MEDITECH MIS Dictionaries
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6.0 Version
MEDITECH Circle, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090
(781) 821-3000
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Admission Source (Administrative)
Use this dictionary to define the different sources of admissions used by your facility. Some examples are, Physician Referral, ER, or Transfer from Long-Term Care.
Your health care organization can design this dictionary in terms of general admission source categories, such as Transfer From Hospital, or the entries can describe very specific admission sources. For example, you can expand the category Transfer From Hospital into several dictionary entries that indicate specific health care organizations. Specific dictionary entries can provide your organization with more detailed information about the sources of its patient population.
Admission Source: Identify the client you want to access.
Mnemonic: Unique identifier of the entry you want to create.
Active: If you want this entry to appear as an eligible response in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter Y. To prevent it from displaying in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter N.
Name: Enter a name descriptive of the entry. This name will appear in the Lookup and on reports to further define this dictionary entry.
Billing Code: Enter the UB92 Billing Code that corresponds to this dictionary entry. These codes are used on the UB92 claim forms that are generated in Billing/Accounts Receivable. The UB92 specs define what the codes mean for each dictionary entry.
Submission Type: Enter a submission type that you want to associate with this dictionary entry.
Submission Code: Enter the submission type code associated with this dictionary entry for the preceding submission type.
Client (Financial)
Use this dictionary to define groups or organizations (such as companies, medical groups, or HMOs) that refer patients to your health care organization, and that are responsible for the payment of these outpatient accounts.
Mnemonic: Unique identifier of the entry you want to create.
Active: If you want this entry to appear as an eligible response in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter Y. To prevent it from displaying in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter N.
Name: Enter a name descriptive of the entry. This name will appear in the Lookup and on reports to further define this dictionary entry.
Facility: Associate the Facilities that the selected entry would be applicable for.
Discharge Disposition (Administrative)
Use this dictionary to define the various terms on which patients leave your organization (such as Admitted as Inpatient or Against Medical Advice).
Discharge Disposition: Identify the discharge disposition you want to access. Depending on your menu/procedure access settings, you can view, list and edit existing dictionary entries, simply add a new one.
Mnemonic: Unique identifier of the entry you want to create.
Active: If you want this entry to appear as an eligible response in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter Y. To prevent it from displaying in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter N.
Name: Enter a name descriptive of the entry. This name will appear in the Lookup and on reports to further define this dictionary entry.
Billing Code: Enter the UB92 Billing Code that corresponds to this dictionary entry. These codes are used on the UB92 claim forms that are generated in Billing/Accounts Receivable. The UB92 specs define what the codes mean for each dictionary entry.
Expired Flag: If this discharge disposition indicates that the patient has died, enter Y. Dispositions such as, Expired in Hospital, Expired at Home and Expired at Place Unknown would have this field set to Y. otherwise, enter N or leave this field blank. If the registration staff assigns a patient to a discharge disposition with the Expired Flag field set to Y, this denotes the patient has died. In Registration, these patients appear in Lookups with an 'x' appended to their status (for example, DIS INx) and these patients are counted in various statistical reports as being expired. Also, the expired flag is taken into consideration in Abstracting, when calculated a DRG.
Grouper Disposition: Each entry in the MIS Discharge Disposition Dictionary must be associated with one of the DRG discharge dispositions established by the U.S. Government. At the Grouper Disposition field, you must select from a Lookup of hard-coded responses. Grouper dispositions are discharge dispositions that are defined by Medicare and are used only by U.S. health care organizations. Each discharge disposition in this dictionary must map to one of the hard-coded Medicare DRG discharge dispositions (or grouper dispositions).
Home Health Agency: If the discharge disposition involves the services of a home health agency, enter the name of the agency. This field is used by health care institutions that have another HCIS set up for Home Health Care. When a patient is discharged from a facility in the acute care HCIS and is transferred to the Home Health HCIS, the system then automatically sets up the patient account in the Home Health HCIS.
Submission Type: Enter a submission type that you want to associate with this dictionary entry.
Submission Code: Enter the submission type code associated with this dictionary entry for the preceding submission type.
Employer (Administrative)
Use this dictionary to define information for the employers commonly identified by your patient population. Having this information on file saves time during registration and assures consistency of employer data.
Contract management allows you to enter and maintain information about insurance contracts. Registration and Billing use this information to assign the correct insurance to patients. Use the Insurances field in this dictionary to associate an employer with one or more insurance contracts. Before you do this, however, you must complete the Insurance and Insurance Contract Dictionaries.
Employer: Identify the employer you want to access. Depending on your menu/procedure access settings, you can view, list, and edit existing dictionary entries, or enter a new one. Some options do not appear if you do not have permission to use them.
Mnemonic: Unique identifier of the entry you want to create.
Active: If you want this entry to appear as an eligible response in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter Y. To prevent it from displaying in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter N.
Name: Enter a name descriptive of the entry. This name will appear in the Lookup and on reports to further define this dictionary entry.
Address: Enter the employer's Address and point of contact information.
Insurance: Enter the names of the health insurance plans offered by this employer to its employees.
Submission Type: Enter a submission type that you want to associate with this dictionary entry.
Submission Code: Enter the submission type code associated with this dictionary entry for the preceding submission type.
Use this screen to store National Provider Identifier numbers for your facilities. For each facility, you can define inpatient and outpatient NPI numbers. You can also define inpatient and outpatient NPI number exceptions for specific services and locations within a facility.
Inpatient National Provider Number: Enter the Inpatient National Provider Identifier number for this facility.
Outpatient National Provider Number: Enter the Outpatient National Provider Identifier number for this facility.
Location Exception(s): Enter the locations in this facility for which the National Provider Identifier numbers entered at the Inpatient NPI Number and Outpatient NPI Number fields do not apply. For each entered location, you can enter an alternate NPI number at the corresponding field to the right.
Service Exception(s): Enter the services in this facility for which the National Provider Identifier numbers entered at the Inpatient NPI Number and Outpatient NPI Number fields do not apply. For each entered service, you can enter an alternate NPI number at the corresponding field to the right.
Insurance (Financial)
Use this dictionary to enter information for the insurance carriers commonly identified by your patient population. Defining insurance carriers allows your organization to save time during admissions, and assure consistency of data for insurance entries.
For example, in Admissions, users must enter insurance information on patient admission questionnaires. Users need only to enter the insurance mnemonic at the appropriate field to enter most of the relevant insurance information.
Insurance: Identify the insurance carrier you want to access.
Mnemonic: Unique identifier of the entry you want to create.
Active: If you want this entry to appear as an eligible response in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter Y. To prevent it from displaying in the Lookup of this dictionary, enter N.
Name: Enter a name descriptive of the entry. This name will appear in the Lookup and on reports to further define this dictionary entry.
Address: Enter the street or mailing address of this location.
Other: To designate this insurance entry as OTHER, enter Y. When users select an insurance that is designated as OTHER while admitting a patient, they must complete or edit the insurance address information. When the user enters this information, the system saves the information in the patient's record, but not saved to this dictionary. Enter N to store the address information in this dictionary.
G/L Comp: Enter the general ledger code component that corresponds to this insurance carrier
Subscriber: To require an insurance subscriber for patients with this insurance, enter Y. Otherwise, enter N.
HPI Number: Enter the Health Practitioners Index (HPI) number associated with this insurance.
Policy Num Format: Enter the format of the policy numbers used by this insurance carrier.
Alt Payer Name: Enter another name for this insurance that you want to appear the UB92 claim forms instead of the regular insurance name. This ability is useful if the insurance wants a different name to appear on claims than what the hospital wants to use for the insurance name.
Insurance Group: Enter the insurance group to which this insurance belongs.
Financial Class: Enter the financial class assigned to a patient when this insurance is entered as their primary insurance.
Claim Group: Enter the claim group associated with this insurance carrier. This claim group corresponds to the appropriate program block on your health care organization's Health Insurance Claim Form (1500 form).
Contact: Enter the insurance contract associated with the insurance, if applicable.
Use this screen to enter additional insurance carrier information.
Ins Assign Info: To display the Insurance Assignment Information Screen when entering this insurance in the Billing or Admissions applications, enter Always. To prevent the Insurance Assignment Information Screen from appearing, enter Never.
Update Demo Recall: Specify whether patients with this insurance automatically receive a Y or an N at the Update Demo Recall field during registration.
Query Screen: Enter the custom-data screen containing the queries that Admitting personnel respond to when admitting a patient with Focus application routines.
NPR Query Screen: Enter the custom-data screen containing the queries that Admitting personnel respond to when admitting a patient with NPR application routines. This screen lets your hospital collect information that is not collected on any standard screen.
DRC Query Screen: Enter the custom-data screen used to collect demo recall information for patients with this insurance. This screen contains the queries that Admitting personnel respond to when collecting demo recall information with Focus application routines.
NPR DRC Query Screen: Enter the custom-data screen used to collect demo recall information for patients with this insurance. This screen contains the queries that Admitting personnel respond to when collecting demo recall information with NPR application routines.
Submission Type: Enter a submission type that you want to associate with this dictionary entry.
Submission Code: Enter the submission type code associated with this dictionary entry for the preceding submission type.
Payer ID: If you want the system to verify the policy numbers of patients associated with this insurance, enter the payer’s mnemonic using. This field applies only to health care organizations using the verification rules for membership eligibility, treatment authorizations, and referral requests.
Default Verify Rule: Enter the verification rule you want the system to follow when checking membership eligibility and treatment authorization, and when performing referral requests.
Part D Drug Plan: Enter Y to indicate which insurances are Medicare Part D Drug Coverage Health Plans. Otherwise, enter N or leave blank.
Use this screen to enter provider-related insurance information. The information on this screen is facility-specific. Select the appropriate facility from the fields at the top of the screen before entering or editing the information.
Facility: Enter the facilities where the selected item or information is available, or select the facility whose information you want to edit.
Active: To activate the item for the selected facility, enter Y at the Active field. To deactivate the information (but keep it on file), enter N. To permanently delete the information for a facility, select it and click the X below these fields.
Restrict Use as Primary: Determine how the system responds when users assign this insurance as a patient's primary insurance.
To Prevent use of this insurance as the primary, enter Reject
To Warn users when they assign this insurance as the primary, enter Warning
To Allow use of this insurance as the primary, leave Blank
Verify Rule: Enter the verification rule you want the system to follow when checking membership eligibility and treatment authorization, and when performing referral requests at the selected facility.
Inpatient Provider Num: Enter the inpatient provider number provided by the insurance company. If your health care organization does not have separate provider numbers for inpatients and outpatients enter the same number in this and the Outpatient Provider Number field.
Service: Enter the patient services associated with this facility that use a provider number different from the one entered at the Inpatient Provider Number field.
Provider Number: Enter the provider number associated with the selected service or location.
Outpatient Provider Num: Enter the outpatient provider number provided by the insurance company. If your health care organization does not have separate provider numbers for inpatients and outpatients enter the same number in this and the Inpatient Provider Number field.
Location: Enter the locations within this facility that use a provider number different from the one entered at the Outpatient Provider Number field.
Provider Number: Enter the provider number associated with the selected service or location.
Receipt Procedure: Enter the receipt procedure used to identify remittances for the selected facility. Health care organizations use receipt procedures to record the receipt of payment from a patient, client, or insurance carrier.
Adjustment Procedure: Enter the adjustment procedure used to identify remittances for the selected facility.
Insurance Code: Enter the insurance code used to identify remittances for the selected facility.
B/AR Data
Use this screen to enter billing information for the insurances used by your organization.
Exception Rpt Days/House: Use this field and the next one to specify a time period (based on an inpatient’s admission date) within which outpatient services must be performed for this insurance. If an outpatient service falls within this time period, the service can be included on the patient’s DRG inpatient claim and bill. To define the allowable time period by days, enter D. To define the time period by hours, enter H.
Exception Rpt Value: Enter the number of days or hours (depending on your response to the Exception Rpt Days/Hours field) within which outpatient service must be performed to be included with inpatient services for purposes of payment.
Billing Contact: Enter the name and phone number of the Billing/Accounts Receivable contact person for this insurance.
Billing Phone: Enter the name and phone number of the Billing/Accounts Receivable contact person for this insurance.
Benefit Plan: Enter the insurance benefits associated with this insurance carrier.
Scanning Form ID: Enter the Medical Record Form that you want the system to use when this Insurance is identified during the Registration process.
Insurance Contract (Financial)
Use this dictionary to define the various insurance contracts used by your organization. An insurance contract specifies how your health care organization charges for patient services. For example, an insurance contract can specify that the insurance company pays 80% of the fees and the patient pays 20%. This dictionary allows you to define these and other terms and conditions for insurance contracts.
Insurance Contract: Identify the insurance contract you want to access.