Minutes from NCR-201
Indianapolis, Indiana
April 7, 2003
Administrative Advisors Outgoing Chair NCR IPM Facilitator
and Recorder
Wendy Wintersteen Jon J. Tollefson Susan T. Ratcliffe
Iowa State University Iowa State University University of Illinois
Cooperative Extension Service Department of Entomology Dept. of Crop Sciences
132 Curtiss 17 Insectary 1102 S. Goodwin Ave.
Ames, IA 50011-1050 Ames, IA 50011-3140 Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: 515-294-7801 Phone: 515/294-8044 Phone: 217/333-9656
Fax: 515/294-5334 Fax: 515/294-4565 Fax: 217/333-5245
Email: Email: Email:
Incoming Chair Chair Elect
Charles (Chuck) R. Curtis Jerry DeWitt
The Ohio State University Iowa State University
Department of Plant Pathology Department of Entomology
201 Kottman Hall 109 Insectary Building
2021 Coffey Road Ames, IA 50011-3140
Columbus, OH 43210 Phone: 515/294-1101 and 515/294-1923
Phone: 614/292-1375 Fax: 515/294-8027
Fax: 614/292-4455
Email: Email:
Members in Attendance: Michael E. Gray – University of Illinois, John Obermeyer (Substitute for C. Richard Edwards) – Purdue, Jerry DeWitt and Jon Tollefson – Iowa State University, Sharon Dobesh and Philip Stahlman – Kansas State University, Mike Brewer and Patrick Hart – Michigan State University, Fred Fishel – University of Missouri, John Lindquist and Robert Wright – University of Nebraska, Gary Brewer, Rod Lym and Marcia McMullen – North Dakota State University, Chuck Curtis and Joe Kovach – Ohio State University, Bryan Jensen – University of Wisconsin
Members Absent: Rick Latin – Purdue, No member listed for Minnesota, Reid Smeda – University of Missouri, Sharon Clay and Darrell Deneke – South Dakota State University, and David Hogg – University of Wisconsin
Guests: William Hoffman - USDA/CSREES, Michael Fitzner – USDA/CSREES, Larry Olsen – Michigan State University, and Robert Ziegler – Kansas State University
The second annual meeting of NCR-201 was held at the Westin Hotel, Indianapolis, Indiana on Monday, April 7, 2003. This meeting site and date were selected to facilitate attendance at the 4th National IPM Symposium that was held at the same location on April 8-10, 2003. Dr. Jon Tollefson, chaired the meeting and Dr. Susan Ratcliffe, North Central IPM Facilitator, developed the agenda for the meeting based on input from members of the NCR-201 Committee.
Dr. Tollefson called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m., and each person attending introduced themselves.
The agenda was reviewed.
· Introductions
· Update from USDA-CSREES
· Update from NCR IPM Facilitator
· NC IPM Center RFA: FY03 and Beyond
· Nomination and election of vice-chair (Chair-Elect at conclusion of meeting)
· Update on Regional Diagnostic Networks
· State Updates
· National IPM Roadmap: What does it mean to NC IPM?
· Update on the NCR IPM Grants Program
· Modifications to FY04 RIPM Request for Applications (RFA)
A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda. The motion was approved unanimously.
Introductions were made by NCR-201 committee members and guests who were in attendance.
Dr. Michael Fitzner provided updates from CSREES and Mr. William Hoffman provided an update on the Performance, Planning, and Reporting System for IPM. Dr. Ratcliffe provided an update of her regional facilitator activities during the last year. Drs. Ratcliffe and Larry Olsen provided an update on the proposal submitted by University of Illinois and Michigan State University for the North Central IPM Center.
Members of NCR-201 presented oral reports on IPM programs within their states and indicated areas of emphasis (Appendix A).
Dr. Eldon Ortman provided an update on the National IPM Roadmap and indicated that accountability should be a priority for the North Central IPM programs.
Dr. Michael Gray provided an update on the FY 2003 projects that were recommended for funding through the NCR IPM competitive grants program and solicited input from committee member on the language of the North Central Region IPM Grant Program RFA. Dr. Gray led the discussion on modifications to the existing Request for Application (RFA) for FY 2003. Members of NCR-201 recommended changes to the FY2003 RIPM RFA (Appendix B). Dr. Marcia McMullen initiated a discussion regarding the maximum dollar amount provided for extension only proposals, currently $70,000, and the maximum extension dollar amount in the research/extension proposals, currently $100,000. Following discussion by members in attendance, Dr. Joseph Kovach moved to modify the funding limits for the NC Region IPM Grants Program to allow $85,000 for extension only proposals and $185,000 for research/extension proposals for the FY04 RFA. Dr. Philip Stahlman seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the committee members in attendance.
Dr. Tollefson led a discussion regarding the continued 50% funding of the NC IPM Facilitator position. Dr. John Lindquist moved to continue the 50% support of the facilitator position and Dr. Jerry DeWitt seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by the members of NCR-201 in attendance. The Executive Committee, and Drs. Tollefson, Gray and Olsen will review the job description and refine, as appropriate. The revised job description will be circulated to the entire committee for review.
Dr. Tollefson chaired the meeting and at the end of the meeting Dr. Charles Curtis began his term as Chair of NCR-201 that will continue through 2005 annual meeting. Dr. DeWitt began his two-year term as Chair-Elect at the conclusion of the 2003 NCR-201 meeting.
The business meeting was adjourned.
Susan T. Ratcliffe
NCR-201 Recorder
Wendy Wintersteen
NCR-201 Administrative Advisor
Appendix A
State Reports from NCR-201 Committee
Dr. Michael Gray, University of Illinois, reported on IPM programs in Illinois. He indicated program formula funds are used for non-tenure track salaries. An IPM Weed Extension Specialist and an IPM Entomology Extension Specialist were hired as part of the Illinois IPM program. A mini-grant program to assist with IPM projects was offered to state specialists and Extension educators.
Dr. John Obermeyer, Purdue University, reported for Indiana and indicated program formula funds were used for salaries, publications, in-field training, and applied research.
Dr. C. Richard Edwards will retire in the near future and a Field Crop Entomologist position will be filled following a search. The individual hired to fill this position will serve as the Indiana IPM Coordinator.
Dr. Jerry DeWitt, Iowa State University, reported for Iowa and indicated their IPM program is collaborating with Kansas and Nebraska on an organic agriculture survey and the returned survey response has been over 65%. Iowa State has two entomologist positions and a plant pathologist position that will be filled in the near future. The western bean cutworm is an emerging pest in the northwestern portion of Iowa.
Dr. Sharon Dobesh, Kansas State University, indicated a pesticide/IPM web site is currently under development. She indicated Kansas uses program formula funds for salaries and an IPM mini-grant program. The mini-grant program funded seven applications requesting support ranging from $2,700-6,500 per project.
Dr. Mike Brewer, Michigan State University, indicated Michigan’s IPM program focuses on fruit production and nursery, landscape, and greenhouse issues. Numerous educational materials have been produced by members of the program. Conference calls between campus specialists, IPM content experts and Extension agents facilitate the sharing of pest issues.
Minnesota did not have a representative at the NCR-201 Committee meeting and no state report was provided by Minnesota.
Dr. Fred Fishel, University of Missouri-Columbia, indicated Richard Houseman, Urban IPM, has joined the faculty. The IPM program has developed and/or updated several commodity or issue-based pest management manuals. The new mobile training laboratory will be used to meet educational and diagnostic needs for the Plant Protection Program team members.
Dr. Robert Wright, University of Nebraska, indicated Nebraska uses its IPM funds for partial support of 1 tenure-track faculty member and 2 IPM support staff, and support of extension programs in Field Crops, Urban, and Vertebrate IPM projects. The Vertebrate IPM program has developed a website; http://wildlifedamage.unl.edu that was partially supported by a past NC IPM grant. Although Nebraska does not have legislation mandating a School IPM program, one was begun in 2002 with involvement of IPM specialists at UNL.
Dr. Marcia McMullen, North Dakota State University, provided a report for North Dakota regarding the use of program formula funds. A portion of the funds are used to cover the salary for the IPM coordinator and the remainder of the funds are used for IPM programming that includes a diagnostic lab, two field scout school training sessions, and a pest surveys. She indicated North Dakota IPM Program does not have a mini-grant program.
Dr. Joe Kovach, Ohio State University, indicated Ohio’s IPM program has a mini-grant program that provides each of the teams (Fruit; Agronomic; Nursery, Landscape and Turf; and Vegetable) with $10,000 to support programming efforts. Dr. Kovach distributed the Ohio IPM Program 2003 Biennial Report that highlights the many achievements of the IPM teams.
South Dakota did not have a representative at the NCR-201 Committee meeting and no state report was provided by South Dakota.
Dr. Bryan Jensen, University of Wisconsin, provided a report for Wisconsin regarding projects the IPM program have been involved with during 2002. The Wisconsin program has lost several individuals involved in school IPM, crop diagnostics, and software development. The IPM program is collaborating with NRCS on CCA training. New publications include a scouting manual and bulletins addressing the soybean aphid and the bean leaf beetle.
Gary Brewer North Dakota State University
Mike Brewer Michigan State University
Chuck Curtis Ohio State University
Jerry Dewitt Iowa State University
Sharon Dobesh Kansas State University
Fred Fishel University of Missouri
Mike Fitzner USDA-CSREES
Mike Gray University of Illinois
Patrick Hart Michigan State University
Bill Hoffman USDA-CSREES
Bryan Jensen University of Wisconsin
Joe Kovach Ohio State University
John Lindquist University of Nebraska
Rod Lym North Dakota State University
Marcia McMullen North Dakota State University
John Obermeyer Purdue University
Larry Olsen Michigan State University
Rich Pope Iowa State University
Sue Ratcliffe University of Illinois
Phil Stahlman Kansas State University
John Tollefson Iowa State University
Wendy Wintersteen Iowa State University
Bob Wright University of Nebraska
Bob Zeigler Kansas State University
Appendix B
Recommended Modifications to the FY2003 RIPM RFA
· The RFA will be circulated to the entire NCR-201 Committee for comment before submitting final version to CSREES
· Incorporate language from the National Roadmap for Integrated Pest Management
· Letter of Intent will continue to be required to provide insight into the level and distribution of proposals that will be submitted
· Page 2, Summary, modify funds available and maximum awards for extension only and extension-research proposals
· Page 5, Section B1, incorporate biological and ecological
· Page 6, Section B4, incorporate diagnostics
· Page 6, Section B6, incorporate metrics
· Page 6, Section C, modify funds available and maximum awards for extension only and extension-research proposals
· Page 8, Section H3, clarify multi-organizational and multi-functional
· Page 14, Part II, Section B12a, modify funds available and maximum awards for extension only and extension-research proposals