Instructor:Mrs. WaltersonRoom: 611

Phone #:812-7791(to leave message)E-mail:

School wires:

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Core Biology is a laboratory science designed to provide a comprehensive survey of the life sciences, in a manner in which critical thinking skills are used to study living organisms. Emphasis will be placed on facilitating more student research both in and out of the classroom, and exploring connections that exist between science, technology, and the world around us.


  1. Biological Principles6. Ecosystems
  2. Cell Structure and Function7. Microbiology
  3. Cell Reproduction8. Plants
  4. Fundamentals of Genetics9. Zoology
  5. Theories of Evolution/Classification


  1. Folder with 3 brads (paper- 15 cents at walmart)
  2. loose leaf paper (college ruled preferred)
  3. pencil and/or pen
  4. student planner/calendar
  5. Holt Biology (located in classroom and can be checked out when needed)


90 - 100% = A

80 - 89%=B

70 - 79%=C

60 - 69%=D

Below 60%=No Credit

The term grades will be calculated from the student’s test score, quiz scores, lab reports and homework. The following is a list of how these items are weighted:




Quizzes =20%


Semester grades are calculated as follows:

Each quarter within the semester = 40% x 2Final Exam = 20%

SCHOOLWIRES: Schoolwires is a web based program the school uses as a means of communication to students and parents. I put daily assignments and materials on my site. Please check regularly.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: It is important to be present everyday in class. If you are going to be absent, please have your parents or guardian call the attendance office to excuse you. Your grade will reflect your attendance in this class. If you want to receive an excellent grade, you must be present and on time to learn the required topics. Please see the student planner for the attendance phone number and policy. Remember there is a final exemption policy that is allotted to those who miss no more than 4 absences per semester. These absences do include sweeps.

MAKE-UP POLICY: Students will be given the opportunity to make-up work or complete an alternative assignment due to absences. It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve the assignments by checking the class calendar or school wires website. If the make-up work is not received within the day or number of days as the absence, it will be recorded as a zero.

Test correction will be allowed within the science learning center for partial credit.

TIME EXTENSIONS: If for some reason you can not complete an assignment on the due date, please either call/email or see the instructor for a time extension. You must come into class the next day, to sign the time extension sheet before the extension is valid. By signing this sheet, you will be given a new due date and if the assignment is not turned in on that date, you will receive a zero.

FOLDER/ NOTEBOOK: We will keep our unit assignments/notes in a notebook so the student will have his/her own study guide to review prior to the AIMS exam in April. Periodically, the notebook will be checked for organization and completion.

PASSES: You will not be allowed out of the classroom to visit another teacher, unless it is during conference hour with a valid pass from that teacher and you must sign the conference hour notebook. If you need to use the restroom or get a drink, please sign out on the blue pass and take it with you….. Please be respectful when using the facilities during class time

FOOD/DRINK: There is no food or drink allowed in the classroom EXCEPT for water bottles.

COURSE STATEMENT AGREEMENT: This is a contract stating the student acknowledges that he/she has read the class policies and procedures and agrees with the verbiage listed. This contract will be referred to during disciplinary hearings and parent meetings. PLEASE RETURN THE CONTRACT BY: Friday July 29, 2011

I AM VERY HAPPY THAT YOU ARE ONE OF MY STUDENTS!!!! Please let me know what I can do for you and let’s have a great year!!



*I understand that good attendance is vital to my success and that being on time is a sign of maturity and shows that I value my education and myself.

*I promise to respect school property, the property of classmates and my teacher.

*I promise to behave in class, showing respect for myself by acting in a mature and responsible manner. I understand that my behavior reflects on my family, my community, my culture and myself.

*I promise to work to the best of my ability, always keeping in mind that the skills I learn are life long values.


Student signaturePrint name


*I will set high expectations for my son or daughter.

*I will help my son or daughter live up to the above contract.

*I will work with the teacher and feel free to contact her if I have concerns about my son’s or daughter’s progress. (812-7791)


Parent/Guardian SignaturePrint name


*I promise to be prepared each and every day with a lesson that is geared toward making the student self-sufficient, literate, and prepared for the world of work.

*I promise to respect individual differences among students, yet treat each student equally when it comes to assigning work and giving grades. Not every student will have the same assignments, but all will perform equal work to receive grades.

*I promise to contact parents/guardians at the first sign of difficulty in attendance, work habits or behavior in order to remedy the situation before the students render themselves unable to pass the class.

*I promise not to pass any student who does not deserve to pass the class, realizing that doing so is a disservice to everyone. I will give students time to make up work and be available for help before/after school. I will show the ultimate respect for the students and their parents/guardians.

X______Heather Walterson______

Teacher signaturePrint name