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1965 - 69 : TraineePatent Attorneyin broad-range soloPatent Attorney Firm at Munich,
German Patent OfficeFederal Patent Court ; clients asGeneral Electric, Seiko
1969Patentassessor Examinationat Munich administered by
German Patent Office and Federal Ministry of Justice
with honors _ befriedigend
Patentassessor_ German Industrial Property Qualified Lawyer
1969 - 1996 : Patentanwalt_ German Patent Attorney _in Private Practice at Munich
then- most junior in Germany
1966 - 1985 : Max Planck Instituteat Munichfor
Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law(renamed since 2002)
Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Friedrich-Karl Beier,
Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c.Eugen Ulmer and
Dr. Gert Kolle(fmr. Principal Director atEPO) re -
Copyright Protection of Computer Programs
1983 IIC 159 et seq.
invoking obtained Judgments “VisiCalc”and “Roll Stool”_ cf. also infra
Dr. Dieter Stauder(fmr. Director atEPO and Prof. atCEIPI inStrasbourg) re -
Patent Protection in Extraterritorial Areas(Continental Shelf, High Seas ...)
1976 IIC 470 et seq.
Patentschutz in extraterritorialen Gebieten(Festlandsockel, Hohe See ...)
1975 GRUR Int. 421 et seq.--- based on a first draft of mine
Dr.Alexander von Muehlendahl(fmr. Vice-President atOHIM inAlicante) re -
German Trade Mark Law (drafter of Act 1995), U.S. Federal Civil Procedure
1974 Munich Court of Appeal(OLG)6thSenate _ IP Division:Law Clerk
1978 - European Patent Attorney in Private Practice
European Patent Office EPO inMunich
1973 - 77 :University of Salzburg Intellectual Property Law
1996 - 2005 :University of St. Gallen HSG Intellectual Property Law
Assessment of EUROPEAN Qualifying Examination for Professional Representatives by
SINGAPORE IPOS _ see below Excerpt :
U.S.A. Canadian Australian Examination Papers not considered equivalent , namely only
Exemption from the Singapore Patent Agents Qualifying Examinations (“QE”)
Listed1 below are some specified foreign patent agent qualifying examinations that may be considered to be equivalent to the QE paper(s) conducted by the Registrar of Patents of IPOS2. An applicant may refer to the list below where successful completion in these specified examinations would in general, be persuasive in satisfying the Registrar that the applicant is correspondingly and sufficiently proficient in that area which was assessed.
When considering any request for exemption from obtaining a pass in QE Paper D, the Registrar would have to be satisfied that the applicant is sufficiently proficient in the knowledge of patent law and patent practice in Singapore. A pass in an examination that tests on knowledge of patent law and patent practice in Singapore would in general, be persuasive in satisfying the Registrar that the applicant is sufficiently proficient in the knowledge of patent law and patent practice in Singapore.
The applicant is required to satisfy the Registrar that he is sufficiently proficient in the law of patents and has the necessary knowledge and practical experience to carry out patent agency work.
General Guidelines
United Kingdom / Chartered Institute of Patent Agents Advanced Papers
P6 / Paper A
Paper B
Paper C
Europe / European Qualifying Examination for Professional Representatives
Paper A
Paper B
Paper C / Paper A
Paper B
Paper C
New Zealand / Examinations held under regulation 158 (1) of the Patents Regulations 1954
Papers C, D and E / Papers A, B and C