Can a local authority outside of England apply?

No, the delivery of the Early Implementers will only be available for those within England, as will full roll-out of the 30-hours policy.

  1. Are partnership or consortium bids eligible?

Where possible, we welcome innovative proposals from LA/provider partnerships or consortia. To note: The lead body of a consortia/partnership bidsmust be a local authority.

Eligibility for the entitlement for working parents

  1. What about parents on Zero hour contracts and seasonal work?

A person on a zero hours contract with a reasonable prospect of being called to work may use the extended entitlement for their necessary childcare arrangements.

Many parents have irregular working patterns and we have designed the extended entitlement to be flexible enough to accommodate these.

  1. Is it possible to ascertain how many families are likely to be eligible for the 30 hours freechildcare offer in each LA?

We expect to publish estimates in due course.

  1. What happens if a family has a temporary job (e.g. employed over Christmas only) would thefamily still qualify for the free childcare offer?

As part of the application process, we expect that parents will need to report that they expect to earn on average 8 hours at the national minimum wage per week over a period of time. If they are able to do this then they would be eligible. Further details will be made available in due course.

  1. Will LAs receive a list of families that may be eligible for funding similar to the DWP listscurrently received for 2 year olds?

We will explore whether this would be possible. However we expect that most parents who meet the eligibility criteria will readily identify themselves. Local authorities may also wish to carry out a survey of families currently attending local providers to determine who may meet the proposed eligibility criteria and develop an understanding of the possible distribution of eligible children.

  1. What will be the eligibility criteria for parents to be able to access the additional hours for their child(ren)?

Eligibility for the free entitlement will include households where:

  • both parents are working or one parent working in lone parent families. This will be defined as earning the equivalent of 8 hours per week on national minimum wage and this can includes self-employment;
  • both parents are working (as above) and in receipt of tax credits and/ or universal credit;
  • both parents are employed but one or both parent is temporarily away from the workplace on parental, maternity or paternity leave;
  • both parents are employed but one or both parent is temporarily away from the workplace on adoption leave;
  • both parents are employed but one or both parent is temporarily away from the workplace on statutory sick pay;
  • one parent is employed and one parent is in receipt of carers allowance (or receives the carer element of Universal Credit); or
  • one parent is employed and one parent is disabled or incapacitated (based on specific benefits).

Further details will be published in due course.

  1. How will the selected areas know who is eligible?

The Department is currently working to establish processes for confirming which children will be eligible for the new entitlement. Further information will be made available in due course.

We will want to work with areas selected tor early implementation on the detail of this as processes develop.

Finance/ funding

  1. Can you confirm that the LA is able to apply a % top slice of any budget allocated to support the delivery infrastructure and systems development?

We have not yet finalised how funding will be allocated. You can provide an assessment of your expected costs if you wish.

  1. Could you clarify what you anticipate this funding would cover – is this the fund that would support the increased hours for individual children who met the criteria from September 16.

We anticipate that the main funding will pay for additional places, however, we have not yet finalised how funding will be allocated. You can provide an assessment of your expected costs if you wish.

  1. Will the Dedicated Schools grant, high needs block be adjusted to take account of the additional 15 hours that children with SEND will be spending in childcare settings?

We have not yet finalised how funding will be allocated. You can provide an assessment of your expected costs if you wish.

  1. How will the extension to the entitlement be funded?

The Government has committed to increase the rate paid to providers for the delivery of the entitlement. We are undertaking a review of the cost of providing childcare which will report in the autumn. The purposeis to determine an increase to the rate that is fair to providers and value for money to the tax payer.