Healthcare Workforce Data Center
Physician Workforce Advisory Committee – Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
March 6, 2009 – 2:00 P.M.
Attending: M. Lundberg, S. Mick, S. Bowman, W. Harp, R. Hofford
Staff: B. Beck, E. Carter, and C. Thompson Consultant: L. Lacey
1. Welcome and Introduction
Ø Michael Lundberg, Director of the Virginia Health Institute (VHI) was introduced as a new member of the Physician Workforce Advisory Committee.
Ø Ms. Beck introduced the ad hoc meeting as a forum for discussing the issues around the collection of supply and demand data.
Ø Ms. Beck stated that physician licensure renewal survey of 2008 data will be processed by Linda Lacey, Lacey Research Associates.
Ø Ms. Beck stated that the Physician Workforce Committee needs to establish a minimum dataset for data collection of physician workforce information.
2. DHP Physician Profiles and Licensure Renewal Coordination
Ø Ms. Beck distributed an example of a physician profile found on the DHP website. VDH currently uses DHP profile data to assist in determining shortage and rural area designations. She reported that Ken Studer (VDH) “cleans” the profile data for the health department. Mr. Studer has stated that VDH is willing to return the “cleaned” data to DHP for use by the workforce center.
Ø DHP is now working to secure a data storage unit for the storage of historical and annual workforce data separate from the DHP computer center.
Ø In the future, DHP’s new software, MLO (My License Office), will house the physician profiles thus allowing greater ease with physician profile updates and tracking.
Ø Questions were raised on how many years of licensure and profile data are held by the computer center at DHP. Ms. Beck responded that all DHP data is archived, not necessarily in a format that is easily accessible.
Ø Dr. Mick stated that the process of matching individuals within the DHP computer system for longitudinal studies needs to be confirmed with the center.
3. Data Collection Efforts
Ø Dr. Hofford indicated that Medicaid data could be accessed for DMAS contacts.
Ø Individual health departments regionally could be contacted to gain physician contact information.
Ø The committee members discussed the differences between record addresses of physicians versus their physical practice addresses, and how to obtain what was needed.
Ø Ms. Beck stated that the Data Advisory Committee members are now charting what data is being collected on the health care workforce by their agencies.
Ø Ms. Beck stated that House Bill 2405 passed the General Assembly. The bill will allow an expanded release of data in non-aggregate form to qualified researchers for analysis purposes.
4. Physician Licensure Renewal Survey
Ø Because of the duplication between the questions in the Medicine and Osteopathy Workforce Survey and the information contained in the physician profiles, Dr. Mick suggested the removal of survey questions 3, 4 and 6 through 10, with rewording of question 5 to capture the number of hours worked distinguishing between clinical and teaching time and between different work sites. Committee members agreed on the importance of defining how physicians spent their time, with the focus for now on direct patient care.
Ø The committee discussed the possibility of placing the licensure renewal survey questions within the physician profile.
Ø Dr. Harp recommended having specific needs in workforce information statutorily required of the physicians.
Ø Dr. Harp reported that he has seen an increase in the number of calls from the public to DHP regarding out of date profile information.
Ø The need to distinguish between active and non-active (but still listed as current, active) physicians can be addressed by capturing the number of hours worked by each physician, in this way removing physicians that did not work any hours from workforce reporting.
Ø The main purpose of the licensure survey was discussed by the committee, with the agreement of the importance of aggregating number of hours in direct patient care to trend FTEs over time in the field.
Ø Mr. Bowman noted the need to continue to track teaching among physicians.
Ø Ms. Lacey asked if there was a way to tabulate physicians on restriction or probation. Dr. Harp confirmed that lists are easy to tabulate but that there is nothing compiled in a standardized fashion right now.
5. Focusing Physician Committee Efforts
Ø Recommendations from the Ad Hoc meeting will be presented to the full Physician Workforce Advisory Committee specific to changes to the licensure survey and physician profiles with a recommendation that the survey be incorporated into the profile.
Ø On the supply side, this year the committee will look at current medical school statistics and plan on investigating residency information and military medical professional supply.
Ø Mr. Bowman raised limitations of pursuing statutory requirements too soon, and the potential for resistance if information is still asked after legislation does not pass.
Ø Mr. Lundberg also raised the issue of potential FOIA implications on any information DHP collects.
Ø On the demand side, the committee agreed on suggestions from Dr. Mick and Ms. Lacey that a forecast be conducted before July using population ratios in the 22 health planning regions to develop a baseline assessment of the state.
Ø The identification of large care areas with more detailed analysis may be possible as well.
Ø Dr. Mick offered to look up demand forecasts conducted in Missouri for potential model examples. If Missouri forecasts fit Virginia situations, Ms. Lacey recommended that it is used as a blueprint on how and what is collected by the VDH.
Ø In the long term, demand projections could be developed using needs-based and utilization factors. One example provided was the use of sub-population characteristics such as infant mortality to define benchmark parameters for the forecast.
6. Committee Discussion/Planning
Ø The committee agreed on the use of intervals to portray physician demand, rather than providing a concrete number in the Workforce Data Center’s annual report. The grant was reviewed to pinpoint the responsibilities of DHP, and the group interpreted that the purpose of this agency is to collect and provide good workforce data to researchers.
Ø A current gap in information on physician workforce is in outpatient numbers; VHI has inpatient hospital figures but not outpatient figures.
Ø Dr. Hofford stated that he might know someone at VA Tech who might be willing to assist the committee with physician demand information. He will call his contact regarding this issue.
Ø Ms. Beck stated that the Ad Hoc committee’s recommendations will be taken to the full Physician Workforce Advisory Committee, and then to the Advisory Council.