LISTOWEL PARISH NEWSLETTER – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 26th October 2014
Parish Priest: Canon Declan O Connor.Parish Office (Mon – Fri 10am – 1pm & 2pm –5pm 068-21188. After hours emergency no. 0870908949.Email: . Notices for Parish Newsletter have to be in by 2.00pm on Thursdays. Funerals take place on weekdays at 11.30am and Sundays and Holy Days at 11.00am. Baptisms are at pre-arranged times and must be booked through the Parish Office. Confessions: every Saturday after 10.30am Mass. Check out our web page and all Diocesan news on:
RECENT DEATHS: Brendan Harnett, Killocrim
ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Dermot Buckley, Bridge Rd, Jack & Sheila Buckley, Patrick’s St, Bibi Fitzsimons nee Flaherty & Margaret O’Carroll, O’Connell’s Ave. Thomas Hanlon.
SaturdayOct. 25th / Dan Joy, Killocrim, Month’s Mind /
Pat Kiernan, Hawthorn Drive &
John Downey, Brosna /
John Joe Kenny, Patrick St. /
Mary O Connor, Bunagara / John, Ella, Teddy & Johnny Keane, Slievecahill / Vigil
Oct. 26th / Margaret Peggy Enright, The Square & Cahirdown / Agnes Regan & Deceased Family, Dromin/
Johanna Sheehy, Clieveragh / 9.00am
Funeral Mass of Brendan Harnett, Killocrim / 11.00am
Nov.27th / Tim & Michael O’Sullivan, Finuge /
Tim, Joe, Jimmy, John Mary & John Scanlon, Cahirdown & Coolaclarig/
Thanksgiving Intention / 10.30am
Nov. 28th / Mary Moroney, Ballylongford & Lystoll 1st Anniversary / 10.30am
Wed. 29th / Tom Cronin, Bunagara / 10.30am
Nov. 30th / Kitty, Patrick, Tony & Anne Hartnett & Angela Stack & Alice Forbes, Killocrim /
Frank Galvin, Dirha West, Month’s Mind / 10.30am
Nov.31 / 10.30am
Vigil Mass of All Saints / 7.00pm
Nov. 1st / All Saints Mass / 11.00am
Pat Lane, Coolnaleen, 1st Anniversary /
O’Connor & O’Sullivan Families, Bunagara / John Paul, Eugene & Eileen McCarthy, Bunagara / Noreen Lyons, Cahirdown /Breda Mahony, Cahirdown /
Maureen Dowling, Derry / Vigil
Nov. 2nd / Helen O Keeffe, Charles St, England 1st Ann. / Josie Doyle, Bridge Rd & Deceased Members of the Doyle Family, Tanavalla /Sr. Mary Scanlon, Pollock /
Richard Dillon, Ennismore / 9.00am
Holy Soul Mass on Nov. Lists / 11.00am
Priest on duty for Listowel Deanery on this Sunday, 26th Oct., Fr . Declan O Connor 0870908949 (emergencies only)
PARISH OFFERTORY COLLECTION Our sincere thanks for the Offertory Collection last weekend. May God reward you and thank you.
PARISH OFFICE CLOSED: On this Bank Holiday Monday. Normal Office hours resume on Tuesday morning at 10.00 a.m.
HARVEST SACRED SPACE: We bring your attention to the Sacred Space in front of the Altar as we celebrate Harvest Time the many Blessings bestowed on us by God this past Summer. Please note all the detail and many thanks to Martha of Parish Liturgy Group for putting it together.
IRISH CHURCH COMMISSION & AGENCIES DIOCESAN ANNUAL CHURCH COLLECTION will be taken up at all Masses next weekend, 1st & 2nd November. Many different groups, e.g. Commission for the Laity, Communications Institute, etc., are involved in the development of the Church in Ireland and are provided with their funding through this source of income.
NOVEMBER MASSES FOR OUR DEAD: We pray and remember all our loved ones who have gone to eternal life. You can include them in our special Masses for the Dead as a Parish beginning on Sunday, November 2nd at 11.00 a.m. and each of the Friday’s during the month of November when we will have a special 7pm. evening Mass commemorating all our Dead on the November Lists. On the final Friday night, Nov. 28th, is our special Mass for the Deceased of the past year (Nov. 1st, 2013, to 31st Oct., 2014), organised by the Parish Liturgy Group.
FEAST OF ALL SAINTS:Saturday next (Nov. 1st ). It is a Holy Day of Obligation. The Vigil Mass for the All Saints Day is at 7.00pm on Friday evening and on Saturday morning at 11.00 a.m. only. Then on Saturday evening the usual (Vigil Mass) will be ofFEAST OF ALL SOULSfor Sunday November 2nd. On that day we begin our Masses and prayers for all our dead with the usual Masses at 9.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. At the 11.00am we will pray specifically for our Dead on November Lists. Later that afternoon we will have our usual Blessing of the Graves in our local cemeteries. St. Michael’s Cemetery 3.00 p.m. St. John Paul 3.30 p.m. & Finuge at 4.00 p.m.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD will be held on next Sunday 2nd November at 11am Mass. It is where we invite our younger children (pitched at Primary level) accompanied by their parents to a special ‘Liturgy of the Word’ in the Meeting Room lead by adult leaders during the Mass. Mass is televised there and they rejoin the congregation at Offertory time.
KERRY GENERAL HOSPITALAnnual November Mass for patients (including those who died by stillbirth and miscarriage) who died in Kerry General Hospital during the year will be celebrated in the Hospital Chapel on Monday 3rd November at 7.30pm. *RELATIVES AND FRIENDS INVITED*
LEGION OF MARY MASS:or the cause of Frank Duff in the Church of the Resurrection, Killarney on Thursday, 6th at 7.30 p.m. All are welcome.
LISTOWEL FAMILY RESOURCE CENTREhosts its annual Halloween activity camp from Tuesday October 28-Friday October 31 inclusive from 9.30am-1.30pm daily. The camp is open to children of primary school going age. Places are limited so early booking is essential. Further details fromPatricia Lyonson (068) 23584.
THE FEALE GOOD WOMEN'S GROUP are hosting a fundraising morning as part of the Irish Cancer Society's 'Paint it Pink' campaign on Wednesday. October 29th from 10am-12 at the Listowel Family Resource Centre.Further details from
ÁRUS MHUIRE NURSING HOME (Old Folks Home, Listowel) wishes to thank everyone for their support on their recent Church Gate Collection amount raised was €1,841.
NORTH & EAST KERRY DEVELOPMENT are inviting you to attend an open night with the Tralee Méala Bereavement support Group. With guest speaker – Denise Robinson on grief and loss. Tuesday 28th Oct. at 7pm. at Community Development Project, Upper Rock St. Tralee. Complementary tea/coffee and sandwiches. All welcome.
HALLOWEEN PARADEHosted by:The KDYS Youth Centre Listowel on:Friday 31st October 2014 @ 6.15pm Starts:At 6.15pm - from the Listowel Courthouse/Library. KDYS would like to invite both Young and ‘Not so Young’ to participate in our Halloween Parade. ALL WELCOME.
LISTOWEL TIDY TOWNS: say thank you for the support that you gave to their recent fund raising.