School of Life
Give an opportunity to a wise man,and he will be yet wiser; teach a just man,and he will increase in learning.(Proverbs 9:9)
The best educated men are those who get their brain development out of their daily work. Quitting work in order to get an education was the idea of a monk who fled from the world because he thought it was bad; a fallacy we have partially outgrown. It takes work to get an education, it takes work to use it, and it takes work to keep it. (Elbert Hubbard)
Approximately 3,500 men were practicing medicine at the time of the American Revolution. Only about 400 had a medical degree. Of the much larger number of women who practiced, even a smaller number had had formal training. (Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts, p. 240)
According to Herodotus, the Babylonians had few doctors because they left illness to the wisdom of the public. A sick individual was placed in the city square, where passersby who had suffered from the same ailment, or had seen it treated, gave him advice on how to be cured. Pedestrians were forbidden to pass such an individual without inquiring about the complaint and “prescribing” for it if they could. (Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts, p. 240)
According to the Nielsen television rating figures, the average American child views 18,000 television murders by the time he is 18 years old--in contrast to spending only 11,000 hours in schools. (Paul Stirling Hagerman, in It's a Weird World, p. 18)
An army chaplain posted the following sign on the door of his quarters: “If you have troubles, come in and tell us about them. If not, come in and tell us how you do it.” (Bits & Pieces)
Wisdom comes more from living than from studying. (Bits & Pieces)
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