Starter TenancyPolicy
Author: Jane Griffiths/Ann Ryan/Elaine Blackburn
Policy Reference: P/HS/HM/001 Review:
Approved By: Bob StantonDate Approved:15.11.10
- Policy Statement
1.1Bournville Village Trust:
1.1.1Believes that all tenants have the right to live peacefully within their home and community and is committed to tackling all complaints of anti-social behaviour swiftly and sensitively;
1.1.2Is fully aware of the distress that anti-social behaviour can have on individuals and communities;
1.1.3Will take a robust approach to tackle problems of anti-social behaviour caused by tenants, members of their household and their visitors within the neighbourhood.
1.2Our approach to tackling anti-social behaviour:
- Adopt a holistic view;
- Incorporate both preventative and enforcement measures that will involve and galvanise our communities; and
- In doing so, will provide tenant-specific prevention initiatives such as Starter Tenancies to all new tenants.
- Scope
2.1This policy applies to all new tenants across BVT’s housing stock in Birmingham and Shropshire from 1st April 2009.
3.Policy Objectives
3.1The objectives of using starter tenancies are to:
3.1.1Indicate to tenants and others that nuisance and anti-social behaviour are being taken seriously by Bournville Village Trust;
3.1.2Deter tenants from behaving anti-socially or in a criminal manner;
3.1.3Reduce nuisance and anti-social behaviour amongst new tenants;
3.1.4EnableBournvilleVillage Trust to manage its tenancies more effectively in relation to anti-social behaviour and create or contribute to providing greater sustainability within our communities;
3.1.5Encourage community stability and cohesion.
3.2The policy will be operated in conjunction with associated policies and procedures relating to the management of tenancies, such as:
3.2.1Anti-Social Behaviour Policy
3.2.2Anti-Social Behaviour Procedure
3.2.3Racist Incidents and Racial Harassment Procedure
3.2.4Arrears Management Control
4.Starter Tenancies – What is a Starter Tenancy?
4.1A starter tenancy is a weekly periodic assured shorthold tenancy which is initially for a period of twelve months (in certain circumstances the probationary period can be extended). Provided the tenancy is conducted satisfactorily, it will automatically default after the twelve-month period to an assured (non-shorthold) tenancy.
4.2If the tenancy has not been conducted satisfactorily within the twelve-month period owing to anti-social behaviour, two months’ written notice can be given under Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988.
4.3Starter tenants’ rights are very similar to those of an assured (non-shorthold) tenant, with the exception that, for the life of the starter tenancy, they will not have the right to:
4.3.1Take in lodgers or sublet;
4.3.2Carry out alterations to their home;
4.3.3Have the right to exchange; or
4.3.4Have the right for the tenancy to be succeeded.
- Resident Involvement
- This policy has been subject to approval from the Tenant Participation Panel.
- We will ensure any amendments to the policy will be made in consultation with all relevant residents’ groups.
- Equality & Diversity
- We are committed to equal opportunities and all our customers have a right to receive fair and equitable treatment when accessing this policy and its related procedures.
6.2We will ensure the promotion of our equality and diversity principles by publishing information and documentation in different formats/languages as required.
6.3We will make appropriate arrangements for communicating with our customers who have special needs such as people with sight, hearing and learning difficulties.
6.4We will not treat you less favourably than anyone else because of your:
6.4.1sex or marital status: this includes family status, responsibility for dependents, and gender (including gender reassignment, whether proposed, commenced or complete);
6.4.2sexual orientation;
6.4.3colour or race: this includes ethnic or national origin or nationality;
6.4.5religious or philosophical or political beliefs, or trade union affiliation; or
6.4.6other unjustifiable factors, for example language difficulties or age
6.5This policy has been made subject to an Equality Impact Assessment the results of which have been made available on the BVT Intranet and also available on request from the Business Improvement Unit at Bournville Village Trust.
- Legislative & Regulatory Framework
- The main legislation governing this policy:
- Housing Act 1996 amended by the Housing Act 2003
- Related Policies & Procedures
- This policy should be read in conjunction with Bournville Village Trust’s:
- Lettings Policy
- Anti-Social Behaviour Policy
- Data Protection
- BVT is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. Under the terms of our Data Protection Statement we will keep any personal data collected safe and secure, and we will not share it with other organisations without consent, unless we are required by law to do so.
- Value for Money
- We consider value for money to be the balance between efficiency, effectiveness and economy. This means achieving low costs, high productivity and successful outcomes for our customers and we will endeavour to apply this in all activities that relate directly to the Starter Tenancy Policy.
- Monitoring & Review
- Monitoring Arrangements
11.1.1Bournville Village Trust will record information on incidents of anti-social behaviour and nuisance for bothexisting secure, assured (non-shorthold) tenants and starter tenants. In addition, the number of Notices Requiring Possession served on each category of tenants will be recorded for comparison purposes. The following data will also be collated for internal monitoring of the scheme:
Number of tenancies created
Number of Notices Requiring Possession served
Types of breaches of tenancy
Number of appeals heard
Number of appeals upheld
Number of appeals rejected
Number of Court Orders for Possession obtained and refused
Number of eviction warrants obtained and refused
Number of evictions
Number of terminated tenancies following service of Notice Requiring Possession
Levels of turnover and abandonment
- Key Performance Indicators
- Number of Notices Seeking Possession served by breach type (ASB/Arrears/tenancy issues).
12.2Percentage of successful conversions per quarter.
- Targets
- To ensure follow up visits are carried out, and all documentation is completed in a timely manner.
13.2To signpost residents to seek advice in regard to benefit take up/money advice issues, and independent legal advice.
13.3To offer home visits to any resident who may find it difficult to attend office interviews.
13.4To work with Language Line, when required, where a resident’s first language is not English or when requested to do so.
- Customer Satisfaction Surveys
- We will carry out new tenant satisfaction surveys within four weeks of occupation.
- Review
- This policy will be reviewed every two years unless amendment is prompted by a change in legislation, operational requirements or customer feedback.
Issue No.: 1/10;
This copy will not be amended in the event the policy changes. Please ensure you have the latest version.