The choice of Common Operating Picture (COP) systems for an installation is a difficult process, one that requires careful study and methodical decision making processes to ensure the success of the project. The bullets below outline what it would take for any installation to develop its own COP that meets both the installation’s real need for peacetime and wartime emergency management capabilities to coexist within the same system.

It is our recommendation to develop a COP that leverages Commercial Off The Shelf software suites following a similar template to what PACAF and AFGSC GeoBase programs have established for their systems.

Establish 1 powerful server to host an installation’s COP.

This server will host 1 virtual database server and 2 virtual web server.

The software suites of choice will mirror the present GeoBase program at JBER which include Oracle 10g (database), ArcSDE (dbase spatial data engine), and ArcGIS Server (web mapping engine ).

Deviation will occur with the web mapping engine where we will stop short of deploying the GeoCortex IMF interface.

Initial cost estimate for deployment is as follows:

Description / Estimated Cost
Server NIPR / $50K
ESRI ArcGIS Server Enterprise 4 cores w/ Additional 4 Cores / $66K
VMWarevSphere Software (Included in Server Purchase Dell) / $0K
Organic develop/implement and sustain system. / $30K
Total Initial / $146K
Total Annual sustainment / $30K
Total 5 year sustainment cost / $150K

System development, management, and maintenance is recommended to be organic, using existing unit owned resources. (1x 3E5X1’s & proposed GeoBase GS-11/GS-12 position)

Implementation from word go expected to take 18 months barring unforeseen changes in requirements.

Phase / Activity / Start / End Time
1 / Development of requirements package. This includes discussion of capabilities needed to be fielded to meet installation needs. / Month 0 – Month 1.5
1 / Begin development of certification & accreditation packages / Month 1 – Month 1.5
2 / Develop System Identification Profile to include security and controls package for Implementation Plan / Month 1.5 – Month 4
2 / Submit Form 9’s for servers, software, and contracted support (if required). Request 6 months to award allowing for verification in triplicate as C&A package develops. / Month 1 – Month 1
7.5 Months Elapsed
3 / Purchased equipment arrives / Month 9
3 / DIACAP Implementation Plan Completed / Month 8
3 / iCTO Received…begin installation / Month 10 (at earliest)
4 / Begin DIACAP Validation / Month 11 (at earliest)
4 / Approval to Operate Decision / Month 13 (at earliest)
5 / COP development / Month 13 – Month 18
18 Months Elapsed

Prior to giving approval to begin procurement, a defining of scope should be signed off by leadership to ensure that the capabilities and limitations of the proposed system are understood by all parties.

Should the system proposed above meet the requirements of the installation, it is recommended that we begin as soon as possible to take full advantage of existing man power with significant background in the development of similar capabilities. Should a delay occur, the anticipated timeline could be pushed from 18 months to two years. Additionally, procurement of hardware should not occur prior to near the beginning of FY14 to match as closely as possible the receipt of the interim certificate to operate, the first of 2 major hurdles to meet initial operating capability for the COP.

Additional information can be found within the attached document entitledThe Enduring Common Operating Picture.

Attachment: The Enduring Common Operating Picture.docx