LSU Center for Internal Auditing
Internship Program
To: Internship Sponsor
Please find attached a Student Evaluation Form (Form E) to be completed for each LSU Internal Auditing Student hired for a summer internship. This form is required before the students can obtain credit for the internship. The students are required to complete a separate report on their job experience.
The form is confidential and will not be available to anyone except the Director of the LSUCIA program. You may give the student a copy or discuss with the student if you so desire. We will provide the student with a pass/fail grade but will not discuss any part of their evaluation with them. The evaluation will assist us in working with the student and in identifying specific strengths or weaknesses in the students or in our education process.
Obviously, you may omit responding to any questions that you prefer not to answer.
Please return the evaluation to the LSU Center for Internal Auditing at the following address:
Dr. Glenn E. Sumners
LSU Center for Internal Auditing
3117 Patrick F. Taylor Hall
Louisiana State University
College of Business
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6304
Your organization’s participation in the internship program is appreciated. Thanks for your support of internal audit education.
Glenn E. Sumners, Director
Center for Internal Auditing
Lydia Lafleur, Instructor
Center for Internal Auditing
Summer Internship Survey
Student Evaluation
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This document will be reviewed only
by Glenn E. Sumners. Your candid
evaluation will be appreciated.
Please return to:
Dr. Glenn E. Sumners
LSU Center for Internal Auditing
3117 Patrick F. Taylor Hall
Louisiana State University
College of Business
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6304
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Data on Evaluator
Name ______
Company ______
Name of Evaluatee (student)
Please attach a brief one-page report on the type of work performed by the student that would enhance his/her professional development. Also, please attach any separate evaluation that you are required, by your company, to file on the student.
- Please rate the student on the following items using a 5-point scale.
4-Below Average
A. Performance Qualifications:
1. / Efficient administration of assignment2. / Resourcefulness in assignment
3. / Relating work to objectives
4. / Communication with supervisor
5. / Gaining respect of associates
6. / Meeting scheduled deadlines
7. / Effective completion of assignment within time allocated
8. / Accuracy
9. / Legible handwriting
10. / Completeness
11. / Logic
12. / Elimination of nonessentials
13. / Conciseness
14. / Documentation
15. / Practical solutions or suggestions
16. / Knowledge and application
B. Professional Qualifications:
1. / Ability to accept responsibility2. / Ability to follow instructions
3. / Inquisitiveness
4. / Creativeness
5. / Aptitude for associating with people
6. / Professionalism
7. / Effectiveness of expression
C. Personal Qualifications:
1. / Appearance2. / Conduct
3. / Personality
4. / Poise
5. / Tact
6. / Energy
7. / Stability
8. / Initiative
9. / Decisiveness
10. / Judgement
11. / Maturity
12. / Leadership
13. / Integrity
14. / Attitude
15. / Confidence
D. Miscellaneous
1. / Overall evaluation prior to summer internship2. / Overall evaluation after summer internship
- Would you recommend that your company consider this student for permanent employment?
- Do you perceive that the student is interested in permanent employment with your company?
- Do you plan to discuss this evaluation with the student?
- How would you evaluate this student (who has had one internal auditing course) to other students that you hire for summer work?
Same level
- Do you feel that the internal auditing course was beneficial to the student in his/her job?
- Do you feel that hiring a student who has taken an auditing course would impact your training or supervision costs?
- Do you feel that hiring a student with twelve (12) hours of internal auditing would significantly reduce your training and supervision costs?
- Has your experience with the LSU Internal Auditing Pilot School or this particular student made you more receptive to hiring students as opposed to experienced persons?
- Do you feel that the Institute of Internal Auditors should aggressively encourage internal auditing education at colleges and universities?
- Are you interested in participating in the internship program next year?
- What type of interviewing format do you prefer?
On campus interviews
On campus with selected office visits
Office visits only
Faculty recommendations
Review of resumes
- Please include any additional comments or suggestions that would improve the present system for placement of students in internship positions.
- How can I assist you in the interviewing or placement process?
15.How can I help prepare the students for their internship?
16.Other Comments
Thank you for your time in completing this evaluation. Your organization’s participation in the internship program is appreciated. Thanks for your support of internal audit education.
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