Applicant Information
Post:GP Cluster Quality Lead(Part Time)
Fixed Termuntil 31 March 2019
Reference Number:MD 0418172
1 Post:
Stenhousemuir & Larbert
Copy of Advertisement / Page 3Introduction / Page 4
The Forth Valley Area / Page 4
NHS Forth Valley Acute Services / Page 6
Job Description / Page 7
General Employment Information / Page 10
Selection Criteria / Page 12
Application Process / Page 13
Part Time:4 hours per week
Salary: £97,310 per annum (pro rata)
We are seeking to appoint a General Practitioner to avacant Cluster Quality Lead post within the Community Services Directorate, to influence future service development and improve patient care.
Following cessation of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) a number of Transitional Quality Arrangements (TQA) have been introduced as part of the 2016-17 GMS contract. The TQA work will be taken forward by a range of GP clusters.
Clusters have been defined as relatively small groups of practices working to improve services helped by evidence and clear measures of success. Cluster working should also promote better ways of working with others in the local health and social care system.
To facilitate cluster working, each practice has been required through the 2016-17 GMS contract to identify a General Practitioner to act as a Practice Quality Lead (PQL). In addition, each cluster will also require to appoint a Cluster Quality Lead (CQL) to support and coordinate the TQA work both within and across clusters. It is anticipated that the Cluster Quality Leads will also be a General Practitioner based within the cluster (but not necessarily an existing PQL).
The Cluster Quality Lead will be essential to supporting the development of an effective clusternetwork in the following cluster:Stenhousemuir and Larbert.
TheCluster Quality Lead will undertake one four hour session each week to take forward this work. As well as working within the cluster, the post offers an opportunity to link with other Clinical Leads and Locality teams across Forth Valley. Posts are available on a fixed term basis and future development will be informed by the 2017 GMS contract for Scotland.
Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Stuart Cumming, Associate Medical Director (Primary Care) on 01360 550339 or 01786434030 or to .
Applicant information, including the job description and application form, is available from the Medical Workforce team, either by telephone on 01324 618331 or by email at
The closing date for completed applications is noon, Monday 14th May 2018.
Please quote reference MD 0418172on all correspondence.
NHS Forth Valley is an equal opportunities employer.
NHS Forth Valley is a single, integrated healthcare system comprising acute care facilities and community based services, which are delivered through Forth Valley Community Services Directorate.
NHS Forth Valley Board aims to improve health and healthcare for the people of Forth Valley. In recent years we celebrated the opening of the new Forth Valley Royal Hospital and we are now embarking on a new and exciting chapter of quality improvement as we continue to design and deliver healthcare services fit for the future, with the launch of our new Healthcare Strategy.
For further information on NHS Forth Valley please visit our website where you will find copies of our Healthcare Strategy and Annual Review.
NHS Forth Valley is the largest employer in the area, with approximately 8000 staff from a wide range of professional and support occupations. Currently, services are provided in one acute hospital, four community hospitals and fifty-six health centres. Acute Services are based in purpose built 860 bedded Forth Valley Royal Hospital, which opened in 2011and provides inpatient and outpatient services for a population of approximately 310,000.
The working environment is excellent, as is the quality of life that ForthValley has to offer them and their families. The area has stunning scenery, such as the Trossachs and Loch Lomond. It is steeped in history with Callander House in Falkirk, StirlingCastle, Bannockburn and the WallaceMonument to name but a few of the sites in the area. It also has many cultural and leisure facilities such as the Falkirk Wheel (the largest canal barge wheel in the world), the MacRobert Arts Centre at Stirling and the NationalSportsAcademy at StirlingUniversity.
ForthValley also lies equidistant between Scotland’s two largest cities; Edinburgh and Glasgow. With their respective airports, both are little over half an hour from most parts of ForthValley, on the Falkirk, Larbert and Stirling area lines.
House hunters in the ForthValley area are spoiled for choice. On offer is a large array of established and new properties in a variety of attractive settings.
Education in the area is first class, with excellent provision of pre-school, primary and secondary education. State schools in the area have strong reputations and there is also easy access to the area’s private schools in Bridge of Allan, Dollar and Crieff.
On the further education front, Stirling boasts an excellent University and access to the University cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh is easy. There are also further education Colleges in Falkirk, Stirling and Alloa.
In addition to its scenery, history, culture and shopping facilities, residents in ForthValley have on their doorsteps a varied range of leisure and sporting facilities. There are marvellous golf courses, hills and mountains and everything from sailing and windsurfing.
Further information on the area can be found on the following websites:
- Falkirk Council - Stirling Council
- Clackmannanshire - Tourism
- NHS Locally - StirlingUniversity
Living & Working in Scotland
Web Sites of Interest for Candidates
Scottish Health on the web:
Scottish Executive:
Services and Facilities
Specialty / Inpatient / Out-Patient / Day PatientEmergency Department / **
Cardiology / † / * / *
Clinical Haematology / † / * / *
Dermatology / * / *
Diabetes & Endocrinology / † / * / *
ENT / * / * / *
Gastroenterology / † / * / *
General Medicine / * / * / *
General Surgery / * / * / *
Genitourinary Medicine / *
Geriatric assessment / * / * / *
Gynaecology / * / * / *
Intensive Care (medical & surgical) / *
Medical Genetics / *
Neonatal Intensive Care / *
Neurology / † / * / *
Obstetrics / * / * / *
Oncology / * / *
Ophthalmology / * / * / *
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery / * / *
Orthodontics / *
Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery / * / * / *
Paediatric Medicine / * / * / *
Paediatric Surgery (limited to over 3 year-old) / * / * / *
Pain Relief / *
Rehabilitation for Younger Physically Disabled People / *
Respiratory Medicine / † / * / *
Rheumatology / * / * / *
Special Care Baby Unit / *
Stroke Medicine / † / *
Sub-fertility / * / *
Urology / * / * / *
Vascular Surgery / † / * / *
† in-patient services are provided within General Medicine and/or General Surgery
* service currently provided
Job title:Cluster Quality Lead (Part Time)
Responsible to:Clinical Lead
Professionally accountable to:Associate Medical Director (Primary Care)
Contracted hours:4 hours (1 session) per week
Contractual tenure:Fixed Term (to 31/03/2019) initially
The key role of the Cluster Quality Lead will focus on working with General Practices and other stakeholders to support the development of an effective cluster and improvement network.
It is envisaged that the Cluster will act as a forum to enable communication, shared learning, collaborative working between practices and improve access to services for the local population.
The Cluster Quality Leads will also require to link with other Primary Care Clinical Leads so that Cluster work informs Health Board and Health and Social Care Partnership priorities.
It is recognised that Cluster Quality Leads may require additional initial support for this role to help for example, planning and chairing meetings, project management, data evaluation, change management, quality improvement methodology
The post holder will work as part of the primary care clinical leadership structure to support the implementation of the GMS contract and the wider development of primary care service across NHS Forth Valley.
This role will contribute to the development of primary and community servicesin Forth Valley.
The Community Services Directorate is one of the four operational delivery units of NHS Forth Valley. It is responsible for the delivery of community health services across Forth Valley and for working closely with primary care and health and social care partnerships to deliver local priorities for service change.
The core duties of the Cluster Quality Lead will be to:
- Provide a leadership role to the cluster to support continuous quality improvement.
- Ensure circulation of materials to Practice Quality Leads for discussion within individual practices.
- Work with other Primary Care Clinical Leads so that Cluster work informs with Health Board and Health and Social Care Partnership priorities.
- Plan and chair cluster meetings and lead on development of the Cluster Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP).
- Link with other CQLs and Clinical Leads through the Forth Valley CQL Network Group
The Cluster Quality Improvement Plan will focus on a range of local and nationally agreed priorities which currently includes disease registers and prevalence data, quality prescribing, improving patient pathways and service interfaces, positive lifestyle advice, anticipatory care planning for patients with complex needs and high health gain individuals, access and business continuity, delivery of national immunisation programmes and health promotion.
Cluster work will be informed and supported through use of national and local datasets and needs to be a sensible balance between national and local priorities
GP Clinical systems (EMIS) and e-mail
The post holder will work autonomously within agreed objectives which are reviewed annually with the Clinical Lead and Associate Medical Director.
The post holder will develop and ensure appropriate liaison, communication, feedback and networking between health and other professionals to achieve improvement in health and service delivery.
Clinical Lead / General ManagerAssociate Medical Director (Primary Care) / Community Services Directorate Management Team
NHS Board and its Officers / Local Medical Committee
Primary Care Locality Co-ordinators / Secondary Care Clinicians
Primary Health Care Teams / Voluntary Sector
Heads of Services / Local Authority
Community Mental Health Teams / Public Partnership Forum
The post holder will require close working relationships with all of the above and will communicate by telephone, email as well as through face to face meetings with individuals or groups. In particular the post-holder will develop good working relations with key individuals within the Community Health Services Directorate, notably the General Manager, Lead Nurse, Clinical Leads and Associate Medical Director (Primary Care).
There is a requirement to travel both within and outwith Forth Valley therefore a driving license is essential.
- Work pattern requires the post holder’s ability to manage time.
- Working to deliver outcomes within short and challenging timescales.
- Need to balance expectations of others and self with achievable outcomes.
- Management of conflict and escalation.
- Inclusive communication and networking.
- Motivation of colleagues who may be resistant to change.
The post holder will:
- Be an accredited General Practitioner working within Forth Valley with an
awareness of the broader perspective of the healthcare system and partner organisations.
- Possess a strong knowledge of main issues, needs and concerns within primary
care as the post holder is required to work with other clinicians to ensure appropriate clinical involvement with the healthcare system.
- Demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to form
good working relationships and networks within primary care, partnership organisations and key individuals within the Community Health Services Directorate.
- Possess the ability to prioritise effectively, work autonomously, within a team and lead multi-
disciplinary and multi agency teams.
- Demonstrate effective leadership, negotiation and influencing skills.
- Possess the ability to delegate effectively and appropriately to individuals with
specific knowledge, skills and expertise.
- Be an innovative and strategic thinker with a clear ability to influence the shaping of future
health services.
- Demonstrate well developed report writing and presentation skills.
- Demonstrate well developed decision making skills.
Equality in Employment
NHSForthValleyfully supports the principle of equality in employment and opposes all forms of unlawful and / or unfair discrimination which cannot be shown to be justified. NHSForthValleyis committed to ensuring equality of treatment for both present and potential employees.
Human Resources Policies and Services
NHSForthValley is the largest employer in ForthValley, and is committed to ensuring its employment and Human Resources policies and procedures reflect best practice. As a progressive employer, NHSForthValley is committed to supporting and developing all employees.
The Medical Workforce Team
In recognising the needs of services, operational requirements and medical staff, the operational Medical Workforce team provides a range of services for all grades of medical and dental staff. For assistance or information, please contact:
Jacqui CrilleyMedical Workforce Manager01324 618334
Laura BayleyMedical Workforce Adviser01324 618332
Lynsey DohertyMedical Workforce Adviser01324 618330
Elspeth GillespieMedical Workforce Adviser01324 618329
Pre-Employment Screening
Criminal Convictions - Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme
The Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme has replaced the previous disclosure arrangements for people who work with vulnerable groups. The duties of this post require the post holder to undertake regulated work with children and young people (individuals aged under 18 years) and / or protected adults (individuals aged 16 or over who is provided with (and thus receives) a type of care, support or welfare service).
The post holder will be required to be a member of the PVG Scheme and to consent to NHS Forth Valley obtaining a Scheme Record or Scheme Record Update, as appropriate. Any failure to disclose convictions could result in the withdrawal of an offer of employment.
Any applicant wishing to discuss any existing criminal convictions and how these may impact upon an application for employment should contact the Medical Workforce Manager in the first instance.
Occupational Health Screening
This post involves the performance of exposure prone procedures and therefore the successful applicant will be required to produce evidence of their Hepatitis B and C Immunity Status prior to appointment and to undergo satisfactory health screening. Any offer of employment will be subject to satisfactory Occupational Health assessment.
During the course of their employment with NHS Forth Valley, employees may have access to information about staff or patients or other aspects of NHS Forth Valley’s activities, about which they have a duty to maintain confidentiality at all times. In common with all other staff, the post holder will have, in addition, a responsibility to ensure that information relating to his or her work and the operation of the Forth Valley Acute Services in general is kept and maintained securely in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (1998), the Board’s policies and good practice. In particular, the disclosure of commercial or other confidential information which may affect the Board’s business interests or endanger the survival of any of its services will be regarded as a fundamental breach of the mutual confidence which must exist between the employer and the employee.
Infection Control and Hand Washing Policy
NHS Forth Valley is committed to providing as clean and safe environment as possible for staff, patients and visitors. The post holder will be required to comply with the Infection Control and Hand Washing Policies.
Health & Safety at Work
All employees have a responsibility for their own health & safety and the health & safety of others who may be affected by what they do. Employees also have a duty to co-operate with their employer by following NHS Forth Valley policies and procedures and safe systems of work; by using equipment safely and by bringing any shortcomings in health and safety arrangements to the attention of their employer. Where something is provided in the interests of health & safety employees must not interfere or misuse it. All employees have a legal responsibility to report any shortcomings in terms of this in their area. Managers and supervisors have a responsibility for monitoring health & safety arrangements and ensuring staff are following policies and procedures and safe systems of work.
Partnership Agreement
NHS Forth Valley is committed to partnership working. All employees are required to contribute to the development of partnership working by:
- supporting NHS Forth Valleyin delivering its goals and objectives;
- supporting continuous improvement in individual performance and the performance of the relevant team / department, directorate and NHS Forth Valley;
- attending training, development and other activities aimed at improving individual skills for the benefit of the organisation and patient care.
Criteria / Essential / DesirableQualification / Education / Certificate of Prescribed Experience from JCPTGP or equivalent, or
CCT in General Practice and inclusion on the General Practice Register / RCGP qualification
Evidence of continued academic and professional development
Knowledge and Skills / Leadership / influencing and facilitation skills
Working with minimal supervision
Facilitative and supportive style
Decision making
Problem solving / Knowledge / understanding of research methodology and service redesign
Knowledge / understanding of the GMS contract and national and local healthcare priorities
Knowledge and understanding of quality improvement methodology
Experience / Self directed
Knowledge of clinical governance and quality standards.
GP within selected Cluster / Understanding of appropriate IT systems and use of comparative data
Previous experience in supporting change and collaborative work
Interpersonal / Excellent communication skills, verbal and written
Ability to work effectively as a member of a diverse multi-disciplinary team / Established professional networks