Di= Discernment
Ev= Evangelism
Ex= Exhortation
Fa= Faith
Gi= Giving
Kn= Knowledge
Le= Leadership
Me= Mercy
Pa= Pastor
Pr= Prophecy
Se= Serving
Te= Teaching
Wi= Wisdom
(A1) Club Co-Director: Partners up with another Director of an age specific club and together shepherds leaders and manages administrative duties. (Ad, Le, Pa)
(A2) Large Group Teachers: Teaches children age-appropriate Bible lessons in a large group setting.(Ex, Kn, Te, Wi)
(A3) Game Co-Director: Help plans and leads age-appropriate games during Game Time.(Ad, Ex, Le, Me, Se)
(A4) Leaders: Builds relationships with a small group of children to help them learn and understand handbook sections and Bible lessons.
(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Kn, Le, Me, Pa, Pi, Te, Wi)
(A5) Listener: Supports the leader by listening to kids recite sections during Handbook Time.(Ad, Di, Me, Se)
(A6) Student Leader: Teenager or pre-teen who serves as an Awana leader in a younger club.(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Kn, Le, Me, Pa, Pi, Te, Wi)
(A7) Song Leaders: Leads song time in an age-appropriate way in a large group setting. (Ev, Se)
(A8) Nursery Helpers:These helpers would care for the leaders’ children (who are too young to be in a club) in the nursery during Awana.
(Di, Me, Se, Wi)
(A9) Greeters:People that smile, greet and help anyone that might need directions. (Di, Ex, Gi, Me, Pr, Se)
Faith Kidz
(B1) Large Group Leaders:This position will direct theservice for this classroom, hosting each activity and game (already prepared) during large group time. Think of it as aMaster of Ceremony. This is in the 1st-5th grade classroomfor either the 9am or 11am service.(Ex, Kn, Te, Wi)
(B2) Small Group Leaders:1st-5th graders spend approximately 35 minutes in small groups, and we would love to have you lead one. This is in the 1st-5th grade classroomfor either the 9am or 11am service.(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Kn, Le, Me, Pa, Pi, Te, Wi)
(B3) Small Group Helpers:Sometimes our Small Group Leaders need a helping-hand with the kids. Students (ages 13+) are encouraged to volunteer in this role! This is in the 1st-5th grade classroomfor either the 9am or 11am service.(Ad, Di, Me, Se)
(B4) 4s-Kindergarten Classroom Teachers: Teach and lead lessons that are already prepared for you. There are opportunities in both the 9am or 11am service.(Ex, Kn, Te, Wi)
(B5) 2 & 3’s Classroom Teachers:Teach and lead lessons that are already prepared for you. There is an opening in the 9am service.
(Di, Me, Se, Wi)
(B6) Kidz Worship Leaders:We use DVDs for worship and we'd love someone to help lead this worship time for Faith Kidz. There are opportunities in both the 9am or 11am service.(Ev, Se)
(B7) Supervisors:Help families with check-in and also help when a classroom is in need of something during the service, such as more snacks or water. There are opportunities in both the 9am or 11am service.
(Ad, Le, Pa)
(B8) Nursery Workers:It's not just babysitting, it's pouring into families by allowing them to attend service knowing their baby is in good hands. There are opportunities in both the 9am or 11am service.(Di, Me, Se, Wi)
(B9) Classroom Engineers:We need a few people to adopt a classroom or two and come in once a week, during the week, to help put the classroom back in order, clean the toys, and restock what has run out.
(Ad, Se)
(B10) Curriculum Engineers:Love planning and putting lessons together from a curriculum? This is the perfect role for you then!
(Ad, Di, Kn, Pr, Te, Wi)
One27 Student Ministries
(Meets Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 8:00pm)
(C1) Café Manager:Oversee café bar responsibilities. (Ad, Ev, Gi, Le, Se)
(C2) Game Leader:Craft & lead group games each week.
(Ad, Ex, Le, Me, Se)
(C3) Small Group Leaders:Adopt a small group and pour into them each week during our gatherings.(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Kn, Le, Me, Pa, Pi, Te, Wi)
(C4) Service Project Leader:Create and organize a quarterly service project for students. (Ad, Di, Ev, Fa, Le, Me, Pa, Pr, Se, Wi)
(C5) Event Coordinator:Organize upcoming events. (Ad, Ev, Gi, Le Se)
Worship Team
(D1) Vocalists:Commitment - 1 or 2 times a month.
(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Le, Me, Pa Pr, Se, Wi)
(D2) Electric Guitarist:Commitment - 2 times a month.
(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Le, Me, Pa Pr, Se, Wi)
(D3) Acoustic Guitarist:Commitment -1 or 2 times a month.
(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Le, Me, Pa Pr, Se, Wi)
(D4) Bassist:Commitment -1 or 2 times a month.
(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Le, Me, Pa Pr, Se, Wi)
(D5) Keyboardist:Can play piano and synth. Commitment - 1 or 2 times a month.(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Le, Me, Pa Pr, Se, Wi)
(D6) Drummer:Commitment - once a month.
(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Le, Me, Pa Pr, Se, Wi)
(D7) Media Team Member:Run ProPresenter during Sunday services. Training provided. Serve at Thursdaynight rehearsal andSunday services/once a month. (Ad, Di, Gi, Se)
(D8) Sound Team Member:Run sound duringSundayservices. Training provided. Serve at Thursdaynight rehearsal andSunday services once a month. (Ad, Di, Gi, Se)
(D9) Camera Team Member: Run the camera during Sunday service. Training provided. During Sundayservices once a month.
(Ad, Di, Gi, Se)
Missional Communities
(E1) Missional Community Admin. Support: Time Flexible. (Ad, Se)
(E2) Missional Community Leader-in-Training:Apprenticed under current leaders and Jordan Jones, Spiritual Formation Pastor, to be a Missional Community Leader. Attend once a month trainings & coaching sessions. (Ad, Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Gi, Le, Me, Pa, Pr, Wi)
(E3) Meal Coordinator:Help coordinate monthly meal for your Missional Community. (Ad, Gi, Le, Se, Wi)
(E4) “Life with the Community” Coordinator:Help coordinate monthly service projects for your Missional Community.
(Ad, Gi, Le, Me, Pa, Pr, Se, Wi)
Hospitality Ministry
(F1) Sunday Supervisors:Make coffee, beverages, set tables for food, and assist with kitchen responsibilities. (Once a month)
(Ad, Di, Ex, Gi, Le, Pa, Se, Wi)
(F2) Café Manager:Have you every wanted your own Coffee Shop? Or wanted to help a worthy cause raise money? Well now you can do both! We’re looking for someone to oversee and managethe Café and help turn it into a successful ministry partner. (Ad, Di, Ex, Gi, Le, Se)
(F3) Hospitality Team Member::Sunday Mornings once a month.
(Di, Ex, Gi, Se)
More Opportunites
(G1) Next Steps Booth Team Member:Answer questions for guests and spiritually unresolved individualson Sundaymornings once a month.
(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Kn, Me, Pa, Pr, Wi)
(G2) Prayer Team Member:Come up front during certain services to pray for people with prayer needs (Typically, once every two months)
(Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Kn, Me, Pa, Pr, Wi)
(G3) Next Steps Class Facilitator: Every quarter, we will provide a Next Steps Class for new believers for 4 weeks. We need facilitators to help out with discussion and details. (Seasonal) (Di, Ev, Ex, Fa, Kn, Me, Pa, Tr, Wi)
(G4) Building & Grounds Team: Help maintain and enhance our church grounds for weekly activities. (Gi, Se)
(G5) TuesdayMorning Childcare (Women's Ministry): Provide childcare during the Women'sTuesdaymorning Bible Study. Once/week during the school year on Tuesdays from8:45am-11:30am. (Di, e, Se, Wi)
(G6) Greeting Team:Includes greeters and ushers to make people feel welcomed to our worship services. (di, Ev, Ex, Gi, Me, Pr)