Dear Golden Jews,
Charlie is my Jewish friend who is ashamed to be a Jew because, he says, his people are shaming him. How sad is that? I want him to be proud of being a Jew - a really wonderful sort of Jew who has adapted to the modern world and left the old childish Cancer/Capricorn mindsets behind. I think it would be a disaster if Jews like him were not recognised for the wonderful people they are. And then there is the lovely Will Self and the worthy Rabbi Lord Sacks who is my delight and who keeps the peace with such charming grace, but maybe, now he is getting old, should shoulder a bit of responsibility for his incorrigible family members who are behaving with unbelievably dreadful manners and getting away with it.
The age of Capricorn/Cancer when the Semites in southern Iraq carried the main evolutionary influence happened between eight thousand and six thousand BCE. That’s a long time ago. If the description of evolutionary properties given by the precession of the equinoxes back through the signs of the Zodiac have any validity, and I am sure they do after researching the subject for more than 20 years, then it was these people who introduced family values and the authoritative father God that has dominated the western mindset for the last ten thousand years. At that point in human evolution these were the values an evolving species required.
The whole point about the evolutionary journey triggered by the influences of the signs that define the ages is that when the new influence first burst onto the scene it is vital and fresh, it needs to be or it would have no power, but it is immature. Eventually it must be incorporated and seen for what it is; one influence amongst many.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, structure. Saturn makes teeth hard, bones strong and mountains high. Out of Saturn’s stone ancient people build fortifications that kept them safe in a dangerous world. Society needs Saturn’s structure, and not only physical structure but also legal structure, Saturn’s rules and regulations allow everything to run smoothly. What if we all decide to drive on whichever side of the road we feel like, or ignore the traffic lights and park wherever we desire? A city would be an impossibility. Capricorn law is not moral law, it is man-made, which is why it would be a bad idea to drive on the left when you are in France, but Capricorn law is effective. Civilisation would be unattainable without it. And Cancer is the mother instinct which protects and feeds the helpless infant with unfailing commitment and courage. Every vulnerable new being needs the mother energy of life to ensure its safety until it is fully mature. But this essential primal instinct is dangerous out of context. So here’s the rub? Capricorn and Cancer, the two most essential and yet potentially malevolent drives when their purpose is misapplied. Saturn’s fear of vulnerability, its fixation on safety, its secular rules applied with no flexibility, no interest in philosophical morality, gives birth to immorality of the worst sort – self-righteous immorality. Capricornian law is merciless when it applies its unbending rules with no feeling – it blocks empathy, compassion, individuality and creativity. The twelve tribes of Israel, each one self-protective and clannish, illuminate Cancer energy holding tight to emotions designed to protect babies not adults. Cancer, the tribal memory, the instinct for self-preservation, the crab who can’t let go of the past – this sort of allegiance generates xenophobia, small-mindedness, and self-serving greed.
The Age of Cancer/Capricorn, the age of the Semites who came, so the Old Testament says, from Ur of the Chaldees, came before the age of Gemini/Sag, and they are still around. Where have the Gemini/Sag Sumerians gone? They gave us schools and reading and writing and then they merged into the next age, a myth even to the Taurus/Scorpio Babylonians of the age that came after. But the energies of Cancer/Capricorn, the authoritative father god, his regulations written in stone and unquestioning loyalty to family and roots are still extant in the Israeli Jewish nation sadly on show in its least attractive guise. This is a self-serving energy that insults others and wonders why others get pissed off.
This post was provoked when my Jewish friend watched the Panorama programme the other night filming the Israeli kids in the Golan Heights provoking their Palestinian neighbours encouraged by irresponsible parents and protected by a ‘mother’ state. I watched it too. It was indeed shameful.
So Zionists think that because they took over land a very long time ago it’s theirs. If my memory serves me correctly – I will have to check – even then they took it off others - what was the battle of Jericho about? One wonders who were the people who were originally ousted from the Promised Land? That righteous Saturnian father god egged on by small minded and self serving mother instincts has a lot of irresponsible actions to account for. Just think. I am a Celt – Great Briton was ours – we were pushed into the mountains by waves of Saxons and Normans – does that mean it’s a good idea to attempt to grab it back – I don’t think so. Kids play the grabbing game, this is mine grab, now its mine grab, no its mine grab, and clearly the end result is conflict for ever. But these Cancer/Capricorn people don’t think straight and because they have been hurt – and I don’t condone the hurt as they are just kids and needed firm but loving treatment - they think they have a right to be land-grabbers hurting other people with impunity simply because other people are NOT family. But they don’t.
And here is a dreadful thought. In the case of modern Israel it’s our fault: Great Britain’s fault.
I wrote a letter to Tony Blair many years ago pointing out this fact and he very kindly had a letter sent back to me from Number 10 thanking me - much to my Jewish friend Charlie’s amazement as Charlie, who has a propensity to see things in black and white but who is so great-hearted he is always willing to listen when I tell him what an idiot he is, has written lots and lots of letters to Number 10 and has never had a reply.
This is the picture from my old Arthur Mee’s Children’s dictionary that went with my letter.
The point that I am making is that this land of Palestine was a British territory. So the Rothschilds paid for the battle of Waterloo and the First World War and the Second World War, and after the wars were over and the Holocaust had shocked all the good people in the world the British signed a treaty allowing Palestine to be settled by Jews. But it all went bananas. The idea was, I believe, that only the dispossessed Jews would arrive but this is not what occurred. Well, the Jews were not supposed to take over completely, the British intended to police the situation, but so many people arrived and Jewish terrorists blew up buildings and hung British soldiers in the woods – look up Early Terrorist Zionist Gangs on the internet - and the Brits did not want to lose more of their young men so they withdrew. We shut a big strong understandably paranoid child in a room with a small innocent child with only one cake. Now tell me, what is going to happen? The big child is hungry and he believes his is a battle for survival. Of course he is going to take the cake. We don’t need to be psychologists to understand this.
We did it. I told Tony Blair that we had to take responsibility for the dreadful result. I told him it was entirely our fault. We had no moral right to give up someone else’s land, even if it was British on paper. I told him that the Israelis would not want to countenance this fact, so left to them the truth would be repressed in a typical Cancerian (I did not mention Cancer of course) self-protective manner, but if we take the blame the big child cannot pretend innocence and the little child will know their rage is understood. Maybe, I said, we will need to compensate the Palestinians, but it will be cheaper than another war. (One of the reasons for this present recession - oh don’t breathe a word - is that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is costing far too much - wars always bring depressions.) So I get this nice reply saying my letter has been passed onto the Foreign Office and the Foreign Office also replied giving me the address of their internet site so that I could participate in a discussion, it was big of them, but I declined. I had said everything that needed to be said and I was working on an MA at the time. But you see my point; it is our fault. We need to feel and say sorry to both children – the paranoid big child and the little innocent (who is quite rightly hugely upset and indignant at the injustice) - and I think we should know that saying sorry will not be enough.
The thing is mothers can be overly protective and fathers overly authoritative. The rest of us have to strike a balance. We have to love the Jews but that does not mean letting them get away with this unacceptable dishonourable activity based on a mad idea that they own a particular part of mother Earth. Earth belongs to all of us and infants must learn to share. What we need is for all beautiful truth seeking lovely grown up Jews, Golden Jews (Jesus was a Jew remember), to take responsibility for their naughty siblings as the siblings will scream outrage if the rest of us take any sort of action however fair and reasonable – Mummy, Daddy look what these horrible people are doing to us – all we did is pinch that nasty Palestinian’s house – they don’t like us do they - it is them or us isn’t it? But it’s not and they need to learn. In this world the rule is do as you would be done by or you will be done by as you do. If they want to be treated with respect by the other children they must learn to treat the other children with respect. I don’t know what happened in the past to make the other children behave so badly but I suspect (especially when I read the Old Testament) the Judeans were not exactly philosophical towards the belief systems and principles of their neighbours. I think what the I Ching calls ‘Fellowship with men in the clan’ is a bad idea. The I Ching says ‘Misfortune’. Well yes – obviously.
And if you are a bit unsure of me applying the Age of Cancer/Capricorn to the Jews just think Wailing Wall. Wailing is what babies do isn’t it, and Saturn symbolises walls. The Babylonian astrologers also connected Saturn with the Judeans. Some modern astrologers think that the Star of David was a triple conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter means Crown Prince. The astrologer priest, the magi of the temple of Marduk, would have taken that to mean a prince was to be born in Judea so they took gifts. How friendly is that?
So hello Golden Jews let’s get this sorted. It’s time to grow up and acquire some self-awareness and we can all love you for the wonderful gifts you have brought to civilization, the gifts of social order and emotional commitment. Saturn did rule the Golden Age you know.