FFA Poultry Judging Event
These questions consist of 25 multiple choice questions. Please read the questions carefully and place your answer in the blank at the left.
*****Answers are in BOLD and CAPITALIZED******
1. Current layer genetic stocks (a) mature at a younger age (b) lay more eggs (c) have lower body weight than previous birds (D) all of these
2. The current industry raises pullets (a) in cages (b) on wire floors (c) on shavings (D) both a & b
3. Pullets are reared on short days with a day length of (a) 16L:8D (B) 8L:16D (c) 14L:10D (d)10L:14 D
4. The purpose of light restriction is to allow for (A) adequate skeletal development (b) normal skeletal development (c) prevent obesity (d) save electrical cost
5. The targeted amount of feed per pullet during the growing period is (a) 24 pounds (B) 18 pounds (c) 12 pounds (d) 30 pounds
6. In standard 12 X 18 inch or 18 X 12 inch cages normal density is (a) 2-3 birds (b) 5-6 birds (C) 3-4 birds (d) 1-2 birds
7. What is the purpose of sloping the floors in cages (a) saves wire (B) allows eggs to roll to the gathering belt (c) saves having to wash eggs (d) none of these
8. Lighting programs for layers initially increase lighting to (a) 19 hours (B) 14 hours (c) 8 hours (d) 10 hours
9. Light can be gradually increased on layers to (A) 17 hours (b) 14 hours (c) 12 hours (d) 8 hours, per day
10. What is the laying duration of a hen without a molt (rest) (A) 12 months (b) 9 months (c) 18 months (d) 6 weeks
11. What style houses are being built for commercial layers (a) cages with lagoons (B) deep pit with cages (c) cheaper to operate (d) none of these
12. What are the advantages of deep pit houses (A) eliminates need for lagoons (b) cheaper to build (c) cheaper to operate (d) none of these
13. Contracts for caged bird layers pay this amount per dozen eggs gathered (a) 12 cents (b) 30 cents (C) 7 cents (d) 18 cents
14. Why will some consumers pay more for eggs from free cage or free range chickens (a) better taste (B) concerns for hen welfare (c) less expensive (d) a healthier product
15. Eggs that are higher in Omega 3 fatty acids can be produced by changing the diet of a hen to (A) all vegetable (b) all animal diet (c) using different breeds of chickens (d) all of these
16. What is the value of an 18 week old pullet (a) $5 (b) $6 (c) $1 (D) $2.75-$3.00
17. The depreciation on a pullet per dozen eggs is around (a) 6 cents (B) 12 cents (c) 20 cents (d) 4 cents
18. What is the largest cost item to produce a dozen eggs (a) the pullet (b) labor (C) feed (d) utilities
19. What are the current USDA grades for shell egg (a) A,B and C (B) AA,A and B (c) AA and A (d) A,B,C and loss
20. Interior grades of eggs are determined by the condition of the white and yolk and the size of the (a) egg (B) air cell (c) thickness of the cell (d) all of these
- External factors for grading include the shape, soundness, and (a) stained area (B) cleanliness (c) shell color (d) none of these
- USDA weight classes of eggs are based on this assumption that the standard egg weighs (a) 2 pounds (B) 2 ounces (c) 2 grams (d) none of these
- How is the interior of eggs determined (a) handling (B) candling (c) gambling (d) all of these
- Interior quality is determined by yolk shadow and (A) size of air cell (b) shell thickness (c) watery albumin (d) none of these
25. What temperature should eggs be maintained at the farm (a) 30-35 degrees (B) 55-65 degrees (c) 70-75 degrees (d) 42-48 degrees