Preparing for TEEP

To support schools and academies to plan for their TEEP training, the programme has a number of tools to aid in the preparation.

Below are a series of templates and tools for use with staff, students, parents and governors as they see fit before training begins. They are intended only as tools to be adapted by the school/academy to explain their own vision and plans (writing in green) for the development of TEEP and are completely optional.

Item / Purpose/description / Location
SLT presentation / Powerpoint presentation which SLT can use to brief all staff before TEEP training , it’s background, what will happen and the vision from the school’s perspective / On website in resource bank
Pre course briefing sheet for TEEP Lead / Summary document with pre course information regarding logistics and preparing for the actual training days / Below
TEEP films / Two short films explaining What is TEEP and the Impact of TEEP. Can be used as part of a presentation to staff, parents or governors. / On website
SLT questions / A series of questions, co-ordinated from other SLT teams of points to consider in relation to your school before training begins / Below
Staff briefing / A briefing sheet to be adapted for staff to explain TEEP, what will happen and why the SLT has decided to engage in TEEP training / Below
Parents briefing / A briefing sheet to be adapted for parents to explain why the school has decided to engage in TEEP training / Below
Students briefing / A briefing sheet to be adapted for students to explain why the school has decided to engage in TEEP training / Below
Governors briefing / A briefing sheet to be adapted for governors to explain why the school has decided to engage in TEEP training / Below
Impact of TEEP / A summary document of headlines that you might expect to experience as a result of TEEP training, taken from schools across the country / Below
Training checklist / A checklist for the SLT to prepare them for the beginning of the course / Below
Pathways through TEEP / A overall plan for how TEEP could fit into the long term plans for improving teaching and learning across school / On website in resource bank

Pre Course briefing sheet for the TEEP Lead at school

Thank you for booking your Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (TEEP) course. This document is aimed to give you a little further information to help you prepare your school and staff for the course.

In preparation for your course

To enable the best possible experience for your school/academy we ask that you brief your staff in advance of the training. This may include your rationale for engaging in TEEP, so that they have a clear understanding of the view of the leadership team and the priorities for TEEP teaching and learning. Feedback from previous courses shows that this initial awareness raising and purpose is the most frequent comment from delegates, in how their experience could have been improved. SSAT has developed a PowerPoint template to assist with this; available on the website or on request.

TEEP whole school courses are proven to be truly effective and have the most impact when implemented across the whole school, and therefore it is essential that the senior leadership team join the training sessions. The training is for teachers and support staff who are involved in planning and leading learning. The TEEP have a one day course for support staff.

TEEP training follows a set delivery pattern, to ensure all delegates receive the same training, albeit with different case studies and examples of practice from the trainers. The training builds understanding and explore the layers of the TEEP framework, therefore it is important that delegates attend the whole training.

We hope the delegates will always enjoy the course and find it useful and interesting. We do ask that they come prepared for an intensive, informative and fun few days and are prepared to be honest and open minded.

Training team

You will have a team of trainers assigned to your course, with one being the lead trainer. They will contact you prior to the start of the course to discuss the background to the school and their requirements for the training days.

On some courses, they may also be supported by interns, who are TEEP practitioners who have completed the level 3 course and are interning before they become trainers. They may deliver some aspects of the course under the supervision of the trainer.

The TEEP project team will confirm the details of all trainers to school before the course so you know who will be present.


Prior to the course you will be sent a set of materials (TEEP booklets, mats etc.) which will be used by the trainers throughout the training, but then left for the school at the end. Please do ensure that the full set is available to the trainers on the first day so they can split them between the rooms as necessary. These resources will also need to be available for Day 3 so you need to ensure if not kept centrally they are brought together again for the other training days.

You may also receive a separate parcel from SSAT, which contains the materials they will use each day. again please keep this in a safe place until the day of the training and ensure it is available for the trainers immediately on arrival on the first morning.

There will be some materials which need to then be kept safe between days 2 and 3. Please ensure that you know where they are and can find them again before Day 3.

If you would like additional copies of the TEEP booklets or posters then you are able to order additional copies from the SSAT website here.

Set up of the rooms, resources and groups

The Lead trainer will agree any specifics with you, however the requirement is for a room per group, which is large enough to accommodate the group comfortably and has a projector/interactive whiteboard, speakers/sound and flip charts or wall space to display materials from the course. Internet connection is useful if possible. Please could you also ensure each room has a flip chart and paper and standard items such as scissors, glue/sellotape/blu-tack, coloured pens /pencils and post-it notes available for staff to use. TEEP training is experiential and therefore rooms should be large enough for a ‘break out’ space. If this isn’t feasible could an additional room be allocated near to the training room? Your lead trainer will discuss this with you.

Your delegates will need to be split into groups of no more than 25 per room and the lead trainer will discuss the best way to do this with you. We recommend a mixed and well balanced group of gender, experience and subjects as most beneficial to the training, throughout the days these groups will split by the trainer into smaller teams to work on different tasks.

You will receive a group list template from SSAT well in advance of the training, please ensure it is returned to SSAT and your lead trainer at least 2 weeks prior to the training; it is used as part of the pre-course preparation by the training team and also to ensure staff are registered as having attended TEEP training.

Please ensure any appropriate information about delegates is shared with the lead trainer, such as any disabilities to ensure the trainers can prepare correctly.

TEEP website and newsletter

All delegates will be granted access to the TEEP website after the course to become a TEEP associate, it contains many resources including classroom materials, TEEP newsletters and links to the latest educational research into effective teacher and learner behaviours. We are always interested to receive articles from TEEP practitioners to share with others for this newsletter or for the website. This access is granted on an individuals’ email address, so it is important when returning the list of delegates to the project team that this information is included.

Next Steps

Your checklist will provide key next steps information so that you are able to plan your continuing TEEP journey. This will include booking Level 2 dates, reading the TEEP portfolios and considering options for staff on Level 3 (train the trainer).

Evaluation and Quality Assurance

At the end of the course delegates will be asked to complete an evaluation form which is used as part of the quality assurance and continuous improvement process for TEEP. Please do encourage your staff to complete this and return to the trainers as it is an invaluable way to support the programme and ensure our monitoring and evaluation reflects your feedback.

Following the first part of the training (after day 2) you will be contacted by one of our educational leads responsible for quality assurance. Your feedback is vital to our monitoring and evaluation and it provides an opportunity to talk about both the training and next steps on your TEEP journey, as well as an opportunity for you to raise questions or queries and access further support from SSAT.


Each year we collect case studies of schools’ TEEP journey which gives information on the many ways schools are using TEEP to drive forward standards in teaching and learning. these are shared through impact reports and as case studies on our website here . We have a case study template available to all and would encourage you to complete this to share both with your own staff/ parents/Governors and other schools through SSAT.


The TEEP project team is available on or 020 7802 9003. They will deal with all stages of your booking and logistics for the course.

The lead trainer should be your point of contact for content queries.

Level 1 timeline overview summary

SLT questions

Below are a series of questions/prompts for the SLT of a school to consider before they begin their TEEP training. Answers will be different for each school but the questions have been collated from feedback provided by the senior teams from other schools about their preparation for TEEP. A number of tools to support the answers for this are available within this pack or support documents.

Rationale and Improvement Planning

  • What is our vision for TEEP within our school? Does this vision translate into clear objectives within our School Improvement Plan?
  • How are we going to share this vision with the staff and wider community?
  • How are we planning on sustaining TEEP in the future? (See pathways through TEEP document)
  • Are we going to develop an implementation plan for the TEEP programme to share with all staff?
  • How will the school improvement plan reflect the focus on teaching and learning?
  • How can the school’s current meeting schedule support the focus of TEEP and embed TEEP across all departments?

Preparing Staff

  • How are we going to prepare the whole staff for TEEP training, including all the SLT?
  • What advice do we want to give individual members of staff to prepare themselves for the training?
  • Is there any particular role for middle leaders in the preparation phase and how will they know? Should SLT have separate preparation time?
  • How are we going to best encourage all staff to enter positively into the training process?

Next Steps

  • How do we propose to embed and support TEEP’s development across the school – through a coaching approach, a focus group approach, action research?
  • How are we going to select the colleagues to undertake level 2 training? Will this be by invitation or open to all staff?
  • What will we expect the colleagues who undertake level 2 to continue to do after training? How will we support them to do that?

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • How are we going to collect feedback from the staff and offer further support?
  • How /when do we want to collect student’s or parents perceptions?
  • What improvements would we like to see within 6, 12, 24 or 52 weeks of training and how will we collect the evidence?

Staff briefing template

What is TEEP and how will the training help us enhance the effectiveness of our teaching and learning?

TEEP is the Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme and it is rooted in evidence based research of effective teaching and learning. Further information including two short films about TEEP, is available on the website

The programme is delivered by SSAT (the school, students and teachers network) and is designed to embrace current and recent initiatives in teaching and learning and apply them to our specific situation.

The aims of TEEP at XXX are to:

  • Give staff a common language for planning, teaching and evaluating learning.
  • Encompass and build upon everything that we do that we know improves teaching and learning.
  • Enable excellent progression within a lesson and across a series of lessons in order to raise achievement for all.
  • Raise the number of ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ lessons.
  • Provide staff with excellent development opportunities.
  • Build a community of learners

The training

The entire teaching staff, including SLT will undertake a 3 day TEEP Level 1 programme (insert dates). A smaller group will undertake two further days, TEEP Level 2 in (insert month or dates), which will help to mentor and coach colleagues and support the development of TEEP across the school. A discussion with colleagues interested in TEEP Level 2 will take place following day 2 of Level 1. As a school we would also like to …..(explain proposed method of developing – action research, development groups, research best practice and share findings etc) and welcome input from all staff on ways to achieve this. Please speak to …

What to expect on TEEP training?

TEEP training is experiential and models the model, allowing staff to understand the view of a learner. Please come with an open mind and be prepared to engage in some active learning. Groups of up to 25 staff will work with one trainer to experience the same training programme across the three days. These groups will comprise of staff from across departments and the SLT helping to facilitate a truly whole school collaborative approach to TEEP.

The trainers are experienced TEEP practitioners from other schools across the country, very much following the ‘by schools for schools’ ethos of SSAT.

The training is intensive, fun, and invigorating. Feedback from previous staff teams include:

“This has been wonderful in encouraging staff to communicate and share ideas. Everyone feels more positive”.

“Really enjoyed the opportunity to refresh/renew and new stuff to reinvigorate practice”.

“Even after 20 years in the role there are things that I've learnt!”

“TEEP woke us up… gave us new confidence, it changed our whole ethos, it made us fall in love with teaching again. We went from 43% Good+ lessons to over 80%+ Good lessons and climbing”

After the training everyone will be sent an email giving them access to the TEEP website which houses a resource bank of materials for use by all ‘associates’ –i.e. those who have attended

We will also be having a brief presentation at the staff meeting on XXX to explain TEEP and the proposal further



Parents briefing template

What is TEEP and how is it helping us to become the best we can be?

TEEP is the Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme. It is a programme, based on research and evidence from other schools to help to build on and improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning across our school. Further information including two short films about TEEP are available on the website

The programme is delivered by SSAT (the school, students and teachers network) and is designed to embrace current and recent initiatives in teaching and learning and apply them to our specific situation.

The aims of TEEP at XXX are to:

  • Give staff a common language for planning, teaching and evaluating learning.
  • Encompass and build upon everything that we do that we know makes high quality teaching and learning.
  • Enable excellent progress within a lesson and across a series of lessons in order to raise achievement for all.
  • Raise the number of ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ lessons.
  • Provide staff with excellent development opportunities.
  • Raise the skills and confidence in our pupils, so that they are able to achieve their learning goals

The entire teaching staff will undertake a 3 day programme during the XXX term and a smaller group will undertake two further days in XXX and will help to mentor and coach colleagues to support the development of TEEP across the school