Sec. 1:The name of the organization shall be the Southern Maine Fire Notification Association (S.M.F.N.A.).
Sec. 1:To notify association members and others of fires and related incidents in the New England area along with providing assistance whenever possible in emergencies.
Sec. 1:Membership in SMFNA shall be open to all applicants and subject to the approval of the Membership Committee. Upon approval by the Membership Committee, new members will serve a six month probation period. During the six month period, a probationary member may be denied full membership with just cause and at the discretion of the Membership Committee.
Sec. 2:Classification of Membership:
a.) Active Members — shall be current members in good standings, active in monitoring and/or responding to fires in the SMFNA areas. These members shall be current dues paying members which will entitle them to full voting privileges and be eligible to hold any office within the organization.
b.) Honorary Members - shall be
individuals who have assisted in furthering the cause of the organization in some way. Honorary Members are not required to pay dues, have “no” voting privileges and are not entitled to hold an office within the organization. To become an Honorary Member requires a 2/3rds vote of the Active Membership during a regular meeting.
Sec. 1:The Officers and Elected Positions of SMFNA shall consist of:
Vice President
Three Executive Board Members
Two Membership Committee Members
Merchandise Sales Person
Web Master
Newsletter Editor
Sec. 1:President — shall preside over all meetings, regular or special, and shall preserve order therein. The President shall appoint all committees and shall be an ex—officio member on all committees. The President shall ensure all By—Laws and Standard Operating Procedures of SMFNA are followed and enforced.
Sec. 2:Vice President — shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. The Vice President shall also be the operations/radio officer and will assist the President with enforcing the By—Laws and Standard Operating Procedures of the organization.
Sec. 3:Secretary — shall keep accurate
records of all meetings and attend to all correspondence of the organization.
Sec. 4:Treasurer — shall keep true and accurate records of all monies received and expended by the organization. He/she shall pay all bills incurred by the organization and give a financial report at each meeting outlining:
a.) Monies received from membership dues b.) Any other monies received
c.) Monies spent including items purchased d.) Total finances of the organization
The Treasurer will be responsible for tracking and collecting membership dues. The overall financial report for the year will be given at the annual meeting in December.
Sec. 5:Executive Board Members — shall be the governing body of the organization. The Executive Board shall convene whenever it becomes necessary to discuss matters pertaining to or effecting the organization. Executive Board meetings will be held at the call of, one of the Board members, the President or the Vice President and a report of the meeting(s) shall be made at the next regularly scheduled membership meeting.
Sec. 6:Membership Committee Members -shall be responsible for reviewing applications of prospective members and reviewing those members which are on a six month probationary period.
Sec. 7:Merchandise Sales Person — shall be responsible for the sales of all S.M.F.N.A. merchandise. A report will be given at each regular meeting on the status of merchandise and if items need to be replenished. All monies collected from the sales of items will be turned over to the Treasurer as soon as possible. (This timeframe will not exceed from one regular meeting to the next regular meeting.)
Sec. 8:Web Master — shall be responsible for the S.M.F.N.A. webb page on the internet ensuring all information posted on the site is true and accurate to the best of his/her ability. The Webb Master will ensure the webbsite reflects the objectives of the association. The webbsite shall not be used for advertising an individuals business for gains or profits. Any questions and/or comments
on the webbsite shall be forwarded to the Webb Master. Sec. 9: Newsletter Editor — shall be
responsible for S.M.F.N.A.’s official newsletter; SOUTHERN MAINE DISPATCH, ensuring all information contained in the newsletter is true and accurate to the best of his/her ability. The Editor will ensure the newsletter reflects the objectives of the association. The newsletter shall not be used for advertising an individuals business for gains or profits. Any questions and/or comments on the newsletter shall be forwarded to the Editor.
Sec. 1:general membership meetings will be conducted quarterly during the months of:
December (annual meeting)
Meetings will be held at 7 pm on the second Monday of the listed months. Location of the meetings will be made known via mailing and/or radio announcements.
Sec. 2:the annual meeting of the organization will be held in December with the nomination and election of Officers and overall financial report for the organization given by the Treasurer.
Sec. 1:an annual financial report will be given by the Treasurer at the annual meeting.
Sec. 2:an Audit Committee, consisting of three(3) members, appointed by the President will verify the financial report and make their findings known to the President, Vice President and Executive Board Members within one month of the annual meeting. No elected Officer may be appointed to be on the Audit Committee.
Sec. 1:No member of this organization is authorized to engage in any type of financial agreement and/or expend any monies of the organization without a vote of the membership.
Sec. 2:Exceptions are as follows:
a.) The Vice President, also known as the operations/radio officer, may expend up to a total of $300.00 between regular meetings on EMERGENCY repairs to radio equipment and/or antennas.
b.) Additional monies may be spent on EMERGENCY repairs to radio equipment and antennas with a majority vote of the President, Vice President and Three Executive Board Members.
c.) Any other EMERGENCY expenditures
will require a majority vote of the President, Vice President and Three Executive Board Members.
Note 1: A bonafide EMERGENCY would
be something detrimental to the organization which cannot wait for a vote of the membership.
Note 2: Any EMERGENCY expenditures
and the reason for the expenditure will be reported at the next regular meeting.
d.) Issuance of the “Southern Maine
Dispatch” newsletter.
e.) The Treasurer may expend up to a
total of $100.00 between regular meetings on items utilized for everyday operation of the organization.
Sec. 1:Nomination and Election of
Officers shall be made at the annual meeting.
a.) Any Active Member, with current
paid dues, in good standings may be nominated or nominate themselves for an Officers position.
b.) An individual maybe nominated
for more than one position but can be elected to only one position.
c.) Nominations will commence with the position of President, then Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Three Executive Board Members and Two Membership Committee Members.
d.) Election of Officers will be conducted via secrete ballot and commence with the position of President and then go to Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc. Writing in an individuals name who wasn’t on the nomination list will not be permitted. If only one individual is nominated for a position, a motion may be made for the Secretary to cast one vote. If the Secretaries position is being voted upon and only one individual is nominated for the position, a motion may be made for the Vice President to cast one vote.
Sec. 2:The newly elected Officers shall take office immediately following the annual election.
Sec. 1:The membership dues schedule is as follows:
1st year $55.00
2nd year $45.00
3rd year $35.00 and each year after
Sec. 2:Billing will be conducted as
a.) Bills will be sent out at the beginning of each month to those individuals who’s membership expires during that month.
b.) Members are to pay their bill by the end of the month or make some type of arrangements with the Treasurer
for payment of their bill.
c.) Members who have NOT payed their bill by the end of the month, or made some type of arrangements with the Treasurer, will receive a second notice, be assessed a $5.00 late fee, and have 14 days to make payment. If payment is NOT received by midnight on the 14th day, the member will automatically be dropped from the rolls of the organization.
Sec. 3:If an individual fails to pay and is automatically dropped from the rolls, that individual my reapply for membership and if accepted, dues would commence at the schedule level of $55.00 for the 1st year; $45.00 for the 2nd year; $35.00 for the 3rd year and each year after.
Sec. 1:Amendments and/or proposed changes to the By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to the President at a scheduled meeting.
Sec. 2:The President will select a panel of three members to review the proposed amendment(s) or change(s) and return to the next meeting with recommendations to accept or reject the proposed amendment(s) or change(s).
Sec. 3:Upon hearing the recommendation of the three member panel, the By-Laws maybe amended by a 2/3rds vote of the membership present at the regular meeting or special meeting providing a minimum of a 30 day notice of such meeting and notification contains a statement of the proposed amendment(s) and/or change(s).
Sec. 1:Roberts Rules of Order revised shall govern all proceedings of the Association in all cases in which they do not conflict with any By-Laws or rules adopted by the Association.