Gene Steiner - Director in Charge

Dave Shinkle - Superintendent

Judging – Thursday, July 20, 2017, 9 AM

(following the Junior Beef Showmanship & the County Bred Feeder Calf and Steer Show)



·  Entries due by Saturday, June 24, 2017 at 3:00 PM

·  Entry fee is $20.00 per head for cattle entered only in open class (includes mulch) and $5.00 per head for cattle entered in the Junior Fair show. No extra stalls may be reserved.

·  The price of a season ticket or membership must accompany your entry.

·  Entries must be completed fully, including registration name, registration number, birth date (month, date and year), sex and breed.


·  Cattle must arrive on the fairgrounds on Sunday, July 16th, by 10:00 AM

·  Health papers are not required to exhibit at the Warren County Fair. However, all cattle will be inspected in their stalls by the fair veterinarian on Sunday, July 16th, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Cattle must be uncovered and tied in their stalls throughout the entire inspection period. The fair veterinarian has the right to remove animals from the fairgrounds due to health/disease issues detected during the inspection.

·  All animals must be uncovered and in their assigned stalls in the barn between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM each day, excluding preparations for the show.

·  Mulch will be provided as a portion of your entry fee. No other bedding is permitted, including straw, shavings, sawdust and peanut hulls. Rubber mats are permitted.

·  The Ohio Department of Agriculture health requirements applying to cattle will be enforced and can be found in the rules and regulations section on our website.

·  Misrepresentation as to breeding of animals and violations or rules in showing will be exposed, any any premium won by such exhibitor or agent will be forfeited. If payment to the exhibitor has been made before evidence is given that such violations have occurred, the exhibitor must refund the premium money to the Warren County Agricultural society or be barred from exhibiting at future Warren County Fairs.

·  No pigmented grooming aids or materials are permitted.

·  All bulls one year of age and older must have a permanent nose ring with a lead attached to the ring.

·  Open Class cattle will be released Saturday, July 22nd, 30 minutes after the conclusion of the Junior Fair Livestock Sale or at the discretion of the Senior Fair Board.


1.  All purebred registered cattle, regardless of age, must be recorded on the records of their respective breed associations and must have a legible tattoo that matches those papers. Animals cannot be re-tattooed and rechecked at the fair. Animals failing to have registration papers, transfer papers and/or the correct tattoo will be shown in the crossbred or all other breeds division. Cattle with pending registration numbers must provide a copy of their registration paperwork with their entry form. The Warren County Agricultural society reserves the right to inspect papers and tattoos at any time during the fair.

2.  Percentages used for determining eligibility for purebred classes will be based upon breed standards (registration papers are required). The following will apply for breed shows at the Warren County Fair.

·  Chianina, Chi-Maine and Chi-Angus will show together in the Chianina division.

·  Mainetainers and Maine-Anjou will show together in the Maine-Anjou division.

·  Simmental and Simm-Angus will show together in the Simmental division.

·  Limousin and Lim-flex will show together in the Limousin division.

·  Shorthorn and Shorthorn Plus will show in the Shorthorn division

3.  Cattle must have at least 3 head entered to be considered a breed show. Breeds failing to enter 3 head will be shown in the crossbred/AOB class. The crossbred and AOB division is comprised of crossbreds, ineligible purebreds (no registration number, no tattoo, etc) and breeds failing to enter 3 head. Heifers assigned to the crossbred/AOB class will be shown as follows:

--Continental breeds (D, E, F and G) will show with the crossbreds.

--British breeds (A, B and C) will show in a separate AOB division, if there are more than three head. If not, then they will show with the crossbreds.

4. Entries may show in only one breed classification. No cross entries are permitted.

5. The WCAS reserves the right to break classes within each age category due to entry numbers.

Beef Breeds (in show order):

·  Section A - Angus

·  Section B – Hereford

·  Section C – Shorthorn and Shorthorn Plus

·  Section D – Chianina, Chi-Maine, and Chi-Angus

·  Section E – Main-Anjou and Maintainer

·  Section F – Simmental and SimAngus

·  Section G – Limousin and Lim-Flex

·  Section H – Crossbred

·  Section I – Other Registered Breed (please list on your entry form)


Premiums for Classes 1-11:

1st - $20.00 2nd - $18.00 3rd - $16.00

Female Class #:

1.  Junior Heifer Calf - calved January 1, 2017 - April 30, 2017

2.  Senior Heifer Calf - calved September 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016

3.  Summer Yearling Heifer - calved May 1, 2016 to August 31, 2016

4.  Junior Yearling Heifer - calved January 1, 2016 to April 30, 2016.

5.  Senior Yearling Heifer - calved September 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.

6.  Cow/Calf Pair

·  Cow can be any age. Cow must show with her natural calf at side.

·  Calf must be registered in the same division as the cow or they must show as a crossbred/AOB

·  Calf must be less than 240 days of age and must still be nursing.

·  Cow/calf pairs are eligible to show for champion and reserve champion female.

Bull Class #:

7. Junior Bull Calf - calved January 1, 2017 to April 30, 2017

8. Senior Bull Calf - calved September 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016

9. Summer Yearling Bull - calved May 1, 2016 to August 31, 2016

10. Junior Yearling Bull - calved January 1, 2016 to April 30, 2016

11. Senior Yearling Bull - calved September 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.



Breed Champions and Reserve Champions will receive rosettes.