November 7, 2018




Subject: Family Medical Leave (FMLA) – Academic Employee – Maternity Leave [Edit for ADOPTION]

Dear NAME:

Please find attached the University of Minnesota’s Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): Notice of Eligibility and Health Certification forms. Your current leave may qualify you for coverage under the FMLA.

For FMLA to apply to this leave, please return these documents as soon as possible, but no later than DUE DATE(15 days hence).

If you feel that your current leave may qualify, ask your healthcare provider to complete the enclosed certification form and return it to CONSULTANT:



Below, is a brief overview of how relevant UMN Policy and FMLA work alongside one-another.

  • Further FMLA information is available on the University of Minnesota, Office of Human Resources website:
  • Relevant Parental Leave for Academic Employees policy:

FMLA provides:

  1. 12 workweeks (480 hours if intermittent) of leave eachfiscal year.
  2. Job protection (return to same or equivalent position)
  3. Unpaid leave
  4. Maintenance of health plan coverage* with the same conditions as if employee had been working during the leave period
  5. During FMLA if you use unpaid time for an entire pay period you will not receive a check and will therefore be billed for your portion of your Healthcare Insurance Premium - your portion only - which is normally deducted from each paycheck.
  6. After FMLA if you enter unpaid time for an entire pay period you will be billed for the full cost of your Healthcare Insurance Premium

UMN Policy Provides:

  1. Paid Time - Under U of MN policy you are required to use your paid leave concurrent with FMLA
  2. Six (6) weeks leave with pay related to the birth of her child. The employee need not prove actual disability during this six-week period.
  3. To the extent this leave exceeds six weeks, it may be covered under Short term disability. See Paid Medical Leave and Disability Benefits for Faculty and Academic Professional and Administrative Employees:
  1. Short term disability is administered by CIGNA. You can file a claim up to four weeks in advance by calling CIGNA at 855-207-8099. You can find more information on this benefit on the Office of Human Resources (Benefits) website
  1. Must use accrued Vacation time. (You can choose to save 10 accrued vacation days)
  2. Option to use UNPAID time AFTER your paid-leave is exhausted.

Unpaid Leave - additional provisions for unpaid time can be found under a separate policy -Unpaid Personal Leaves:

*If you enter a time under FMLA when you no longer receive a paycheck, you will receive an Invoice for your health plan Premium which is normally deducted from your paycheck.

Payroll & Leave Time

  • Utilization of your paid leave time is mandated by policy, as outlined above, except that you may choose to reserve up to 10 days of accrued vacation.
  • Please work with your Supervisor SUPERVISORand HRIS (Payroll & Leave) CONTACT NAMEto submit your absencerequest.
  • A separate email with time keeping instructions will follow.

I know this is a lot of information, if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or CONSULTANT.
