New Brighton Catholic School
(Mary Immaculate)
Term 4, Week 2: 22 October 2015
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Whānau and Friends
Important Dates
Mon 26 OctLabour Day – School closed
Tues 27 Oct6 pm BOT Meeting
Wed 28 OctTravelling Roadshow in Library Rm 4-7
Pasifika lunch
Music Festival Performance Night – Snr Choir
Thurs 29 Oct8.45-10am Pet Celebration
11am Senior Athletics Day (Yr 4-8)
2.30pm Secondhand uniform sale/swap Rm 8
Fri 30 Oct1-3pm Top Team @ SNBS (Yr8)
Wed 4 Nov9am-3pm Kotane at Willowbank Y4-8
Thurs 5 Nov11.30am School Mass – All Saints
Mon 9 Nov9.15am Road Patrol Training (Yr 6&7)
Wed 11 NovAthletic Zones Rawhiti
Thurs 12 NovStaff Only Day
Fri 13 NovShow Day – school closed
Wed 18 Nov9am-12.30pm Junior Athletics Day (Yr 0-3)
Fri 20 Nov2.30pm Ki o Rahi tournament (Yr7&8)
Wed 25 Nov5-9 pm Hangi – school community
Mon 30 Nov9am-2.45pm Museum trip (Yr4-8)
3-7pm First Aid training for staff
Wed 2 DecCanty Athletics
Tues 8 DecFeast Day
6pm BOT Meeting
Wed 9 DecY8 Leavers Dinner
Fri 11 DecLast Assembly for the year
Tues 15 DecJunior Production
Wed 16 Dec1.30 pm End of Year School Mass
BOT Meeting Dates: You are most welcome to attend our BOT meetings at 6 pm on Tuesday 27 October and 8 December.
Assembly tomorrow : Rm1 is the class for prayers tomorrow.
Virtues Assembly: There is no Virtues Assembly on Tuesday 27 October. Pupils will pray in class.
All Saints/All Souls
All Saints Day on 1 November is an important and significant day within the Catholic Church, marking the month in which we focus on the Communion of Saints; people both in heaven and on earth. You are welcometo join us at our School Mass 11.30am Thursday 5 November.
All Souls Day on 2 November is when we remember our loved ones who have died. To honour All Souls Day we will include a liturgy at our Assembly on Friday 31 October and would love you to join us. Sharee Connor (DRS)
Pet Celebration
On Thursday 29 October from 8.45-10am all pets and their owners are invited to join us in the playground for prayers and sharing.We will begin with a prayer and bless our pets, and then the children will spend time meeting all pets. We ask that parents stay with their animals and that the animals are either in a cage, tank or on a lead. The School Council will be giving prizes on the day for a variety of categories. Please let your child’s class teacher know by Tuesday 27 October what pet you will bring. Thank you. Student Council
We welcome Alex Hale (and Kerrie & Paul) and
Paityn Cattermole (and Aimee and Joshua) to our school family.
Alex started school this week in Rm 7.
Paityn joins us in Rm 6.
NBC Senior Athletics Day (Yr 4-8)
On Thursday 29 October from 11am-2.30pm we are holding our Senior Athletics Day at the Rawhiti Athletics Domain.
Could all Yr 4-8 children please bring their school sports uniform and school hats. Please ensure your child has their sunblock and drink bottles clearly named. The children will be competing as per their age at 1 October. We look forward to a fun day of competition!! Candice Baker
Junior School Athletics
On Wednesday 18 November from 9.40am-12.30pm we are holding our Junior Athletics in the Domain. After the event please join us for a picnic lunch.
Please ensure your child has black shorts, a t-shirt in their house colour and a school sunhat.
We look forward to a fun day of sport.Alana Smith
NBC Hangi
Attached is your invitation to the NBC Hangi to be held on Wednesday 25 November.
Your reply telling us whether you and your family can attend or not is needed by tomorrow, Friday 23 October.
Please post in the Office counterslot.
Everyone had a great time at our last hangi, and the children’s performances are always a highlight.
Term Dates 2016
Term 1Monday 1 February – Friday 15 April
Term 2Monday 2 May – Friday 8 July
Term 3Monday 25 July – Friday 23 September
Term 4Monday 10 October – Thursday 15 December
Public and School Holidays
Waitangi Day holidayMonday 8 February
Good FridayFriday 25 March
Easter MondayMonday 28 March
Easter TuesdayTuesday 29 March
Queen’s Birthday Monday 6 June
Labour DayMonday 24 October
Show DayFriday 11 November
(Staff Only DayThursday 10 November)
Books, Books, Books
Thanks to the families who have checked at home for missing books and have returned them. We are still missing quite a few and need your help. Please go searching everywhere at home or even at granny’s house and bring them back to school ASAP. Nicole Buckley
Top Team – Yr 8
The Yr 8s have our zone Top Team competition on Friday30 October1-3pmat South New Brighton School. This will be a fun zone competition focussed on teamwork and problem solving. The Yr 8s will need to bring sunscreen, a named drink bottle and their correct sports uniform. There will be wet activities - so be prepared!
We will require helpers for transporting the children to SNBS. Please see me in Room 2 if you can help.
Thank you.Candice Baker
Reading Eggs
This year Yr 0-2 students have had the opportunity to use Reading Eggs at home and at school to develop and extend their reading, writing and phonic skills. Letters have gone out to all parents throughout the year with your child’s user name and password. Please continue to use this resource at home to extend their skills and work on the fun and educational programme. The programme will expire at the beginning of 2016. Login at
Nicole Buckley
Prayer Buddies and Reading Buddies
First thing Wednesday morning children meet with their prayer buddies in different locations around the school for morning prayers.
First thing Wednesday afternoon children meet with their reading buddies for shared reading.
Ask your child who they meet.
NBC has assisted theLions Club of Amberley District Inc with donations for schools in Samoa. It is wonderful to return the favour as Amberley people have paid it forward with groceries for our community for many years.
Have an enjoyable and relaxing long weekend.
God Bless/Atua Whakapai/Fa’amanuia le Atua
Deb Daines
Going home today: Abacus calendars as ordered.
Abacus Calendars and Greeting Cards
These have arrived and will be coming home to you today.
Where are we at with School Hall Extension?
Shortly we will have drawings up around the school showing the design of the new school hall extension.
We are working hard to get the rest of the funding required. If you know anyone or any businesses willing to give adonation please help us.
SunBlock and Insect Repellent Fundraiser
Please keep up the good work with the SunBlock and Insect Repellent sales. The SunBlock lasts 8 hours and is water resistant.
*Makes for a great Christmas present for all those hard to buy for people.
*Take order form to work to sell to workmates.
*Take to your sports clubs to promote there. One application per day ideal for sports teams.
Prizesfor top salesinclude $50 mall vouchers and $12 TimeZone vouchers for every 10 items sold!!!
Secondhand Uniform Sale
2.30 pmThursday 29 October Rm 8
Not only items for sale, but you can swap your old uniform items. Donated items would be welcomed – please leave at the Office.
Lunch next Thursday, 29 October: Subway $5
Orders and correct money in the blue tin in the Library by 8.45 am Wednesday.
Sunday Mass
St Mary’s 10.30 am Sunday
St James 5.30 pm Saturday or 9 am Sunday
Important Dates
Sun 8 NovFirst Holy CommunionSt Mary’s 10.30 am
Attendance Dues
Term 4’s attendance dues were due for payment in the first week of the term.
Insurance costs for Diocesan schools increased from $134,970 in 2010 to $502,491 in 2014. To help cover this increase, the Bishop of Christchurch has authorised a $23 increase in Attendance Dues for 2016. Fr Bryan Parish 388 9020
On the Library noticeboard
- North Beach Tennis Club Kiwi Tennis Coaching 5-8 year olds
- Gluten Free Food and Allergy Show – 31 October/1 November
- Crafty Cards Sunday 25 October 3.30pm All Saints Church
- Empowering Positive Change 5-Day Programme 3-5 November
- More FM Have a Go at Hot Shots Day – register
New Brighton Catholic School (Mary Immaculate)
15 October 2015
Kia ora NBC Whanau
Coming up in Term 4 the Whanau Group are planning a school hangi. The event will have food, fun and a focus on fellowship. To help us plan for this event we need to have a good idea of numbers attending. You are more than welcome to include grandparents and other extended family members. Please complete the slip below and return to the Office by 23 October.
NBC Hangi
Wednesday 25th November
New Brighton Rugby Club
5pm - Gathering for powhiri
5.30pm - Food served
6pm –Children’s performances
(including kapa haka, Pasifika group and the school choir)
We have a group of people who have pledged their time to prepare the food and venue. If you can help with this process it would be awesome. Please contact me if you are available.
Past community nights have been very successful. They are a chance for our community to come together and reflect on the year and celebrate our diverse cultural make up.
While there is no cost to you, a koha to cover the event would be appreciated. (A koha is a traditional gift of money to offer thanks and is of no specific amount.)
Kind Regards
Nick Gray
Please return this slip to the Office by 23 October.
Name: ______
_____I would like to attend the hangion Wednesday 25 November and expect to have ______adults and ______children (12 and under) coming.
_____I am unable to attend the hangi.